使用 Python 计算矩阵对角线之和
在本文中,我们将学习一个 Python 程序,以有效地计算矩阵对角线的和。
以下是完成此任务的各种方法 -
使用嵌套 For 循环
在矩阵中,我们有两个对角线 -
让我们以一个 3x3 矩阵为例,如下所示 -
A00 A01 A02 A10 A11 A12 A20 A21 A22
主对角线条件 - 行列条件为行 = 列。在 3x3 矩阵中,主对角线由A00、A11 和 A22元素构成。
副对角线条件 - 行列条件为行 = 行数 – 列 -1。在 3x3 矩阵中,主对角线由A02、A11 和 A22元素构成。
方法 1:使用嵌套 For 循环
初始化一个变量为 0,以存储主对角线之和。
初始化另一个变量为 0,以存储副对角线之和。
使用for 循环遍历矩阵的行。
使用另一个嵌套 for 循环,遍历当前行的所有列。
使用if 条件语句检查行号是否等于列号(主对角线条件),如果为真,则将矩阵元素值添加到主对角线之和。
同样地,使用if 条件语句检查行号和列号的和是否等于行数(副对角线条件),如果为真,则将矩阵元素值添加到副对角线之和。
以下程序使用嵌套 for 循环返回输入矩阵的对角线之和 -
# creating a function to print the sum of diagonals # of a matrix by accepting input matrix, rows as arguments def sumOfDiagonals(inputMatrix, rows): # Initializing with 0 to store the principal diagonal sum principal_diag = 0 # Initializing with 0 to store the secondary diagonal sum secondary_diag = 0 # Traversing through the rows of a matrix for p in range(0, rows): # Traversing through the columns of the current row for q in range(0, rows): # Principal diagonal condition if (p == q): principal_diag += inputMatrix[p][q] # Secondary diagonal condition(row -1 because index starts from 0) if ((p + q) == (rows - 1)): secondary_diag += inputMatrix[p][q] # Printing the sum of principal diagonal elements print("Sum of principal diagonal elements:", principal_diag) # Printing the sum of secondary diagonal elements print("Sum of secondary diagonal elements:", secondary_diag) # input matrix(3x3 matrix) inputMatrix = [[5, 1, 3], [9, 6, 8], [4, 2, 7]] rows = 3 print("Given Matrix is:") # traversing through the rows of a matrix for p in range(rows): # Traversing through the columns of a current row for q in range(rows): # printing the corresponding element at the current row and column of the matrix print(inputMatrix[p][q], end=" ") # Printing a new line print() # calling sumOfDiagonals() function by passing input matrix # and no of rows(dimensions) to it sumOfDiagonals(inputMatrix, rows)
执行上述程序后,将生成以下输出 -
Given Matrix is: 5 1 3 9 6 8 4 2 7 Sum of principal diagonal elements: 18 Sum of secondary diagonal elements: 13
时间复杂度 - O(N*N),因为我们使用了嵌套循环遍历 N*N 次。
辅助空间 - O(1)。因为我们没有使用任何额外的空间。
方法 2:仅使用单个循环
以下程序仅使用一个 for 循环(单个循环)返回输入矩阵的对角线之和 -
# Creating a function to print the sum of diagonals # of a matrix by accepting input matrix, rows as arguments def sumOfDiagonals(inputMatrix, rows): # Initializing with 0 to store the principal diagonal sum principal_diag = 0 # Initializing with 0 to store the secondary diagonal sum secondary_diag = 0 # Traversing the rows of a matrix for p in range(0, rows): # Adding the principal Diagonal element of the current row principal_diag += inputMatrix[p][p] # Adding the secondary Diagonal element of the current row secondary_diag += inputMatrix[p][rows - p - 1] # printing the sum of principal diagonal elements print("Sum of principal diagonal elements:", principal_diag) # printing the sum of secondary diagonal elements print("Sum of secondary diagonal elements:", secondary_diag) # input matrix(3x3 matrix) inputMatrix = [[5, 1, 3], [9, 6, 8], [4, 2, 7]] rows = 3 print("The Given Matrix is:") # traversing through the rows of a matrix for p in range(rows): # Traversing through the columns of a current row for q in range(rows): # printing the corresponding element at the current row and column of the matrix print(inputMatrix[p][q], end=" ") # Printing a new line print() # calling sumOfDiagonals() function by passing input matrix # and no of rows(dimensions) to it sumOfDiagonals(inputMatrix, rows)
执行上述程序后,将生成以下输出 -
Given Matrix is: 5 1 3 9 6 8 4 2 7 Sum of principal diagonal elements: 18 Sum of secondary diagonal elements: 13
时间复杂度 - O(N)。因为我们使用了循环遍历 N 次。
辅助空间 - O(1)。因为我们没有使用任何额外的空间。
在本文中,我们学习了矩阵对角线以及计算矩阵对角线(主对角线和副对角线)之和的两种不同方法。我们学习了一种有效的计算方法,该方法只需要遍历一次矩阵(O(N) 时间复杂度)。