用 C++ 检查给定的二叉树是否为二叉查找树
二叉查找树是一种二叉树数据结构,其中具有 3 个特性
Begin function BSTUtill() If node is equals to NULL then Returns 1. If data of node is less than minimum or greater than maximum data then Return 0. Traverse left and right sub-trees recursively. End.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <climits> using namespace std; struct n { int d; n* l; n* r; }; int BSTUtil(n* node, int min, int max); int isBST(n* node) { return(BSTUtil(node, INT_MIN, INT_MAX)); } int BSTUtil(struct n* node, int min, int max) { if (node==NULL) return 1; if (node->d < min || node->d > max) return 0; return BSTUtil(node->l, min, node->d - 1) && BSTUtil(node->r, node->d + 1, max); } n* newN(int d) { n* nod = new n; nod->d = d; nod->l = NULL; nod->r = NULL; return nod; } int main() { n *root = newN(7); root->l = newN(6); root->r = newN(10); root->l->l = newN(2); root->l->r = newN(4); if (isBST(root)) cout<<"The Given Tree is a BST"<<endl; else cout<<"The Given Tree is not a BST"<<endl; n *root1 = newN(10); root1->l = newN(6); root1->r = newN(11); root1->l->l = newN(2); root1->l->r = newN(7); if (isBST(root1)) cout<<"The Given Tree is a BST"<<endl; else cout<<"The Given Tree is not a BST"<<endl; return 0; }
The Given Tree is not a BST The Given Tree is a BST