DocumentDB - 记录排序

Microsoft Azure DocumentDB 语言 SQL 支持对 JSON 文档执行查询。您可使用查询中的 ORDER BY 子句对集合中的文档根据数字和字符串进行排序。该子句可包括可选的 ASC/DESC 参数以指定检索结果的顺序。

我们来看看以下有 JSON 文档的示例。

   "id": "Food Menu",
   "description": "Grapes, red or green (European type, such as Thompson seedless), raw",
   "tags": [
         "name": "grapes"
         "name": "red or green (european type"
         "name": "such as thompson seedless)"
         "name": "raw"
   "foodGroup": "Fruits and Fruit Juices",
   "servings": [
         "amount": 1,
         "description": "cup",
         "weightInGrams": 151
         "amount": 10,
         "description": "grapes",
         "weightInGrams": 49
         "amount": 1,
         "description": "NLEA serving",
         "weightInGrams": 126

以下是按降序对结果进行排序的 SQL 查询。

SELECT f.description, f.foodGroup,  
   f.servings[2].description AS servingDescription,  
   f.servings[2].weightInGrams AS servingWeight  
FROM f  
ORDER BY f.servings[2].weightInGrams DESC 


      "description": "Grapes, red or green (European type, such as Thompson
         seedless), raw",
      "foodGroup": "Fruits and Fruit Juices",
      "servingDescription": "NLEA serving",
      "servingWeight": 126