以最小成本连接 n 根绳子\n
有 N 根已知长度的绳子。我们需要将它们连接起来。用一根绳子连接另一根绳子的成本是它们的长度之和。我们的目标是以最小成本连接这 N 根绳子。
Input: The lengths of the ropes: {4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 7, 12} Output: Total minimum cost: 103
findMinCost(array, n)
输入 − 绳子长度列表、列表中的条目数。
输出 − 最小切割成本。
Begin minCost := 0 fill priority queue with the array elements, (greater value is higher priority) while queue is not empty, do item1 := get item from queue and delete from queue item2 := get item from queue and delete from queue minCost := minCost + item1 + item2 add (item1 + item2) into the queue done return minCost End
#include<iostream> #include<queue> #include<vector> using namespace std; int findMinimumCost(int arr[], int n) { //priority queue is set as whose value is bigger, have higher priority priority_queue< int, vector<int>, greater<int>>queue(arr, arr+n); int minCost = 0; while (queue.size() > 1) { //when queue has more than one element int item1 = queue.top(); //item1 is the shortest element queue.pop(); int item2 = queue.top(); //item2 is bigger than item1 but shorter then other queue.pop(); minCost += item1 + item2; //connect ropes and add them to the queue queue.push(item1 + item2); } return minCost; } int main() { int ropeLength[] = {4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 7, 12}; int n = 7; cout << "Total minimum cost: " << findMinimumCost(ropeLength, n); }
Total minimum cost: 103