指数搜索也称为倍增搜索或跳跃搜索。这种机制用于查找搜索键可能存在的范围。如果 L 和 U 是列表的上界和下界,则 L 和 U 都是 2 的幂。对于最后一部分,U 是列表的最后一个位置。因此,它被称为指数搜索。
- 时间复杂度:最佳情况下为 O(1)。平均或最坏情况下为 O(log2 i)。其中 i 是搜索键所在的位置。
- 空间复杂度:O(1)
Input: A sorted list of data: 10 13 15 26 28 50 56 88 94 127 159 356 480 567 689 699 780 850 956 995 The search key 780 Output: Item found at location: 16
binarySearch(array, start, end, key)
输出 - 键的位置(如果找到),否则为错误的位置。
Begin if start <= end then mid := start + (end - start) /2 if array[mid] = key then return mid location if array[mid] > key then call binarySearch(array, mid+1, end, key) else when array[mid] < key then call binarySearch(array, start, mid-1, key) else return invalid location End
exponentialSearch(array, start, end, key)
Begin if (end – start) <= 0 then return invalid location i := 1 while i < (end - start) do if array[i] < key then i := i * 2 //increase i as power of 2 else terminate the loop done call binarySearch(array, i/2, i, key) End
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int binarySearch(int array[], int start, int end, int key) { if(start <= end) { int mid = (start + (end - start) /2); //mid location of the list if(array[mid] == key) return mid; if(array[mid] > key) return binarySearch(array, start, mid-1, key); return binarySearch(array, mid+1, end, key); } return -1; } int exponentialSearch(int array[], int start, int end, int key){ if((end - start) <= 0) return -1; int i = 1; // as 2^0 = 1 while(i < (end - start)){ if(array[i] < key) i *= 2; //i will increase as power of 2 else break; //when array[i] corsses the key element } return binarySearch(array, i/2, i, key); //search item in the smaller range } int main() { int n, searchKey, loc; cout << "Enter number of items: "; cin >> n; int arr[n]; //create an array of size n cout << "Enter items: " << endl; for(int i = 0; i< n; i++) { cin >> arr[i]; } cout << "Enter search key to search in the list: "; cin >> searchKey; if((loc = exponentialSearch(arr, 0, n, searchKey)) >= 0) cout << "Item found at location: " << loc << endl; else cout << "Item is not found in the list." << endl; }
Enter number of items: 20 Enter items: 10 13 15 26 28 50 56 88 94 127 159 356 480 567 689 699 780 850 956 995 Enter search key to search in the list: 780 Item found at location: 16