C# - 嵌套 if 语句

在 C# 中,嵌套 if-else 语句始终是合法的,这意味着您可以将一个 if 或 else if 语句放在另一个 if 或 else if 语句内。


嵌套 if 语句的语法如下所示:

if( boolean_expression 1) {
   /* Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true */
   if(boolean_expression 2) {
      /* Executes when the boolean expression 2 is true */

您可以像嵌套 if 语句一样嵌套else if...else


using System;

namespace DecisionMaking {
   class Program {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         //* local variable definition */
         int a = 100;
         int b = 200;
         /* check the boolean condition */
         if (a == 100) {
            /* if condition is true then check the following */
            if (b == 200) {
               /* if condition is true then print the following */
               Console.WriteLine("Value of a is 100 and b is 200");
         Console.WriteLine("Exact value of a is : {0}", a);
         Console.WriteLine("Exact value of b is : {0}", b);


Value of a is 100 and b is 200
Exact value of a is : 100
Exact value of b is : 200