在 Python 中获取数组与字母向量的外积
给定两个向量,a = [a0, a1, ..., aM] 和 b = [b0, b1, ..., bN],外积为 -
[[a0*b0 a0*b1 ... a0*bN ] [a1*b0 . [ ... . [aM*b0 aM*bN ]]
要获取数组与字母向量的外积,请在 Python 中使用 numpy.outer() 方法。第一个参数 a 是第一个输入向量。如果输入不是一维的,则将其展平。第二个参数 b 是第二个输入向量。如果输入不是一维的,则将其展平。第三个参数 out 是存储结果的位置。
首先,导入所需的库 -
import numpy as np
使用 array() 方法创建两个 NumPy 一维数组。第一个数组是字母向量。第二个数组是整数数组 -
arr1 = np.array(['p', 'q', 'r', 's'], dtype=object) arr2 = np.array([2, 3, 1, 3])
显示数组 -
print("Array1...\n",arr1) print("\nArray2...\n",arr2)
检查两个数组的维度 -
print("\nDimensions of Array1...\n",arr1.ndim) print("\nDimensions of Array2...\n",arr2.ndim)
检查两个数组的形状 -
print("\nShape of Array1...\n",arr1.shape) print("\nShape of Array2...\n",arr2.shape)
要获取数组与字母向量的外积,请使用 numpy.outer() 方法 -
print("\nResult (Outer Product)...\n",np.outer(arr1, arr2))
import numpy as np # Creating two numpy One-Dimensional arrays using the array() method # The 1st array is a vector of letters # The 2nd array is an integer array arr1 = np.array(['p', 'q', 'r', 's'], dtype=object) arr2 = np.array([2, 3, 1, 3]) # Display the arrays print("Array1...\n",arr1) print("\nArray2...\n",arr2) # Check the Dimensions of both the arrays print("\nDimensions of Array1...\n",arr1.ndim) print("\nDimensions of Array2...\n",arr2.ndim) # Check the Shape of both the arrays print("\nShape of Array1...\n",arr1.shape) print("\nShape of Array2...\n",arr2.shape) # To get the Outer product of an array with vector of letters, use the numpy.outer() method in Python print("\nResult (Outer Product)...\n",np.outer(arr1, arr2))
Array1... ['p' 'q' 'r' 's'] Array2... [2 3 1 3] Dimensions of Array1... 1 Dimensions of Array2... 1 Shape of Array1... (4,) Shape of Array2... (4,) Result (Outer Product)... [['pp' 'ppp' 'p' 'ppp'] ['qq' 'qqq' 'q' 'qqq'] ['rr' 'rrr' 'r' 'rrr'] ['ss' 'sss' 's' 'sss']]