用 C++ 为所有节点填充中序后继
此问题中,给定一棵树。结构包含指针 next。我们的任务是使用该节点的中序后继填充此指针。
struct node { int value; struct node* left; struct node* right; struct node* next; }
所有 next 指针都设置为 NULL,我们必须将指针设置为此节点的中序后继。
中序遍历 − 以以下形式进行遍历:
Left node -> root Node -> right node.
中序后继 − 中序后继是树的中序遍历中当前节点之后的节点。
中序遍历是 7 8 3 5 9 1
填充每个节点 −
Next of 5 is 9 Next of 8 is 3 Next of 7 is 8 Next of 3 is 5 Next of 9 is 1
为了解决此问题,我们将遍历树,但以相反的顺序形式进行。然后,我们将最后一个访问的元素放置到该数的 next 中。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node *left; node *right; node *next; }; node* insertNode(int data){ node* Node = new node(); Node->data = data; Node->left = NULL; Node->right = NULL; Node->next = NULL; return(Node); } void populateTree(node* pop){ static node *next = NULL; if (pop){ populateTree(pop->right); pop->next = next; next = pop; populateTree(pop->left); } } void printNext(node * root) { node *ptr = root->left->left; while(ptr){ cout<<"Next of "<<ptr->data<<" is "; cout<<(ptr->next? ptr->next->data: -1)<<endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } int main() { node *root = insertNode(15); root->left = insertNode(99); root->right = insertNode(1); root->left->left = insertNode(76); root->left->right = insertNode(31); cout<<"Populating the Tree by adding inorder successor to the next\n"; populateTree(root); printNext(root); return 0; }
通过在 next 中添加中序后继来填充树
Next of 76 is 99 Next of 99 is 31 Next of 31 is 15 Next of 15 is 1 Next of 1 is -1