C++ 程序用以执行给定二叉树的非递归中序遍历
如果一个二叉树采用中序遍历,则先访问左子树,然后访问根节点,最后访问右子树。中序遍历输出各个键的升序值。这是用于执行无递归中序树遍历的 C++ 程序。
Begin Declare a structure n. Declare d of the integer datatype. Declare a pointer l against structure n. Declare a pointer r against structure n. Declare a constructor of structure n. Pass an integer variable d to parameter. this->d = d l = r = NULL Declare inOrder(struct n *root) function. Declare a stack s. Declare a pointer current against structure n. Initialize n *current = root. while (current != NULL || s.empty() == false) while (current != NULL) s.push(current) current = current->l current = s.top() s.pop() print current->d. current = current->r. insert values in nodes of tree. Call inOrder(root) function to travern the tree. End.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct n { int d; struct n* l; struct n* r; n (int d) { this->d = d; l = r = NULL; } }; void inOrder(struct n *root) { stack<n *> s; n *current = root; while (current != NULL || s.empty() == false) { while (current != NULL) { s.push(current); current = current->l; } current = s.top(); s.pop(); cout << current->d << " "; current = current->r; } } int main() { struct n* root = new n(6); root->l = new n(4); root->r= new n(7); root->l->l = new n(8); root->l->r= new n(5); root->r->l = new n(9); root->r->r = new n(10); inOrder(root); return 0; }
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