数据结构中的 B 树删除

接下来,我们将了解如何从 B 树中删除一个节点。假设我们拥有一个类似于以下内容的 B 树 −

B 树示例

删除分为两部分。首先,我们必须找到该元素。此策略类似于查询。现在,对于删除,我们必须注意一些规则。一个节点至少必须有 m/2 个元素。因此,如果我们删除一个元素,而它的剩余元素少于 m-1 个,那么它将自行调整。如果整个节点被删除,那么它的子节点将被合并,如果它们的大小与 m 相同,那么将它们分成两部分,然后中间值将再次上升。

假设我们要删除 46。现在有两个子节点。 [45] 和 [47, 49],那么它们将被合并,结果为 [45, 47, 49],现在 47 出现了。


BTreeDelete(x, key) −

输入 - 树的根,和要删除的键


if x is leaf, then
   delete object with key ‘key’ from x
else if x does not contain the object with key ‘key’, then
   locate the child x->child[i] whose key range is holding ‘key’
   y := x->child[i]
   if y has m/2 elements, then
      If the sibling node z immediate to the left or right of y, has at least one more
      object than m/2, add one more object by moving x->key[i] from x to y, and
      move that last or first object from z to x. If y is non-leaf node, then last or first
      child pointer in z is also moved to y
      any immediate sibling of y has m/2 elements, merge y with immediate sibling
   end if
   BTreeDelete(y, key)
   if y that precedes ‘key’ in x, has at-least m/2 + 1 objects, then
      find predecessor k of ‘key’, in the sub-tree rooted by y. then recursively delete k
      from the sub-tree and replace key with k in x
   else if ys has m/2 elements, then
      check the child z, which is immediately follows ‘key’ in x
      if z has at least m/2+1 elements, then
         find successor k of ‘key’, in the sub-tree rooted by z. recursively delete k
         from sub-tree, and replace key with k in x
      both y and z has m/2 elements, then merge then into one node, and push ‘key’
      down to the new node as well. Recursively delete ‘key’ from this new node
   end if
end if


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