Java 中父类和子类具有相同的数据成员
父类可以持有对父对象和子对象的引用。如果父类变量持有子类的引用,并且该值在两个类中都存在,通常,该引用属于父类变量。这是由于 Java 中的运行时多态特性。
class Demo_base { int value = 1000; Demo_base() { System.out.println("This is the base class constructor"); } } class Demo_inherits extends Demo_base { int value = 10; Demo_inherits() { System.out.println("This is the inherited class constructor"); } } public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Demo_inherits my_inherited_obj = new Demo_inherits(); System.out.println("In the main class, inherited class object has been created"); System.out.println("Reference of inherited class type :" + my_inherited_obj.value); Demo_base my_obj = my_inherited_obj; System.out.println("In the main class, parent class object has been created"); System.out.println("Reference of base class type : " + my_obj.value); } }
This is the base class constructor This is the inherited class constructor In the main class, inherited class object has been created Reference of inherited class type :10 In the main class, parent class object has been created Reference of base class type : 1000
在这个类中,为同一个变量定义了另一个值,并且定义了子类的构造函数,其中包含要在屏幕上打印的相关消息。一个名为 Demo 的类包含 main 函数,在该函数中,创建了子类的实例,并在屏幕上打印了其关联的整数值。通过创建实例并访问其关联的值并在屏幕上打印它,对父类也执行了类似的过程。