ChatGPT – 代码编写

ChatGPT 可以作为多功能助手,帮助开发者完成各种编码任务,例如生成代码片段、修复bug、代码优化、快速原型设计以及代码翻译等。本章将通过使用 OpenAI API 的 Python 实例如您展示 ChatGPT 如何提升您的编码体验。

使用 ChatGPT 自动生成代码

我们可以轻松地使用 ChatGPT 在任何编程语言中创建代码片段。让我们来看一个例子,我们使用 OpenAI API 生成一个 Python 代码片段来检查给定的数字是否为阿姆斯特朗数:


import openai

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'

# Provide a prompt for code generation
prompt = "Generate Python code to check if the number is an Armstrong number or not."

# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code completion
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Extract and print the generated code from the API response
generated_code = response['choices'][0]['text']


上述代码片段将给出以下 Python 代码片段,您可以使用它来检查给定的数字是否为阿姆斯特朗数。

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
sum = 0
temp = num

while temp > 0:
   digit = temp % 10
   sum += digit ** 3
   temp //= 10

if num == sum:
   print(num, "is an Armstrong number")
   print(num, "is not an Armstrong number")

使用 ChatGPT 修复 Bug

ChatGPT 可以帮助我们识别和修复代码中的 bug。它还可以提供改进代码,使其免于错误的见解。为了更清楚地说明,让我们来看下面的例子:

import openai

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'

# Example code with a bug
code_with_bug = "for j in range(5): print(i)"

# Provide a prompt to fix the bug in the code
prompt = f"Fix the bug in the following Python code:\n{code_with_bug}"

# Make a request to the OpenAI API for bug fixing
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Extract and print the fixed code from the API response
fixed_code = response['choices'][0]['text']

运行上述代码片段后,ChatGPT 将提供以下见解:

The bug in the above code is that the variable used in the loop, "j", is not 
being used at all in the loop body. Instead, the variable "i" is being 
printed, which is not declared or initialized anywhere in the code snippet. 

To fix this bug, we can either replace "i" with "j" in the loop body, or 
change the initial variable in the loop definition from "j" to "i" to ensure 
that the correct variable is being used in the loop. 

Corrected code:

for i in range(5):

使用 ChatGPT 进行代码优化

我们已经看到 ChatGPT 可以非常快速地生成代码片段,并且还可以识别和修复代码中的 bug。开发过程的另一个关键部分是代码优化,它可以帮助我们提高任何应用程序的性能和速度。


以下代码展示了 ChatGPT 如何帮助我们优化代码:

import openai

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'

# Example code to optimize
code_to_optimize = "sum_of_squares = sum(i**2 for i in range(1000000))"  

# Provide a prompt to optimize the code
prompt = f"Optimize the following Python code:\n{code_to_optimize}"

# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code optimization
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Extract and print the optimized code from the API response
optimized_code = response['choices'][0]['text']


以下是 ChatGPT 给出的优化上述代码的建议:

One possible way to optimize this code is to use the built-in function "sum" 
with a list comprehension instead of a generator expression. 
This can be done as follows:

sum_of_squares = sum([i**2 for i in range(1000000)])

Using list comprehension instead of a generator expression can reduce the 
time complexity of this code from O(n) to O(1). This is because list 
comprehension creates a list of all the squared values beforehand, 
while generator expressions calculate each squared value individually
when needed. This makes the computation for summing the squared 
values much faster.

Another optimization technique could be to use the built-in function "pow" 
instead of the exponential operator "**". This can be done as follows:

sum_of_squares = sum(pow(i,2) for i in range(1000000))

The "pow" function is optimized for calculating powers and may
improve the performance of the code.

使用 ChatGPT 进行快速原型设计

快速原型设计是开发过程中的另一个关键步骤。它允许开发人员快速测试和迭代想法。ChatGPT 凭借其生成代码片段的能力,已成为快速原型设计的宝贵工具。


在这个例子中,我们将探讨 ChatGPT 如何帮助创建 Python 代码片段,用于从 Web API 获取数据并打印前 3 个结果。

import openai

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'

# Provide a prompt for rapid prototyping
prompt = "Create a Python code snippet to fetch data from a web API and print the first 3 results."

# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code completion
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Extract and print the prototyped code from the API response
prototyped_code = response['choices'][0]['text']


让我们看看 ChatGPT 的响应:

import requests 

# Define the URL of the web API
url = ""

# Send a GET request and store the response 
response = requests.get(url)

# Convert the JSON response to a Python dictionary 
data = response.json()

# Loop through the first 3 items in the response 
for i in range(3):
   # Print the title and description of each item 
   print("Title:", data["results"][i]["title"])
   print("Description:", data["results"][i]["description"])
# Output: 
# Title: Example Title 1
# Description: This is the first example result.
# Title: Example Title 2
# Description: This is the second example result.
# Title: Example Title 3
# Description: This is the third example result.

使用 ChatGPT 进行代码翻译和迁移

在处理各种项目时,代码翻译和迁移是一个常见的挑战。ChatGPT 可以通过生成代码翻译来简化此过程,从而允许开发人员将代码片段适应不同的语言或框架。


在这个例子中,我们将探讨 ChatGPT 如何帮助将 Python 代码片段翻译成 JavaScript。

import openai

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'

# Example Python code for translation
original_code = "print('Hello, World!')"

# Provide a prompt to translate the code to JavaScript
prompt = f"Translate the following Python code to JavaScript:\n{original_code}"

# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code translation
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Extract and print the translated code from the API response
translated_code = response['choices'][0]['text']



console.log('Hello, World!');


本章展示了 ChatGPT 如何帮助您进行编码。我们学习了如何生成代码、修复 bug、优化代码、快速进行代码原型设计,甚至在编程语言之间进行代码翻译。
