PyTorch – 如何计算张量的逐元素逻辑异或?

**torch.logical_xor()** 计算给定的两个输入张量的逐元素逻辑异或。在张量中,值为零的元素被视为 False,非零元素被视为 True。它接受两个张量作为输入参数,并返回计算逻辑异或后的值组成的张量。


torch.logical_xor(tensor1, tensor2)

其中 **tensor1** 和 **tensor2** 是两个输入张量。



  • 导入 **torch** 库。确保你已经安装了它。

  • 创建两个张量,**tensor1** 和 **tensor2**,并打印这些张量。

  • 计算 **torch.logical_xor(tensor1, tensor2)** 并将值赋给一个变量。

  • 执行逐元素逻辑异或运算后,打印最终结果。

示例 1

# import torch library
import torch

# define two Boolean tensors
tensor1 = torch.tensor([True, True, True, False, False])
tensor2 = torch.tensor([True, False, False, True, True])

# display the defined tensors
print("Tensor 1:
", tensor1) print("Tensor 2:
", tensor2) # compute XOR of tensor1 and tensor2 and display tensor_xor = torch.logical_xor(tensor1, tensor2) print("XOR result:
", tensor_xor)


Tensor 1:
 tensor([ True, True, True, False, False])
Tensor 2:
 tensor([ True, False, False, True, True])
XOR result:
 tensor([False, True, True, True, True])

示例 2

# import torch library
import torch

# define two tensors
tensor1 = torch.tensor([True, True, True, False, False])
tensor2 = torch.tensor([1, 0, 123, 23, -12])

# display the defined tensors
print("Tensor 1:
", tensor1) print("Tensor 2:
", tensor2) # compute XOR of tensor1 and tensor2 and display tensor_xor = torch.logical_xor(tensor1, tensor2) print("XOR result:
", tensor_xor)


Tensor 1:
 tensor([ True, True, True, False, False])
Tensor 2:
 tensor([ 1, 0, 123, 23, -12])
XOR result:
 tensor([False, True, False, True, True])

示例 3

# import torch library
import torch

# define two tensors
tensor1 = torch.tensor([12, 3, 11, 21, -12])
tensor2 = torch.tensor([1, 0, 123, 0, -2])

# display the defined tensors
print("Tensor 1:
", tensor1) print("Tensor 2:
", tensor2) # compute XOR of tensor1 and tensor2 and display tensor_xor = torch.logical_xor(tensor1, tensor2) print("XOR result:
", tensor_xor)


Tensor 1:
 tensor([ 12, 3, 11, 21, -12])
Tensor 2:
 tensor([ 1, 0, 123, 0, -2])
XOR result:
 tensor([False, True, False, True, False])


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