在C++中,找到d的值以最大化由c[i] = d*a[i] + b[i]创建的数组c[]中零的个数
对于两个给定的包含M个整数的数组,假设存在一个数组C,其中第i个整数将是d*a[i] + b[i],其中d表示任意实数。我们的任务是显示或打印d的值,使得数组C中零的个数最多,并打印零的个数。
a[] = {15, 40, 45} b[] = {4, 5, 6}
Value of d is: -0.133333 The number of zeros in array C is: 1 If we choose d as -0.133333 then we get one zero in the array C which is the maximum possible.
- 我们将方程改写为d = -b[i]/a[i]
- 实现哈希表来计算任何实数出现的最大次数,以获得d的值。
- 现在,我们得出结论,零的个数将是最大计数 + (a[i]和b[i]都为0的数对个数)。
// C++ program to implement the above // approach #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Shows function to find the value of d // and find the number of zeros in the array void findDandZeros1(int a[], int b[], int m){ // Shows hash table unordered_map<long double, int> mpp1; int count1 = 0; // Performs iteration for i-th element for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { // Now if both are not 0 if (b[i] != 0 && a[i] != 0) { long double val1 = (long double)(-1.0 * b[i]) / (long double)(a[i]); mpp1[val1] += 1; } // Now if both are 0 else if (b[i] == 0 && a[i] == 0) count1 += 1; } // Used to find max occurring d int maxi1 = 0; for (auto it : mpp1) { maxi1 = max(it.second, maxi1); } // Used to print the d which occurs max times for (auto it : mpp1) { if (it.second == maxi1) { cout << "Value of d is: " << it.first << endl; break; } } // Used to print the number of zeros cout << "The number of zeros in array C is: " << maxi1 + count1; } // Driver code int main(){ int a[] = { 15, 40, 45 }; int b[] = { 4, 5, 6 }; int m = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]); findDandZeros1(a, b, m); return 0; }
Value of d is: -0.133333 The number of zeros in array C is: 1