- Tailwind CSS 教程
- Tailwind CSS - 首页
- Tailwind CSS - 路线图
- Tailwind CSS - 简介
- Tailwind CSS - 安装
- Tailwind CSS - 编辑器设置
- Tailwind CSS - 核心概念
- Tailwind CSS - 实用优先基础
- Tailwind CSS - 悬停、焦点和其他状态
- Tailwind CSS - 响应式设计
- Tailwind CSS - 深色模式
- Tailwind CSS - 重用样式
- Tailwind CSS - 添加自定义样式
- Tailwind CSS - 函数和指令
- Tailwind CSS - 自定义
- Tailwind CSS - 配置
- Tailwind CSS - 内容配置
- Tailwind CSS - 主题配置
- Tailwind CSS - 自定义屏幕
- Tailwind CSS - 自定义颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 自定义间距
- Tailwind CSS - 插件
- Tailwind CSS - 预设
- Tailwind CSS - 基础样式
- Tailwind CSS - 预设样式
- Tailwind CSS - 布局
- Tailwind CSS - 宽高比
- Tailwind CSS - 容器
- Tailwind CSS - 列
- Tailwind CSS - 断行后
- Tailwind CSS - 断行前
- Tailwind CSS - 断行内
- Tailwind CSS - 边框装饰断开
- Tailwind CSS - 盒子大小
- Tailwind CSS - 显示
- Tailwind CSS - 浮动
- Tailwind CSS - 清除浮动
- Tailwind CSS - 隔离
- Tailwind CSS - 对象适应
- Tailwind CSS - 对象位置
- Tailwind CSS - 溢出
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动溢出行为
- Tailwind CSS - 位置
- Tailwind CSS - 上/右/下/左
- Tailwind CSS - 可见性
- Tailwind CSS - Z-index
- Tailwind CSS - Flexbox 和 Grid
- Tailwind CSS - Flex 基准
- Tailwind CSS - Flex 方向
- Tailwind CSS - Flex 换行
- Tailwind CSS - Flex
- Tailwind CSS - Flex 伸长
- Tailwind CSS - Flex 收缩
- Tailwind CSS - 排序
- Tailwind CSS - 网格模板列
- Tailwind CSS - 网格列开始/结束
- Tailwind CSS - 网格模板行
- Tailwind CSS - 网格行开始/结束
- Tailwind CSS - 网格自动流
- Tailwind CSS - 网格自动列
- Tailwind CSS - 网格自动行
- Tailwind CSS - 间隙
- Tailwind CSS - 内容对齐
- Tailwind CSS - 项目对齐
- Tailwind CSS - 自身对齐
- Tailwind CSS - 内容排列
- Tailwind CSS - 项目排列
- Tailwind CSS - 自身排列
- Tailwind CSS - 内容放置
- Tailwind CSS - 项目放置
- Tailwind CSS - 自身放置
- Tailwind CSS - 间距
- Tailwind CSS - 内边距
- Tailwind CSS - 外边距
- Tailwind CSS - 元素间距
- Tailwind CSS - 大小
- Tailwind CSS - 宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 最小宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 最大宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 高度
- Tailwind CSS - 最小高度
- Tailwind CSS - 最大高度
- Tailwind CSS - 尺寸
- Tailwind CSS - 排版
- Tailwind CSS - 字体系列
- Tailwind CSS - 字体大小
- Tailwind CSS - 字体平滑
- Tailwind CSS - 字体样式
- Tailwind CSS - 字体粗细
- Tailwind CSS - 数字字体变体
- Tailwind CSS - 字母间距
- Tailwind CSS - 行数限制
- Tailwind CSS - 行高
- Tailwind CSS - 列表样式图片
- Tailwind CSS - 列表样式位置
- Tailwind CSS - 列表样式类型
- Tailwind CSS - 文本对齐
- Tailwind CSS - 文本颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 文本装饰
- Tailwind CSS - 文本装饰颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 文本装饰样式
- Tailwind CSS - 文本装饰粗细
- Tailwind CSS - 文本下划线偏移
- Tailwind CSS - 文本转换
- Tailwind CSS - 文本溢出
- Tailwind CSS - 文本换行
- Tailwind CSS - 文本缩进
- Tailwind CSS - 垂直对齐
- Tailwind CSS - 空格
- Tailwind CSS - 断词
- Tailwind CSS - 连字符
- Tailwind CSS - 内容
- Tailwind CSS - 背景
- Tailwind CSS - 背景附件
- Tailwind CSS - 背景裁剪
- Tailwind CSS - 背景颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 背景原点
- Tailwind CSS - 背景位置
- Tailwind CSS - 背景重复
- Tailwind CSS - 背景大小
- Tailwind CSS - 背景图片
- Tailwind CSS - 渐变颜色停止
- Tailwind CSS - 边框
- Tailwind CSS - 边框半径
- Tailwind CSS - 边框宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 边框颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 边框样式
- Tailwind CSS - 分割线宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 分割线颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 分割线样式
- Tailwind CSS - 轮廓宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 轮廓颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 轮廓样式
- Tailwind CSS - 轮廓偏移
- Tailwind CSS - 环宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 环颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 环偏移宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 环偏移颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 效果
- Tailwind CSS - 盒子阴影
- Tailwind CSS - 盒子阴影颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 不透明度
- Tailwind CSS - 混合模式
- Tailwind CSS - 背景混合模式
- Tailwind CSS - 滤镜
- Tailwind CSS - 模糊
- Tailwind CSS - 亮度
- Tailwind CSS - 对比度
- Tailwind CSS - 投影
- Tailwind CSS - 灰度
- Tailwind CSS - 色相旋转
- Tailwind CSS - 反相
- Tailwind CSS - 饱和度
- Tailwind CSS - 棕褐色
- Tailwind CSS - 背景模糊
- Tailwind CSS - 背景亮度
- Tailwind CSS - 背景对比度
- Tailwind CSS - 背景灰度
- Tailwind CSS - 背景色相旋转
- Tailwind CSS - 背景反相
- Tailwind CSS - 背景不透明度
- Tailwind CSS - 背景饱和度
- Tailwind CSS - 背景棕褐色
- Tailwind CSS - 表格
- Tailwind CSS - 边框折叠
- Tailwind CSS - 边框间距
- Tailwind CSS - 表格布局
- Tailwind CSS - 标题位置
- Tailwind CSS - 过渡和动画
- Tailwind CSS - 过渡属性
- Tailwind CSS - 过渡持续时间
- Tailwind CSS - 过渡时间函数
- Tailwind CSS - 过渡延迟
- Tailwind CSS - 动画
- Tailwind CSS - 变换
- Tailwind CSS - 缩放
- Tailwind CSS - 旋转
- Tailwind CSS - 平移
- Tailwind CSS - 倾斜
- Tailwind CSS - 变换原点
- Tailwind CSS - 交互性
- Tailwind CSS - 强调色
- Tailwind CSS - 外观
- Tailwind CSS - 光标
- Tailwind CSS - 光标颜色
- Tailwind CSS - 指针事件
- Tailwind CSS - 调整大小
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动行为
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动边距
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动填充
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动捕捉对齐
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动捕捉停止
- Tailwind CSS - 滚动捕捉类型
- Tailwind CSS - 触摸行为
- Tailwind CSS - 用户选择
- Tailwind CSS - 将更改
- Tailwind CSS - SVG
- Tailwind CSS - 填充
- Tailwind CSS - 描边
- Tailwind CSS - 描边宽度
- Tailwind CSS - 可访问性
- Tailwind CSS - 屏幕阅读器
- Tailwind CSS - 强制颜色调整
- Tailwind CSS - 附加
- Tailwind CSS - 与预处理器一起使用
- Tailwind CSS - 生产优化
- Tailwind CSS - 参考
- Tailwind CSS - 核心概念
- Tailwind CSS - 自定义
- Tailwind CSS - 布局
- Tailwind CSS - Flexbox 和 Grid
- Tailwind CSS - 间距
- Tailwind CSS - 大小
- Tailwind CSS - 排版
- Tailwind CSS - 背景
- Tailwind CSS - 边框
- Tailwind CSS - 效果
- Tailwind CSS - 滤镜
- Tailwind CSS - 表格
- Tailwind CSS - 过渡和动画
- Tailwind CSS - 变换
- Tailwind CSS - 交互性
- Tailwind CSS - 资源
- Tailwind CSS - 讨论
- Tailwind CSS - 有用资源
Tailwind CSS - 滚动溢出行为
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出行为是一个实用程序类,它告诉我们当元素到达其滚动区域的边界时浏览器的行为。
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出行为类
以下是Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出行为类列表,它提供了一种有效处理元素溢出行为的方法。
类 | CSS 属性 |
overscroll-auto | overscroll-behavior: auto; |
overscroll-contain | overscroll-behavior: contain; |
overscroll-none | overscroll-behavior: none; |
overscroll-y-auto | overscroll-behavior-y: auto; |
overscroll-y-contain | overscroll-behavior-y: contain; |
overscroll-y-none | overscroll-behavior-y: none; |
overscroll-x-auto | overscroll-behavior-x: auto; |
overscroll-x-contain | overscroll-behavior-x: contain; |
overscroll-x-none | overscroll-behavior-x: none; |
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出行为类的功能
- overscroll-auto: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior: auto; 属性。此类具有默认行为,允许页面在达到元素边界时滚动。
- overscroll-contain: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior: contain; 属性。此类只允许滚动元素,而不是页面。
- overscroll-none: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior: none; 属性。此类防止页面在达到元素边界时滚动。
- overscroll-y-auto: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior-y: auto; 属性。此类允许页面在达到元素边界时沿 y 轴滚动。
- overscroll-y-contain: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior-y: contain; 属性。此类允许沿 y 轴滚动元素,而不是页面。
- overscroll-y-none: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior-y: none; 属性。此类防止页面在达到元素边界时沿 y 轴滚动。
- overscroll-x-auto: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior-x: auto; 属性。此类允许页面在达到元素边界时沿 x 轴滚动。
- overscroll-x-contain: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior-x: contain; 属性。此类允许沿 x 轴滚动元素,而不是页面。
- overscroll-x-none: 此类替换 CSS overscroll-behavior-x: none; 属性。此类防止页面在达到元素边界时沿 x 轴滚动。
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出行为类示例
以下示例将说明 Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出行为类实用程序。
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出自动类
以下示例说明了Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出自动类的用法。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll Auto Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-auto"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior: auto; property. This class has default behavior allow page to scroll when element boundary is reached. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll auto class which will enable parent div to be scrolled when primary div's boundary reached. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出包含类
以下示例说明了Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出包含类的用法。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll Contain Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-contain"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior: contain; property. This class allow to scroll the element only not the page. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll Contain class it will not allow to scroll the parent div to be scrolled when primary div's bounder reached. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出无类
以下示例说明了Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出无类的用法。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll None Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-none"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior: none; property. This class prevents scrolling of page when elements boundary reached. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll none class it will not allow to scroll the parent div to be scrolled when primary div's bounder reached. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出-Y-自动类
以下示例说明了Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出-y-自动类的用法。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll-y-auto Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-auto"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This Class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior-y: auto; property. This class allow to scroll page on y-axis when element boundary reached. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll-y-auto class it will to scroll the page on y-axis </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出-Y-包含类
以下示例说明了Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出-y-包含类的用法。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll-y-contain Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This Class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior-y: contain; property. This class allow to scroll the element on y-axis not the page. In this example when we scroll the primary div , As we used overscroll-y-contain class it will not allow the page to scroll. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS 滚动溢出-Y-无类
以下示例演示了如何使用Tailwind CSS Overscroll-y-none 类。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll-y-none Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-none"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This Class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior-y: none; property. This class prevents page scrolling on y-axis when elements boundary reached. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll-y-none class it will not allow the page to scroll. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-auto 类
以下示例演示了如何使用Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-auto 类。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-auto Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-x-auto"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This Class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior-x: auto; property. This class allow to scroll page on x-axis when element boundary reached. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll-x-auto class it will allow the page to scroll on x axis. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-Contain 类
以下示例演示了如何使用Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-Contain 类。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-Contain Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-x-contain"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This Class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior-x: contain; property. This class allow to scroll the element on x-axis not the page. In this example when we scroll the primary div,As we used overscroll-x-contain class it will not allow the page to scroll on x axis. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-none 类
以下示例演示了如何使用Tailwind CSS Overscroll-x-none 类。
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class=" text-3xl mb-3"> Tailwind CSS Overscroll-X-None Class </h1> <div class="p-4 w-3/4 space-y-3 bg-green-200"> <div class="p-2 w-2/3 h-24 bg-green-400 overflow-y-scroll overscroll-x-none"> Tutorials Point originated from the idea that there exists a class of readers who respond better to online content and prefer to learn new skills at their own pace from the comforts of their drawing rooms. </div> <p> This Class replaces CSS overscroll-behavior-x: none; property. This class prevents page scrolling on x-axis when elements boundary reached. In this example when we scroll the primary div, As we used overscroll-x-none class it will not allow the page to scroll on x axis. </p> </div> </body> </html>