如何在JavaScript的React Native中安装Yup?
Yup是一个NPM包,我们可以将其安装在React Native应用中。它用于验证存储在单个对象中的表单值。此外,我们可以使用Yup为不同的表单字段添加不同类型的验证。
用户可以在项目目录中执行以下命令来安装Yup到React Native。
npm i Yup
yarn i Yup
用户可以按照以下语法在React Native应用程序中使用Yup进行表单验证。
const schema = Yup.object().shape({ key1: Yup.string().required("Required"), }); await schema.validate(values);
步骤1 - 首先,开发者需要从Yup导入所需的内容。
步骤2 - 在App()组件中,使用Yup创建一个'userFormSchema',它定义了student_id、age和portfolio字段的规则。这里,student_id是字符串且必填字段,age是正整数且必填字段,portfolio是网站的URL。
步骤3 - 现在,使用'useState'钩子定义学生信息和验证消息的状态。
步骤4 - 定义handleChange()函数,它以键和值作为参数,并在'initialValue'状态对象中更新值。
步骤5 - 接下来,定义validateValues()函数,它使用validate()方法,以userFormSchema作为参考,并以studentInfo对象作为参数来验证表单值。
步骤6 - 根据表单值的验证结果,将消息设置为'message'状态。
import React, { useState } from "react"; import * as Yup from "yup"; import { TouchableOpacity, View, TextInput, Text, Button } from "react-native"; const App = () => { // creating the user form schema using Yup to validate student_id, age, and portfolio const userFormSchema = Yup.object().shape({ student_id: Yup.string().required("Required"), age: Yup.number().required("Required").positive().integer(), portfolio: Yup.string().url().nullable(), }); const [studentInfo, setStudentInfo] = useState({ student_id: "", age: 13, portfolio: "", }); const [message, setMessage] = useState(""); function handleChange(key, val) { setStudentInfo({ ...studentInfo, [key]: val }); } // creating the handleFormSubmit function to handle the form submission async function validateValues() { try { await userFormSchema.validate(studentInfo); setMessage("Form is successfully submitted with no errors!"); } catch (error) { console.log(error); setMessage("Form is not submitted due to errors!"); } } return ( // rendering the form <View style = {{ width: "70%" }}> {/* text inputs */} <TextInput placeholder = "student_id" value = {studentInfo.student_id} onChangeText = {(value) => handleChange("student_id", value)} /> <TextInput placeholder = "age" value = {studentInfo.age} onChangeText = {(value) => handleChange("age", value)} /> <TextInput placeholder = "portfolio" value = {studentInfo.portfolio} onChangeText = {(value) => handleChange("portfolio", value)} /> {/* submit button */} <TouchableOpacity onPress = {validateValues}> <Text> Submit Form </Text> </TouchableOpacity> <Text> {message} </Text> </View> ); }; export default App;
import React, { useState } from "react"; import * as Yup from "yup"; import { StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, View, TextInput, Text, } from "react-native"; const App = () => { // creating the user form schema using Yup to validate name, email and password const userFormSchema = Yup.object().shape({ name: Yup.string().min(3, "Too short").required("Required"), email: Yup.string().email("Invalid email").required("Required"), password: Yup.string().min(6, "Too short").required("Required"), }); // creating the styles for the elements const elementStyles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, alignItems: "center", backgroundColor: "aqua", justifyContent: "center", }, error: { marginBottom: 10, color: "red", }, button: { backgroundColor: "#0084ff", width: "70%", borderRadius: 4, alignItems: "center", padding: 12, }, input: { borderWidth: 2, padding: 15, marginBottom: 10, width: "70%", borderColor: "green", borderRadius: 4, }, buttonText: { color: "#fff", fontSize: 16, fontWeight: "bold", }, }); // creating the state for the form const [initialValues, setInitialValues] = useState({ name: "", email: "", password: "", }); // creating the state for the errors const [errors, setErrors] = useState({}); const [message, setMessage] = useState(""); // creating the handleChange function to handle the change in the input fields function handleChange(key, val) { setInitialValues({ ...initialValues, [key]: val }); } // creating the validateValues function to validate the form async function validateValues() { try { // validating the form using the userFormSchema await userFormSchema.validate(initialValues, { abortEarly: false }); setErrors({}); } catch (error) { // if the form is invalid, then the errors are set to the state const newErrors = error.inner.reduce((acc, cur) => { acc[cur.path] = cur.message; return acc; }, {}); setErrors(newErrors); } } // creating the handleFormSubmit function to handle the form submission function handleFormSubmit() { // validating the form values validateValues().then(() => { // set message based on the form is valid or invalid. if (Object.keys(errors).length === 0) { setMessage("Form is valid"); } else { setMessage("Form is invalid"); } }); } return ( // rendering the form <View style = {elementStyles.container}> {/* text inputs */} <TextInput style = {elementStyles.input} placeholder = "Name" value = {initialValues.name} onChangeText = {(value) => handleChange("name", value)} /> {errors.name && <Text style = {elementStyles.error}> {errors.name} </Text>} <TextInput style = {elementStyles.input} placeholder = "Email" value = {initialValues.email} onChangeText = {(value) => handleChange("email", value)} /> {errors.email && <Text style= {elementStyles.error}> {errors.email} </Text>} <TextInput style = {elementStyles.input} placeholder = "Password" value = {initialValues.password} onChangeText = {(value) => handleChange("password", value)} secureTextEntry /> {errors.password && ( <Text style = {elementStyles.error}> {errors.password} </Text> )} {/* submit button */} <TouchableOpacity style = {elementStyles.button} onPress = {handleFormSubmit}> <Text style = {elementStyles.buttonText}> Submit Form </Text> </TouchableOpacity> <Text> {message} </Text> </View> ); }; export default App;
用户学习了如何在React Native中使用Yup进行表单验证。与编写自定义表单验证代码相比,开发者可以使用Yup等库,这使代码更易读且更简单。