使用 Tkinter 制作石头剪刀布游戏
Tkinter 是一个基于 Python 的库,用于创建和开发桌面用户界面和应用程序。使用 Tkinter 库及其软件包,我们将创建一个石头剪刀布游戏应用程序。这款游戏可以通过手势在两个人之间进行。获胜的条件是:
如果玩家 A 出布而玩家 B 出剪刀,则剪刀获胜。
如果玩家 A 出布,而玩家 B 出石头,则布获胜。
如果玩家 A 出石头,而玩家 B 出剪刀,则石头获胜。
按照这些游戏条件,我们首先将创建游戏用户界面的 GUI。用户可以将设备作为对手玩游戏。我们的 GUI 应用程序将具有以下功能:
#import required libraries from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import random #Create an instance of tkinter frame win= Tk() #Set the geometry of the window win.geometry("750x450") #Set the title of the window win.title("Rock Paper Scissors...") #Default value for Computer computer_options = { "0":"Rock", "1":"Paper", "2":"Scissor" } #Disable all the Buttons after first Match def button_disable(): b1.config(state= "disabled") b2.config(state= "disabled") b3.config(state= "disabled") #Define function for Rock def isrock(): value = computer_options[str(random.randint(0,2))] if value == "Rock": match_result = "Match Draw" elif value=="Scissor": match_result = "Wohoo! You Won" else: match_result = "Computer Win" label.config(text = match_result) l1.config(text = "Rock") l3.config(text =value) button_disable() #Function for Paper def ispaper(): value = computer_options[str(random.randint(0, 2))] if value == "Paper": match_result = "Match Draw" elif value=="Scissor": match_result = "Computer Win" else: match_result = "Amazingg..You won" label.config(text = match_result) l1.config(text = "Paper") l3.config(text = value) button_disable() #Function for Scissor def isscissor(): value = computer_options[str(random.randint(0,2))] if value == "Rock": match_result = "Computer Win" elif value == "Scissor": match_result = "Match Draw" else: match_result = "You Win... :D" label.config(text = match_result) l1.config(text = "Scissor") l3.config(text = value) button_disable() #Reset the Game def reset(): b1.config(state= "active") b2.config(state= "active") b3.config(state= "active") l1.config(text = "Player") l3.config(text = "Computer") label.config(text = "") #Create a LabelFrame labelframe= LabelFrame(win, text= "Rock Paper Scissor", font= ('Century 20 bold'),labelanchor= "n",bd=5,bg= "khaki3",width= 600, height= 450, cursor= "target") labelframe.pack(expand= True, fill= BOTH) #Label for Player l1= Label(labelframe, text="Player", font= ('Helvetica 18 bold')) l1.place(relx= .18, rely= .1) #Label for VS l2= Label(labelframe, text="VS", font= ('Helvetica 18 bold'), bg="khaki3") l2.place(relx= .45, rely= .1) #Label for Computer l3= Label(labelframe, text="Computer", font= ('Helvetica 18 bold')) l3.place(relx= .65, rely= .1) #Create a label to display the Conditions label= Label(labelframe, text="", font=('Coveat', 25,'bold'), bg= "khaki3") label.pack(pady=150) #Create Button Set for Rock, Paper and Scissor b1= Button(labelframe, text= "Rock", font= 10, width= 7, command= isrock) b1.place(relx=.25, rely= .62) b2= Button(labelframe, text= "Paper", font= 10, width= 7 ,command= ispaper) b2.place(relx= .41,rely= .62) b3= Button(labelframe, text= "Scissor", font= 10, width= 7, command= isscissor) b3.place(relx= .58, rely= .62) #Button to reset the Game reset= Button(labelframe, text= "Reset",bg= "OrangeRed3", fg= "white",width= 7, font= 10, command= reset) reset.place(relx= .8, rely= .62) win.mainloop()
运行以上代码将显示游戏的 GUI。我们现在可以通过单击“石头”、“布”或“剪刀”任意一个按钮来玩游戏。