Python - 在 Pandas 中读取文件夹中的所有 CSV 文件?
要读取文件夹中的所有 Excel 文件,请使用 Glob 模块和 read_csv() 方法。假设文件夹中以下为我们的 Excel 文件 -
首先,让我们设置路径并获取 csv 文件。我们的 CSV 文件位于文件夹 MyProject 中 -
path = "C:\Users\amit_\Desktop\MyProject\"
从上述路径读取扩展名为 .csv 的文件 -
filenames = glob.glob(path + "\*.csv")
现在让我们编写一个 for 循环来遍历所有 csv 文件,对其进行读取并打印它们 -
for file in filenames: # reading csv files print("\nReading file = ",file) print(pd.read_csv(file))
以下为完整代码 -
import pandas as pd import glob # getting csv files from the folder MyProject path = "C:\Users\amit_\Desktop\MyProject\" # read all the files with extension .csv filenames = glob.glob(path + "\*.csv") print('File names:', filenames) # for loop to iterate all csv files for file in filenames: # reading csv files print("\nReading file = ",file) print(pd.read_csv(file))
File names:['C:\Users\amit_\Desktop\MyProject\Sales1.xlsx','C:\Users\amit_\Desktop\MyProject\Sales2.xlsx'] Reading file = C:\Users\amit_\Desktop\MyProject\Sales1.xlsx Car Place UnitsSold 0 Audi Bangalore 80 1 Porsche Mumbai 110 2 RollsRoyce Pune 100 Reading file = C:\Users\amit_\Desktop\MyProject\Sales2.xlsx Car Place UnitsSold 0 BMW Delhi 95 1 Mercedes Hyderabad 80 2 Lamborgini Chandigarh 80