提示工程 - 基于营销的提示

营销人员可以通过精心设计的提示利用 ChatGPT 的功能来优化营销策略、进行市场调研、生成创意想法并增强客户互动。



消费者调查问卷 - 营销人员可以使用 ChatGPT 生成调查问卷问题,以收集来自客户的宝贵反馈。这些提示可以侧重于产品偏好、品牌认知和客户满意度。

以下是一个示例 -

User: We want to conduct a survey to understand customer preferences. Can you suggest some survey questions?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some survey questions to gather customer preferences:
1. What features do you value the most in our product/service?
2. How likely are you to recommend our brand to others?
3. What improvements would you like to see in our product/service?
4. Which marketing channels do you prefer to receive updates from our brand?

竞争对手分析提示 - ChatGPT 可以帮助制定竞争对手分析的提示。营销人员可以使用这些提示来评估竞争对手的策略、产品供应和市场定位。

以下是一个示例 -

User: We need to analyze our competitors' social media strategies. Can you provide some competitor analysis prompts?
ChatGPT: Here are some prompts for competitor social media analysis:
1. How often do our competitors post on their social media channels?
2. What type of content do they share, and how does it resonate with their audience?
3. How do their social media engagement metrics compare to ours?
4. What unique selling points do they emphasize in their social media messaging?


创意文案撰写提示 - ChatGPT 可以帮助生成营销材料(如广告、社交媒体帖子和电子邮件活动)的创意文案。营销人员可以使用提示来激发有影响力和引人入胜的信息。

以下是一个示例 -

User: We need captivating copy for an upcoming product launch. Can you help us with copywriting prompts?
ChatGPT: Absolutely! Here are some copywriting prompts for your product launch:
1. "Introducing [Product Name]: Your Ultimate Solution for [Customer Pain Point]."
2. "Don't Miss Out! Get [Product Name] Now and Experience [Key Benefit]."
3. "Join the [Product Name] Revolution: Empowering You to [Customer Goal]."
4. "Limited Time Offer: Grab [Product Name] at a Special Launch Price!"

个性化电子邮件活动提示 - ChatGPT 可以帮助创建个性化电子邮件活动提示,以便在个人层面上与客户建立联系。营销人员可以使用提示根据客户偏好和行为创建定制的电子邮件内容。

以下是一个示例 -

User: We want to send personalized emails to our subscribers. Can you provide some prompts for our email campaign?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some prompts for your personalized email campaign:
1. "Hi [Customer Name], We Thought You'd Love This Exclusive Offer!"
2. "A Special Thank You, [Customer Name]: Enjoy [Discount/Offer] Just for You!"
3. "Discover Your Style: [Product Recommendations] Based on Your Interests."
4. "You're Invited! Join Our VIP Event for [Customer Segment] Only."


为了有效地利用基于营销的提示,请考虑以下最佳实践 -

  • 将提示与营销目标保持一致 - 创建与营销目标一致的提示,无论是客户互动、品牌知名度还是潜在客户生成。

  • 测试和迭代 - 尝试不同的提示和信息,以确定最能引起目标受众共鸣的内容。

  • 保持以客户为中心的做法 - 创建专注于解决客户需求和痛点的提示,以建立更牢固的联系。

示例应用 - Python 实现

让我们探索一个使用 Python 脚本与 ChatGPT 交互的指令的实际示例。

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response

user_prompt = "User: We want to conduct a survey to understand customer preferences. Can you suggest some survey questions? \n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "[Marketing Based Prompt]"
response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)


我们从 ChatGPT 收到了以下回复 -

Some survey questions that you can ask to understand customer preferences include: 
1. How often do you purchase products from our company? 
2. How would you rate the quality of our products? 
3. What factors are most important to you when selecting a product from our company? 
4. How likely are you to recommend our products to a friend or family member? 
5. How satisfied are you with our customer service? 
6. What would you like to see improved in our products and services? 
7. What is the primary reason you choose to do business with our company? 
8. What other companies do you purchase products from? 
9. Are there any features that you would like to see added to our products? 
10. What do you think sets our products apart from our competitors?


使用基于营销的提示,营销人员可以创建有影响力的活动,在个人层面上与客户建立联系,并推动业务增长。ChatGPT 可以成为营销人员获得宝贵的市场洞察力和实施数据驱动营销策略的宝贵工具。
