用队列 C++ 反转 BST 中的路径
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node { int key; struct node *left, *right; }; struct node* newNode(int item){ struct node* temp = new node; temp->key = item; temp->left = temp->right = NULL; return temp; } void inorder(struct node* root){ if (root != NULL) { inorder(root->left); cout << root->key << " "; inorder(root->right); } } void Reversing(struct node** node, int& key, queue<int>& q1){ /* If the tree is empty then return*/ if (node == NULL) return; if ((*node)->key == key){ // if we find the key q1.push((*node)->key); // we push it into our queue (*node)->key = q1.front(); // we change the first queue element with current q1.pop(); // we pop the first element } else if (key < (*node)->key){ // if key is less than current node's value q1.push((*node)->key); // we push the element in our queue Reversing(&(*node)->left, key, q1); //we go to the left subtree using a recursive call (*node)->key = q1.front(); //we reverse the elements q1.pop(); // we pop the first element } else if (key > (*node)->key){ // if key greater than node key then q1.push((*node)->key);// we push node key into queue Reversing(&(*node)->right, key, q1);// we go to right subtree using a recursive call (*node)->key = q1.front();// replace queue front to node key q1.pop(); // we pop the first element } return; } struct node* insert_node(struct node* node, // function to insert node nodes in our BST int key){ if (node == NULL) return newNode(key); // if tree is empty we return a new node if (key < node->key) // else we push that in our tree node->left = insert_node(node->left, key); else if (key > node->key) node->right = insert_node(node->right, key); return node; // returning the node } int main(){ struct node* root = NULL; queue<int> q1; int k = 80; /****************Creating the BST*************************/ root = insert_node(root, 50); insert_node(root, 30); insert_node(root, 20); insert_node(root, 40); insert_node(root, 70); insert_node(root, 60); insert_node(root, 80); cout << "Before Reversing :" << "\n"; inorder(root); cout << "\n"; Reversing(&root, k, q1); cout << "After Reversing :" << "\n"; // print inorder of reverse path tree inorder(root); return 0; }
Before Reversing : 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 After Reversing : 20 30 40 80 60 70 50
我们通过使用队列和递归解决了如何在二叉搜索树中反转路径的问题。我们还学习了这个 C++ 程序,以及通过它解决问题的完整流程(普通方法)。我们可以用其他语言编写同样的程序,比如 C 语言、Java 语言、Python 语言等。我们希望你喜欢这篇教程。