C# 中的复数
要在 C# 中使用和显示复数,你需要检查实部和虚部。
像7+5i 这样的复数由两部分组成:实部 7 和虚部 5。这里,虚部是 i 的倍数。
要显示完整数,请使用 −
public struct Complex
要加两个复数,需要加实部和虚部 −
public static Complex operator +(Complex one, Complex two) { return new Complex(one.real + two.real, one.imaginary + two.imaginary); }
你可以尝试运行以下代码,在 C# 中使用复数。
using System; public struct Complex { public int real; public int imaginary; public Complex(int real, int imaginary) { this.real = real; this.imaginary = imaginary; } public static Complex operator +(Complex one, Complex two) { return new Complex(one.real + two.real, one.imaginary + two.imaginary); } public override string ToString() { return (String.Format("{0} + {1}i", real, imaginary)); } } class Demo { static void Main() { Complex val1 = new Complex(7, 1); Complex val2 = new Complex(2, 6); // Add both of them Complex res = val1 + val2; Console.WriteLine("First: {0}", val1); Console.WriteLine("Second: {0}", val2); // display the result Console.WriteLine("Result (Sum): {0}", res); Console.ReadLine(); } }
First: 7 + 1i Second: 2 + 6i Result (Sum): 9 + 7i