C++ 中的 remainder()
下面我们来看看 C++ 的 remainder() 方法的功能。该 remainder() 函数用于计算 numrator/denominator 的浮点数余数。
所以 remainder(x, y) 如下所示。
remainder(x, y) = x – rquote * y
rquote 是 x/y 的值。它向着最近的整数舍入。此函数获取两个 double、float、long double 类型的参数,并返回与作为参数给出的类型相同的余数。第一个参数是分子,第二个参数是分母。
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; main() { double x = 14.5, y = 4.1; double res = remainder(x, y); cout << "Remainder of " << x << "/" << y << " is: " << res << endl; x = -34.50; y = 4.0; res = remainder(x, y); cout << "Remainder of " << x << "/" << y << " is: " << res << endl; x = 65.23; y = 0; res = remainder(x, y); cout << "Remainder of " << x << "/" << y << " is: " << res << endl; }
Remainder of 14.5/4.1 is: -1.9 Remainder of -34.5/4 is: 1.5 Remainder of 65.23/0 is: nan