C++ 中的线索二叉树的中序遍历
这里我们将了解线索二叉树数据结构。我们知道二叉树节点最多有两个子节点。但如果它们只有一个子节点或没有子节点,那么在链表表示中,链接部分将保持为 null。使用线索二叉树表示时,我们可以通过创建一些线程来重用这些空链接。
左线程标志 | 左链接 | 数据 | 右链接 | 右线程标志 |
inorder(): Begin temp := root repeat infinitely, do p := temp temp = right of temp if right flag of p is false, then while left flag of temp is not null, do temp := left of temp done end if if temp and root are same, then break end if print key of temp done End
#include <iostream> #define MAX_VALUE 65536 using namespace std; class N { //node declaration public: int k; N *l, *r; bool leftTh, rightTh; }; class ThreadedBinaryTree { private: N *root; public: ThreadedBinaryTree() { //constructor to initialize the variables root= new N(); root->r= root->l= root; root->leftTh = true; root->k = MAX_VALUE; } void insert(int key) { N *p = root; for (;;) { if (p->k< key) { //move to right thread if (p->rightTh) break; p = p->r; } else if (p->k > key) { // move to left thread if (p->leftTh) break; p = p->l; } else { return; } } N *temp = new N(); temp->k = key; temp->rightTh= temp->leftTh= true; if (p->k < key) { temp->r = p->r; temp->l= p; p->r = temp; p->rightTh= false; } else { temp->r = p; temp->l = p->l; p->l = temp; p->leftTh = false; } } void inorder() { //print the tree N *temp = root, *p; for (;;) { p = temp; temp = temp->r; if (!p->rightTh) { while (!temp->leftTh) { temp = temp->l; } } if (temp == root) break; cout<<temp->k<<" "; } cout<<endl; } }; int main() { ThreadedBinaryTree tbt; cout<<"Threaded Binary Tree\n"; tbt.insert(56); tbt.insert(23); tbt.insert(89); tbt.insert(85); tbt.insert(20); tbt.insert(30); tbt.insert(12); tbt.inorder(); cout<<"\n"; }
Threaded Binary Tree 12 20 23 30 56 85 89