Python Pandas - 从具有特定时间序列频率的 DateTimeIndex 中提取日期的季度

要从具有特定时间序列频率的 DateTimeIndex 中提取日期的季度,请使用 **DateTimeIndex.quarter**。

首先,导入所需的库 -

import pandas as pd

创建一个周期为 6 且频率为 M(即月份)的 DatetimeIndex。时区为澳大利亚/悉尼 -

datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-10-20 02:30:50', periods=6, tz='Australia/Sydney', freq='2M')

显示 DateTimeIndex 频率 -

print("DateTimeIndex frequency...\n", datetimeindex.freq)

获取日期的季度 -

print("\nGet the quarter of the date..\n",datetimeindex.quarter)

结果基于以下年份的季度 -

Quarter 1 = 1st January to 31st March
Quarter 2 = 1st April to 30th June
Quarter 3 = 1st July to 30th September
Quarter 4 = 1st October to 31st December


以下是代码 -

import pandas as pd

# DatetimeIndex with period 6 and frequency as M i.e. Month
# The timezone is Australia/Sydney
datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-10-20 02:30:50', periods=6, tz='Australia/Sydney', freq='2M')

# display DateTimeIndex
print("DateTimeIndex...\n", datetimeindex)

# display DateTimeIndex frequency
print("DateTimeIndex frequency...\n", datetimeindex.freq)

# Get the quarter of the date
# Result is based on the following quarters of an year:
# Quarter 1 = 1st January to 31st March
# Quarter 2 = 1st April to 30th June
# Quarter 3 = 1st July to 30th September
# Quarter 4 = 1st October to 31st December
print("\nGet the quarter of the date..\n",datetimeindex.quarter)


这将生成以下代码 -

DatetimeIndex(['2021-10-31 02:30:50+11:00', '2021-12-31 02:30:50+11:00',
'2022-02-28 02:30:50+11:00', '2022-04-30 02:30:50+10:00',
'2022-06-30 02:30:50+10:00', '2022-08-31 02:30:50+10:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns, Australia/Sydney]', freq='2M')
DateTimeIndex frequency...
<2 * MonthEnds>

Get the quarter of the date..
Int64Index([4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3], dtype='int64')

更新于: 2021年10月18日

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