Python Pandas——如何利用秒频率对 DateTimeIndex 进行舍入
要对 DateTimeIndex 进行秒频率舍入,请使用 DateTimeIndex.round() 方法。对于秒频率,请将 freq 参数值设置为 ‘S’。
首先,导入必需的库 −
import pandas as pd
使用周期为 5 且频率为 s(即秒)创建 DatetimeIndex −
datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-09-29 07:20:32.261811624', periods=5, tz='Australia/Adelaide', freq='28s')
对日期为秒频率的 DateTimeIndex 执行舍入运算。对于秒频率,我们使用了 'S' −
print("\nPerforming round operation with seconds frequency...\n", datetimeindex.round(freq='S'))
以下是代码 −
import pandas as pd # DatetimeIndex with period 5 and frequency as s i.e. seconds # timezone is Australia/Adelaide datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-09-29 07:20:32.261811624', periods=5, tz='Australia/Adelaide', freq='28s') # display DateTimeIndex print("DateTimeIndex...\n", datetimeindex) # display DateTimeIndex frequency print("DateTimeIndex frequency...\n", datetimeindex.freq) # getting the second res = datetimeindex.second # display only the second print("\nThe second from DateTimeIndex...\n", res) # Round operation on DateTimeIndex date with seconds frequency # For seconds frequency, we have used 'S' print("\nPerforming round operation with seconds frequency...\n", datetimeindex.round(freq='S'))
这将生成以下代码 −
DateTimeIndex... DatetimeIndex(['2021-09-29 07:20:32.261811624+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:21:00.261811624+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:21:28.261811624+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:21:56.261811624+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:22:24.261811624+09:30'], dtype='datetime64[ns, Australia/Adelaide]', freq='28S') DateTimeIndex frequency... <28 * Seconds> The second from DateTimeIndex... Int64Index([32, 0, 28, 56, 24], dtype='int64') Performing round operation with seconds frequency... DatetimeIndex(['2021-09-29 07:20:32+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:21:00+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:21:28+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:21:56+09:30', '2021-09-29 07:22:24+09:30'], dtype='datetime64[ns, Australia/Adelaide]', freq=None)