数据结构中的 B+ 树删除
在此,我们将介绍如何从 B+ 树中删除节点。假设我们有一个 B+ 树,如下所示 7minus;
B+ 树示例 −
删除有两个部分。首先,我们必须找到该元素。该策略类似于查询。现在对于删除,我们必须注意一些规则。一个节点必须至少有 m/2 个元素。因此,如果我们删除一个元素,并且剩余元素不足 m-1 个,则它会自行调整。如果整个节点被删除,则其子节点将被合并,如果其大小与 m 相同,则将其分成两部分,并且中值将再次向上移动。
假设我们想要删除 78。现在有两个子节点。[75, 77] 和 [78, 85],然后它将首先从叶节点中删除 78,其次,获取 85,并复制键 85,并将其作为子树的根节点。
BPlusTreeDelete(x, key) −
输入 - 树的根节点,以及要删除的键
We will assume, that the key is present into the list Start from root node, perform exact match for key as ‘key’ till a leaf node. Let the search path be x1, x2, … , xh. The x1 is first node so root, then xh is leaf node. Each node xi is parent of xi+1 delete the object where key is ‘key’ from xh. if h = 1, then return, as there is only one node which is root. i := h while xi underflows, do if immediate sibling node s of xi, has at least m/2 + 1 elements, then redistribute entries evenly between s and xi. corresponding to redistribution, a key k in the parent node xi-1, will be changed. if xi is non-leaf node, then k is dragged down to xi. and a key from s is pushed up to fill the place of k else k is simply replaced by a key in s return else merge xi with the sibling node s. Delete the corresponding child pointer in xi-1. if xi is an internal node, then drag the key in xi-1. which is previously divides xi and s. into the new node xi and s, into the new node xi. else delete that key in xi-1. i := i – 1 end if done