在 C++ 中找到二叉树最近的叶节点
此处叶节点为 2、-2 和 6。如果指针指向节点 -5,则与 -5 最近的节点距离为 1。
为了解决这个问题,我们将遍历给定节点根系的子树,并在子树中找到最靠近它的叶子,然后存储距离。现在从根开始遍历树,如果节点 x 存在于左子树中,则在右子树中搜索,反之亦然。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node { public: int data; Node *left, *right; }; Node* getNode(int data) { Node* node = new Node; node->data = data; node->left = node->right = NULL; return node; } void getLeafDownward(Node *root, int level, int *minDist) { if (root == NULL) return ; if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) { if (level < (*minDist)) *minDist = level; return; } getLeafDownward(root->left, level+1, minDist); getLeafDownward(root->right, level+1, minDist); } int getFromParent(Node * root, Node *x, int *minDist) { if (root == NULL) return -1; if (root == x) return 0; int l = getFromParent(root->left, x, minDist); if (l != -1) { getLeafDownward(root->right, l+2, minDist); return l+1; } int r = getFromParent(root->right, x, minDist); if (r != -1) { getLeafDownward(root->left, r+2, minDist); return r+1; } return -1; } int minimumDistance(Node *root, Node *x) { int minDist = INT8_MAX; getLeafDownward(x, 0, &minDist); getFromParent(root, x, &minDist); return minDist; } int main() { Node* root = getNode(4); root->left = getNode(2); root->right = getNode(-5); root->right->left = getNode(-2); root->right->right = getNode(6); Node *x = root->right; cout << "Closest distance of leaf from " << x->data <<" is: " << minimumDistance(root, x); }
Closest distance of leaf from -5 is: 1