HTML - <p> 标签

HTML <p> 标签用于创建段落上下文。p 标签会在 p 元素前后生成一个空行。<p> 元素是块级元素,这意味着如果在结束标签 </p> 之前解析了另一个块级元素,它将自动关闭。

从技术上讲,关闭标签是可选的,但为了确保文档有效,最好包含结束标签。<p> 标签也支持全局属性和事件属性。




HTML p 标签支持 HTML 的全局事件属性。

HTML p 标签示例

在这里,我们将看到 p 标签的多个示例。例如,如果要以段落形式编写任何内容的介绍或功能,则可以使用 <p> 标签。


在下面的示例中,我们创建了一个 HTML 文档,演示了 <p> 标签的工作原理。

<!DOCTYPE html>
      Geckos are a group of usually small, usually nocturnal lizards.
      They are found on every continent except Antarctica. 
      Some species live in houses where they hunt insects attracted 
      by artificial light. 


考虑下面的示例,我们将向段落文本添加 CSS 属性。

<!DOCTYPE html>
      p {
         color: red;
         Border: 1px solid red;
      Geckos are a group of usually small, usually nocturnal lizards.
      They are found on every continent except Antarctica. 
      Some species live in houses where they hunt insects attracted 
      by artificial light. 



<!DOCTYPE html>
      p {
         color: green;
         Border: 1px solid red;
         background-color: gray;
      Geckos are a group of usually small, usually nocturnal lizards.
      They are found on every continent except Antarctica. 
      Some species live in houses where they hunt insects attracted 
      by artificial light. 


在这里,我们将使用 align 属性来对齐段落文本。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <p align="center">
      Geckos are a group of usually small, usually nocturnal lizards. 
      They are found on every continent except Antarctica. 
   <p align="right">
      Some species live in houses where they hunt insects attracted 
      by artificial light. 
   <p align="left">
      Some species live in houses where they hunt insects attracted 
      by artificial light. 

浏览器对段落元素的默认 CSS

所有元素都带有一些内置样式,在这个例子中,您将看到 p 标签的默认 CSS。

<!DOCTYPE html>
      p {
          display: block;
          margin-block-start: 1em;
          margin-block-end: 1em;
          margin-inline-start: 0px;
          margin-inline-end: 0px;
      Geckos are a group of usually small, usually nocturnal lizards. 
      They are found on every continent except Antarctica. 
      Some species live in houses where they hunt insects attracted 
      by artificial light. 


标签 Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera