给定字符串 X 在字符串 Y 和 Z 之间的子序列计数
子序列是从另一个字符串中删除一些(可能没有或全部)字符得到的字符串,这些字符可能不是连续的。给定一个字符串,我们必须找到大于等于给定字符串 Y 且小于等于另一个给定字符串 Z 的子序列的数量。我们将使用动态规划来解决这个问题,因为暴力方法将花费指数时间。
暴力方法是找到给定字符串 X 的所有子序列,然后检查它们是否在给定的范围内。如果当前子序列在给定的范围内,那么我们将增加计数。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // global varaibles string x, y, z; int len_x, len_y, len_z; // recursive function int rec(string& cur, int i){ // defining the base cases if(i == len_x){ if(cur <=z && cur >= y){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } int ans = rec(cur, i + 1); cur.push_back(x[i]); ans += rec(cur, i + 1); cur.pop_back(); return ans; } // function to get the number of subsequences less than Z and greater than Y int getCount(string X, string Y, string Z){ string cur = ""; // initializing empty string // getting the length of the given strings len_x = X.size(); len_y = Y.size(); len_z = Z.size(); // calling to the recursive function to get the result return rec(cur, 0); } int main(){ // given strings x = "abc"; y = "a"; z = "bc"; // edge case, if the given string y is greater than z // return zero if(y > z){ cout<<"The number of subsequences of given string X in between strings Y and Z are: "<<0<<endl; } else { // calling the function cout<<"The number of subsequences of given string X in between strings Y and Z are: "<<getCount(x,y,z) <<endl; } return 0; }
The number of subsequences of given string X in between strings Y and Z are: 6
以上代码的时间复杂度为 O((2^N) * N),其中 N 是给定字符串的大小。
以上代码的空间复杂度为 O(N),因为我们使用字符串来存储当前字符串。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // array to store the state results int memo[105][105][2][2]; // global variables string x, y, z; int len_x, len_y, len_z; // recursive function int rec(int i, int j, bool var1, bool var2){ // defining the base cases if(i == len_x){ // if subsequence is empty then return 0 if (j == 0){ return 0; } if(var1 == false || j >= len_y){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } // if the memo array contains this item then return it if(memo[i][j][var1][var2] != -1){ return memo[i][j][var1][var2]; } // skip the current index int res = rec(i + 1, j, var1, var2); // variable to mark the position of current index int canAdded = 0; if(var1 == false) { canAdded = 1; } else if ((j >= len_y) || (x[i] >= y[j])) { canAdded = 1; var1 &= ((j < len_y) && x[i] == y[j]); } if (var2 == false){ canAdded ++; } else if((j < len_z) && x[i] <= z[j]){ canAdded++; var2 &= (x[i] == z[j]); } if (canAdded == 2){ // increase both i and j by 1 res += rec(i + 1, j + 1, var1, var2); } // store the answer in memo array memo[i][j][var1][var2] = res; return res; } // function to get the number of subsequences less than Z and greater than Y int getCount(string X, string Y, string Z){ // initialize the memo function memset(memo, -1, sizeof(memo)); // getting the lenght of the given strings len_x = X.size(); len_y = Y.size(); len_z = Z.size(); // calling to the recursive function to get the result return rec(0, 0, 1, 1); } int main(){ // given strings x = "abc"; y = "a"; z = "bc"; // edge case, if the given string y is greater than z // return zero if(y > z){ cout<<"The number of subsequences of given string X in between strings Y and Z are: "<<0<<endl; } else { // calling the function cout<<"The number of subsequences of given string X in between strings Y and Z are: "<<getCount(x,y,z) <<endl; } return 0; }
The number of subsequences of given string X in between strings Y and Z are: 6
以上代码的时间复杂度为 O(N*N),其中 N 是给定字符串的大小。
以上代码的空间复杂度为 O(N*N),因为我们使用数组来存储结果或状态。
在本教程中,我们实现了一个程序来查找位于给定字符串 Y 和 Z 之间的字符串 X 的子序列的数量。我们已经看到了效率低下的简单暴力方法,然后我们实现了高效的动态规划代码,其时间复杂度为 O(N*N),空间复杂度相同。