我们将迭代遍历树,因为约束是不使用递归。为了实现这一点,我们可以使用一个STL map,它将存储根元素,并且每当通过层序遍历识别叶节点时,它将打印从根到叶的路径,因为有一个map指针指向根节点。
10 -> 3 -> 140 10 -> 3 -> 162 10 -> 211 -> 100 10 -> 211 -> 146
START Step 1 -> create a structure of a node as struct Node struct node *left, *right int data End Step 2 -> function to create a node node* newnode(int data) node->data = data node->left = node->right = NULL; return (node) Step 3 -> create function to calculate the path void calculatePath(Node* curr, map<Node*, Node*> first) create STL stack<Node*> stk Loop While (curr) stk.push(curr) curr = first[curr] End Loop While !stk.empty() curr = stk.top() stk.pop() print curr->data End Step 4 -> create function to find the leaf nodes void leaf(Node* root) IF root = NULL Return End Create STL stack<Node*> stc stc.push(root) Create STL map<Node*, Node*> prnt prnt[root] = NULL Loop while !stc.empty() Node* curr = stc.top() stc.pop() IF!(curr->left) && !(curr->right) calculatePath(curr, prnt) End IF curr->right prnt[curr->right] = curr stc.push(curr->right) End IF curr->left prnt[curr->left] = curr stc.push(curr->left) End End STOP
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //structure of a node struct Node{ int data; struct Node *left, *right; }; //function to create a new node Node* newNode(int data){ Node* node = new Node; node->data = data; node->left = node->right = NULL; return node; } //this function will calculate the path void calculatePath(Node* curr, map<Node*, Node*> first){ stack<Node*> stk; while (curr){ stk.push(curr); curr = first[curr]; } while (!stk.empty()){ curr = stk.top(); stk.pop(); cout << curr->data << " "; } cout << endl; } //this function will lead to the leafs void leaf(Node* root){ if (root == NULL) return; stack<Node*> stc; stc.push(root); map<Node*, Node*> prnt; prnt[root] = NULL; while (!stc.empty()){ Node* curr = stc.top(); stc.pop(); if (!(curr->left) && !(curr->right)) calculatePath(curr, prnt); if (curr->right){ prnt[curr->right] = curr; stc.push(curr->right); } if (curr->left){ prnt[curr->left] = curr; stc.push(curr->left); } } } int main(){ Node* root = newNode(67); //it will insert the nodes to create a tree root->left = newNode(34); root->right = newNode(89); root->left->left = newNode(23); root->left->right = newNode(95); root->right->left = newNode(12); leaf(root); //call the function leaf return 0; }
67 34 23 67 34 95 67 89 12