




  • 协变如果ClassB是ClassA的子类,则Collection可以被视为Collection的子类.

  • 逆变 − 如果ClassB是ClassA的子类,则Collection可以被视为Collection的子类.

  • 不变 − Collection和Collection之间没有子类型关系,无论ClassA和ClassB之间是什么关系。




List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<>();
<List<super Cat>cats=animals;



不变是Java中的默认行为,这意味着Collection和Collection之间没有子类型关系,无论ClassA和ClassB之间是什么关系。这看起来可能比较严格,但对于类型安全至关重要。在Java中,List不是List的子类型, even though String is a subtype of Object. This is because Java collections are mutable and allowing such a relationship would lead to runtime type errors.

List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
// Compile error: Incompatible types
List<Object> objects = strings;

In the above example, even though String is a subtype of Object, List is not a subtype of List, hence the compilation error.

This feature might initially appear as a limitation, but it's a vital aspect of Java's type system to ensure that no unsafe operations are performed. If List were a subtype of List, you could add an Object that is not a String into a List, leading to a ClassCastException at runtime.

List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
// If this were allowed...
List<Object> objects = strings;
// ...this would put a non-String into a List<String>
objects.add(new Object());
String str= strings.get(0); // ClassCastException

This example illustrates why it's essential to maintain invariance for type safety.

Bounded Type Parameters and Variance

Covariance and contravariance are most commonly used with bounded type parameters. Bounded type parameters are a way of indicating that a type parameter must be a subtype (extends keyword) or a supertype (super keyword) of a certain type. This allows for flexibility in what types can be passed to a method while still maintaining type safety.

For example, you might have a method that operates on lists of Number and all its subclasses −

public <T extends Number> void processNumbers(List<T> numbers) { /* ... */ }

In this method, T is a bounded type parameter that must be a Number or a subtype of Number. This allows the method to operate on List, List, List, etc., demonstrating covariance


In conclusion, understanding variance in Java is critical for effectively working with generics and collections. It allows for flexible code while ensuring type safety.

Covariance, using the extends keyword, allows a subclass to stand in for a superclass, enabling more generic object handling. Contravariance, on the other hand, permits the superclass to substitute for a subclass, enabling the execution of broader actions on more specific objects.

Invariance preserves type safety by ensuring that collections of different types, even if related by inheritance, maintain their uniqueness and prevent runtime type errors.


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