- LISP 教程
- LISP - 首页
- LISP - 概述
- LISP - 环境
- LISP - 程序结构
- LISP - 基本语法
- LISP - 数据类型
- LISP - 宏
- LISP - 变量
- LISP - 常量
- LISP - 运算符
- LISP - 决策
- LISP - 循环
- LISP - 函数
- LISP - 谓词
- LISP - 数字
- LISP - 字符
- LISP - 数组
- LISP - 字符串
- LISP - 序列
- LISP - 列表
- LISP - 符号
- LISP - 向量
- LISP - 集合
- LISP - 树
- LISP - 哈希表
- LISP - 输入与输出
- LISP - 文件 I/O
- LISP - 结构体
- LISP - 包
- LISP - 错误处理
- LISP - 类
- LISP 有用资源
- Lisp - 快速指南
- Lisp - 有用资源
- Lisp - 讨论
Lisp - 类
Common LISP 比面向对象编程的兴起早了二十年左右。但是,面向对象后来被整合到了其中。
defclass 宏允许创建用户自定义类。它将类建立为一种数据类型。它具有以下语法:
(defclass class-name (superclass-name*) (slot-description*) class-option*))
槽描述具有以下形式:(槽名称 槽选项*),其中每个选项都是一个关键字,后跟名称、表达式和其他选项。最常用的槽选项是:
:accessor 函数名称
:initform 表达式
:initarg 符号
例如,让我们定义一个 Box 类,它具有三个槽:length、breadth 和 height。
(defclass Box () (length breadth height) )
您可以在定义类时为每个槽指定访问器。例如,以我们的 Box 类为例:
(defclass Box () ((length :accessor length) (breadth :accessor breadth) (height :accessor height) ) )
(defclass Box () ((length :reader get-length :writer set-length) (breadth :reader get-breadth :writer set-breadth) (height :reader get-height :writer set-height) ) )
(make-instance class {initarg value}*)
让我们创建一个 Box 类,它具有三个槽:length、breadth 和 height。我们将使用三个槽访问器来设置这些字段中的值。
创建一个名为 main.lisp 的新源代码文件,并在其中键入以下代码。
; define a class box with accessor methods for length, breadth and height (defclass box () ((length :accessor box-length) (breadth :accessor box-breadth) (height :accessor box-height) ) ) ; create an instance of class box and assign to an item (setf item (make-instance 'box)) ; set length of an item as 10 (setf (box-length item) 10) ; set breadth of an item as 10 (setf (box-breadth item) 10) ; set height of an item as 5 (setf (box-height item) 5) ; print length of the box (format t "Length of the Box is ~d~%" (box-length item)) ; print breadth of the box (format t "Breadth of the Box is ~d~%" (box-breadth item)) ; print height of the box (format t "Height of the Box is ~d~%" (box-height item))
Length of the Box is 10 Breadth of the Box is 10 Height of the Box is 5
defmethod 宏允许您在类中定义方法。以下示例扩展了我们的 Box 类,以包含名为 volume 的方法。
更新名为 main.lisp 的源代码文件,并在其中键入以下代码。
; define a class box with accessor methods for length, breadth and height ; add a method reader (defclass box () ((length :accessor box-length) (breadth :accessor box-breadth) (height :accessor box-height) (volume :reader volume) ) ) ; method calculating volume (defmethod volume ((object box)) (* (box-length object) (box-breadth object)(box-height object)) ) ;setting the values (setf item (make-instance 'box)) (setf (box-length item) 10) (setf (box-breadth item) 10) (setf (box-height item) 5) ; displaying values (format t "Length of the Box is ~d~%" (box-length item)) (format t "Breadth of the Box is ~d~%" (box-breadth item)) (format t "Height of the Box is ~d~%" (box-height item)) (format t "Volume of the Box is ~d~%" (volume item))
Length of the Box is 10 Breadth of the Box is 10 Height of the Box is 5 Volume of the Box is 500
LISP 允许您根据另一个对象来定义对象。这称为继承。您可以通过添加新功能或不同的功能来创建派生类。派生类继承父类的功能。
更新名为 main.lisp 的源代码文件,并在其中键入以下代码。
; define a class box with accessor methods for length, breadth and height (defclass box () ((length :accessor box-length) (breadth :accessor box-breadth) (height :accessor box-height) (volume :reader volume) ) ) ; method calculating volume (defmethod volume ((object box)) (* (box-length object) (box-breadth object)(box-height object)) ) ;wooden-box class inherits the box class (defclass wooden-box (box) ((price :accessor box-price))) ;setting the values (setf item (make-instance 'wooden-box)) (setf (box-length item) 10) (setf (box-breadth item) 10) (setf (box-height item) 5) (setf (box-price item) 1000) ; displaying values (format t "Length of the Wooden Box is ~d~%" (box-length item)) (format t "Breadth of the Wooden Box is ~d~%" (box-breadth item)) (format t "Height of the Wooden Box is ~d~%" (box-height item)) (format t "Volume of the Wooden Box is ~d~%" (volume item)) (format t "Price of the Wooden Box is ~d~%" (box-price item))
Length of the Wooden Box is 10 Breadth of the Wooden Box is 10 Height of the Wooden Box is 5 Volume of the Wooden Box is 500 Price of the Wooden Box is 1000