
复数是由实数构成的。Python 复数可以通过直接赋值语句或使用 complex() 函数创建。

复数主要用于需要使用两个实数的地方。例如,由电压 (V) 和电流 (C) 定义的电路,以及在几何、科学计算和微积分中的应用。


complex([real[, imag]])

在 Python 中创建一个简单的复数

>>> c = 3 +6j
>>> print(type(c))
<class 'complex'>
>>> print(c)
>>> c1 = complex(3,6)
>>> print(type(c1))
<class 'complex'>
>>> print(c1)

从上面的结果可以看出,Python 复数的类型为 complex。每个复数都包含一个实部和一个虚部。

Python 复数 - 属性和函数

>>> #Complex Number:
>>> c = (3 + 6j)
>>> #Real Part of complex number
>>> print('Complex Number: Real Part is = ', c. real)
Complex Number: Real Part is = 3.0
>>> #Imaginary Part of complex number
>>> print('Complex Number: Imaginary Part is = ', c. imag)
Complex Number: Imaginary Part is = 6.0
>>> #Conjugate of complex number
>>> print('Complex Number: conjugate Part = ', c. conjugate())
Complex Number: conjugate Part = (3-6j)



>>> #first complex number
>>> c1 = 3 + 6j
>>> #Second complex number
>>> c2 = 6 + 15j
>>> #Addition
>>> print("Addition of two complex number =", c1 + c2)
Addition of two complex number = (9+21j)
>>> #Subtraction
>>> print("Subtraction of two complex number =", c1 - c2)
Subtraction of two complex number = (-3-9j)
>>> #Multiplication
>>> print("Multiplication of two complex number =", c1 * c2)
Multiplication of two complex number = (-72+81j)
>>> #Division
>>> print("Division of two complex number =", c1 / c2)
Division of two complex number = (0.4137931034482759-0.03448275862068964j)

但是,复数不支持比较运算符,例如 <, >, <=, =>,否则会引发 TypeError 消息。

>>> c2 <= c2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#40>", line 1, in <module>
c2 <= c2
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'complex' and 'complex'

Python cmath 模块

Python cmath 模块提供了对复数数学函数的访问。让我们看看使用 math 模块函数的一些重要的复数特性。



math 和 cmath 模块返回的相位以弧度表示,我们使用 numpy.degrees() 函数将其转换为度数。

import cmath, math, numpy
c = 4+ 4j
# phase
phase = cmath.phase(c)
print('4+ 4j Phase =', phase)
print('Phase in Degrees =', numpy.degrees(phase))
print('-4-4j Phase =', cmath.phase(-4-4j), 'radians. Degrees =', numpy.degrees(cmath.phase(-4-4j)))
# we can get phase using math.atan2() function too
print('Complex number phase using math.atan2() =', math.atan2(2, 1))


4+ 4j Phase = 0.7853981633974483
Phase in Degrees = 45.0
-4-4j Phase = -2.356194490192345 radians. Degrees = -135.0
Complex number phase using math.atan2() = 1.1071487177940904

cmath 模块常量

cmath 模块中有一些常量用于复数计算

import cmath
print('π =', cmath.pi)
print('e =', cmath.e)
print('tau =', cmath.tau)
print('Positive infinity =', cmath.inf)
print('Positive Complex infinity =', cmath.infj)
print('NaN =', cmath.nan)
print('NaN Complex =', cmath.nanj)


π = 3.141592653589793
e = 2.718281828459045
tau = 6.283185307179586
Positive infinity = inf
Positive Complex infinity = infj
NaN = nan
NaN Complex = nanj


cmath() 模块提供了一些有用的函数,用于对数和幂运算

import cmath
c = 1 + 2j
print('e^c =', cmath.exp(c))
print('log2(c) =', cmath.log(c, 2))
print('log10(c) =', cmath.log10(c))
print('sqrt(c) =', cmath.sqrt(c))


e^c = (-1.1312043837568135+2.4717266720048188j)
log2(c) = (1.1609640474436813+1.5972779646881088j)
log10(c) = (0.3494850021680094+0.480828578784234j)
sqrt(c) = (1.272019649514069+0.7861513777574233j)


import cmath
c = 2 + 4j
print('arc sine value:\n ', cmath.asin(c))
print('arc cosine value :\n', cmath.acos(c))
print('arc tangent value of complex number c :\n', cmath.atan(c))
print('sine value:\n', cmath.sin(c))
print('cosine value:\n', cmath.cos(c))
print('tangent value:\n', cmath.tan(c))


arc sine value:
arc cosine value :
arc tangent value of complex number c :
sine value:
cosine value:
tangent value:


import cmath
c = 2 + 4j
print('Inverse hyperbolic sine value: \n', cmath.asinh(c))
print('Inverse hyperbolic cosine value: \n', cmath.acosh(c))
print('Inverse hyperbolic tangent value: \n', cmath.atanh(c))
print('Hyperbolic sine value: \n', cmath.sinh(c))
print('Hyperbolic cosine value: \n', cmath.cosh(c))
print('Hyperbolic tangent value: \n', cmath.tanh(c))


Inverse hyperbolic sine value:
Inverse hyperbolic cosine value:
Inverse hyperbolic tangent value:
Hyperbolic sine value:
Hyperbolic cosine value:
Hyperbolic tangent value:


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