客户反馈 − 了解客户对产品或服务的意见对于企业至关重要。当客户的反馈以书面文本的形式提供时,我们可以在Twitter上运行情绪分析,以编程方式找出整体反馈是正面还是负面,并采取纠正措施。
政治活动 − 对于政治对手来说,了解他们发表演讲的对象的反应至关重要。如果可以通过社交媒体等在线平台收集公众的反馈,那么我们可以判断公众对特定演讲的反应。
政府举措 − 当政府不时实施新计划时,他们可以通过了解民意来判断对新计划的反应。公众常常通过Twitter表达他们的赞扬或不满。
import re import tweepy from tweepy import OAuthHandler from textblob import TextBlob class Twitter_User(object): def __init__(self): consumer_key = '1ZG44GWXXXXXXXXXjUIdse' consumer_secret = 'M59RI68XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV0P1L6l7WWetC' access_token = '865439532XXXXXXXXXX9wQbgklJ8LTyo3PhVDtF' access_token_secret = 'hbnBOz5XXXXXXXXXXXXXefIUIMrFVoc' try: self.auth = OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) self.auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth) except: print("Error: Authentication Failed") def pristine_tweet(self, twitter): return ' '.join(re.sub("(@[A-Za-z0-9]+)|([^0-9A-Za-z \t])|(\w+:\/\/\S+)", " ", twitter).split()) def Sentiment_Analysis(self, twitter): audit = TextBlob(self.pristine_tweet(twitter)) # set sentiment if audit.sentiment.polarity > 0: return 'positive' elif audit.sentiment.polarity == 0: return 'negative' def tweet_analysis(self, query, count = 10): twitter_tweets = [] try: get_twitter = self.api.search(q = query, count = count) for tweets in get_twitter: inspect_tweet = {} inspect_tweet['text'] = tweets.text inspect_tweet['sentiment'] = self.Sentiment_Analysis(tweets.text) if tweets.retweet_count > 0: if inspect_tweet not in twitter_tweets: twitter_tweets.append(inspect_tweet) else: twitter_tweets.append(inspect_tweet) return twitter_tweets except tweepy.TweepError as e: print("Error : " + str(e)) def main(): api = Twitter_User() twitter_tweets = api.tweet_analysis(query = 'Ram Nath Kovind', count = 200) Positive_tweets = [tweet for tweet in twitter_tweets if tweet['sentiment'] == 'positive'] print("Positive tweets percentage: {} %".format(100*len(Positive_tweets)/len(twitter_tweets))) Negative_tweets = [tweet for tweet in twitter_tweets if tweet['sentiment'] == 'negative'] print("Negative tweets percentage: {} %".format(100*len(Negative_tweets)/len(twitter_tweets))) print("\n\nPositive_tweets:") for tweet in Positive_tweets[:10]: print(tweet['text']) print("\n\nNegative_tweets:") for tweet in Negative_tweets[:10]: print(tweet['text']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Positive tweets percentage: 48.78048780487805 % Negative tweets percentage: 46.34146341463415 % Positive_tweets: RT @heartful_ness: "@kanhashantivan presents a model of holistic living. My deep & intimate association with this organisation goes back to… RT @heartful_ness: Heartfulness Guide @kamleshdaaji welcomes honorable President of India Ram Nath Kovind @rashtrapatibhvn, honorable first… RT @DrTamilisaiGuv: Very much pleased by the affection shown by our Honourable President Sri Ram Nath Kovind and First Lady madam Savita Ko… RT @BORN4WIN: Who became the first President of India from dalit community? A) K.R. Narayanan B) V. Venkata Giri C) R. Venkataraman D) Ram… Negative_tweets: RT @Keyadas63: What wuld those #empoweredwomen b termed who reach Hon HC at the drop of a hat But Demand #Alimony Maint? @MyNation_net @vaa… RT @heartful_ness: Thousands of @heartful_ness practitioners meditated with Heartfulness Guide @kamleshdaaji at @kanhashantivan & await the… RT @TurkeyinDelhi: Ambassador Sakir Ozkan Torunlar attended the Joint Session of Parliament of #India and listened the address of H.E. Shri…