- Tailwind CSS Tutorial
- Tailwind CSS - Home
- Tailwind CSS - Roadmap
- Tailwind CSS - Introduction
- Tailwind CSS - Installation
- Tailwind CSS - Editor Setup
- Tailwind CSS - Core Concepts
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-First Fundamentals
- Tailwind CSS - Hover, Focus, and Other States
- Tailwind CSS - Responsive Design
- Tailwind CSS - Dark Mode
- Tailwind CSS - Reusing Styles
- Tailwind CSS - Adding Custom Styles
- Tailwind CSS - Functions & Directives
- Tailwind CSS - Customization
- Tailwind CSS - Configuration
- Tailwind CSS - Content Configuration
- Tailwind CSS - Theme Configuration
- Tailwind CSS - Customizing Screens
- Tailwind CSS - Customizing Colors
- Tailwind CSS - Customizing Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Plugins
- Tailwind CSS - Presets
- Tailwind CSS - Base Styles
- Tailwind CSS - Preflight
- Tailwind CSS - Layout
- Tailwind CSS - Aspect Ratio
- Tailwind CSS - Container
- Tailwind CSS - Columns
- Tailwind CSS - Break After
- Tailwind CSS - Break Before
- Tailwind CSS - Break Inside
- Tailwind CSS - Box Decoration Break
- Tailwind CSS - Box Sizing
- Tailwind CSS - Display
- Tailwind CSS - Floats
- Tailwind CSS - Clear
- Tailwind CSS - Isolation
- Tailwind CSS - Object Fit
- Tailwind CSS - Object Position
- Tailwind CSS - Overflow
- Tailwind CSS - Overscroll Behavior
- Tailwind CSS - Position
- Tailwind CSS - Top / Right / Bottom / Left
- Tailwind CSS - Visibility
- Tailwind CSS - Z-Index
- Tailwind CSS - Flexbox & Grid
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Basis
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Direction
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Wrap
- Tailwind CSS - Flex
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Grow
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Shrink
- Tailwind CSS - Order
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Template Columns
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Column Start / End
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Template Rows
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Row Start / End
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Flow
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Columns
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Rows
- Tailwind CSS - Gap
- Tailwind CSS - Justify Content
- Tailwind CSS - Justify Items
- Tailwind CSS - Justify Self
- Tailwind CSS - Align Content
- Tailwind CSS - Align Items
- Tailwind CSS - Align Self
- Tailwind CSS - Place Content
- Tailwind CSS - Place Items
- Tailwind CSS - Place Self
- Tailwind CSS - Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Padding
- Tailwind CSS - Margin
- Tailwind CSS - Space Between
- Tailwind CSS - Sizing
- Tailwind CSS - Width
- Tailwind CSS - Min-Width
- Tailwind CSS - Max-Width
- Tailwind CSS - Height
- Tailwind CSS - Min-Height
- Tailwind CSS - Max-Height
- Tailwind CSS - Size
- Tailwind CSS - Typography
- Tailwind CSS - Font Family
- Tailwind CSS - Font Size
- Tailwind CSS - Font Smoothing
- Tailwind CSS - Font Style
- Tailwind CSS - Font Weight
- Tailwind CSS - Font Variant Numeric
- Tailwind CSS - Letter Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Line Clamp
- Tailwind CSS - Line Height
- Tailwind CSS - List Style Image
- Tailwind CSS - List Style Position
- Tailwind CSS - List Style Type
- Tailwind CSS - Text Align
- Tailwind CSS - Text Color
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Color
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Style
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Thickness
- Tailwind CSS - Text Underline Offset
- Tailwind CSS - Text Transform
- Tailwind CSS - Text Overflow
- Tailwind CSS - Text Wrap
- Tailwind CSS - Text Indent
- Tailwind CSS - Vertical Align
- Tailwind CSS - Whitespace
- Tailwind CSS - Word Break
- Tailwind CSS - Hyphens
- Tailwind CSS - Content
- Tailwind CSS - Backgrounds
- Tailwind CSS - Background Attachment
- Tailwind CSS - Background Clip
- Tailwind CSS - Background Color
- Tailwind CSS - Background Origin
- Tailwind CSS - Background Position
- Tailwind CSS - Background Repeat
- Tailwind CSS - Background Size
- Tailwind CSS - Background Image
- Tailwind CSS - Gradient Color Stops
- Tailwind CSS - Borders
- Tailwind CSS - Border Radius
- Tailwind CSS - Border Width
- Tailwind CSS - Border Color
- Tailwind CSS - Border Style
- Tailwind CSS - Divide Width
- Tailwind CSS - Divide Color
- Tailwind CSS - Divide Style
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Width
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Color
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Style
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Offset
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Width
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Color
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Offset Width
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Offset Color
- Tailwind CSS - Effects
- Tailwind CSS - Box Shadow
- Tailwind CSS - Box Shadow Color
- Tailwind CSS - Opacity
- Tailwind CSS - Mix Blend Mode
- Tailwind CSS - Background Blend Mode
- Tailwind CSS - Filters
- Tailwind CSS - Blur
- Tailwind CSS - Brightness
- Tailwind CSS - Contrast
- Tailwind CSS - Drop Shadow
- Tailwind CSS - Grayscale
- Tailwind CSS - Hue Rotate
- Tailwind CSS - Invert
- Tailwind CSS - Saturate
- Tailwind CSS - Sepia
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Blur
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Brightness
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Contrast
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Grayscale
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Hue Rotate
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Invert
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Opacity
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Saturate
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Sepia
- Tailwind CSS - Tables
- Tailwind CSS - Border Collapse
- Tailwind CSS - Border Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Table Layout
- Tailwind CSS - Caption Side
- Tailwind CSS - Transitions & Animation
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Property
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Duration
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Timing Function
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Delay
- Tailwind CSS - Animation
- Tailwind CSS - Transform
- Tailwind CSS - Scale
- Tailwind CSS - Rotate
- Tailwind CSS - Translate
- Tailwind CSS - Skew
- Tailwind CSS - Transform Origin
- Tailwind CSS - Interactivity
- Tailwind CSS - Accent Color
- Tailwind CSS - Appearance
- Tailwind CSS - Cursor
- Tailwind CSS - Caret Color
- Tailwind CSS - Pointer Events
- Tailwind CSS - Resize
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Behavior
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Margin
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Padding
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Snap Align
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Snap Stop
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Snap Type
- Tailwind CSS - Touch Action
- Tailwind CSS - User Select
- Tailwind CSS - Will Change
- Tailwind CSS - SVG
- Tailwind CSS - Fill
- Tailwind CSS - Stroke
- Tailwind CSS - Stroke Width
- Tailwind CSS - Accessibility
- Tailwind CSS - Screen Readers
- Tailwind CSS - Forced Color Adjust
- Tailwind CSS - Bonus
- Tailwind CSS - Using with Preprocessors
- Tailwind CSS - Optimizing for Production
- Tailwind CSS - References
- Tailwind CSS - Core Concepts
- Tailwind CSS - Customization
- Tailwind CSS - Layout
- Tailwind CSS - Flexbox & Grid
- Tailwind CSS - Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Sizing
- Tailwind CSS - Typography
- Tailwind CSS - Backgrounds
- Tailwind CSS - Borders
- Tailwind CSS - Effects
- Tailwind CSS - Filters
- Tailwind CSS - Tables
- Tailwind CSS - Transitions & Animation
- Tailwind CSS - Transforms
- Tailwind CSS - Interactivity
- Tailwind CSS - Resources
- Tailwind CSS - Discussion
- Tailwind CSS - Useful Resources
Tailwind CSS - Text Color
Tailwind CSS Text Color consists of predefined classes that allow us to quickly apply different colors to text on a webpage.
Tailwind CSS Text Color Classes
Below is a list of Tailwind CSS Text Color classes that include properties for adjusting the color of text elements on a webpage.
Class | CSS Properties |
text-inherit | color: inherit; |
text-current | color: currentColor; |
text-transparent | color: transparent; |
text-black | color: rgb(0 0 0); |
text-white | color: rgb(255 255 255); |
text-slate-50 | color: rgb(248 250 252); |
text-slate-100 | color: rgb(241 245 249); |
text-slate-200 | color: rgb(226 232 240); |
text-slate-300 | color: rgb(203 213 225); |
text-slate-400 | color: rgb(148 163 184); |
text-slate-500 | color: rgb(100 116 139); |
text-slate-600 | color: rgb(71 85 105); |
text-slate-700 | color: rgb(51 65 85); |
text-slate-800 | color: rgb(30 41 59); |
text-slate-900 | color: rgb(15 23 42); |
text-slate-950 | color: rgb(2 6 23); |
text-gray-50 | color: rgb(249 250 251); |
text-gray-100 | color: rgb(243 244 246); |
text-gray-200 | color: rgb(229 231 235); |
text-gray-300 | color: rgb(209 213 219); |
text-gray-400 | color: rgb(156 163 175); |
text-gray-500 | color: rgb(107 114 128); |
text-gray-600 | color: rgb(75 85 99); |
text-gray-700 | color: rgb(55 65 81); |
text-gray-800 | color: rgb(31 41 55); |
text-gray-900 | color: rgb(17 24 39); |
text-gray-950 | color: rgb(3 7 18); |
text-zinc-50 | color: rgb(250 250 250); |
text-zinc-100 | color: rgb(244 244 245); |
text-zinc-200 | color: rgb(228 228 231); |
text-zinc-300 | color: rgb(212 212 216); |
text-zinc-400 | color: rgb(161 161 170); |
text-zinc-500 | color: rgb(113 113 122); |
text-zinc-600 | color: rgb(82 82 91); |
text-zinc-700 | color: rgb(63 63 70); |
text-zinc-800 | color: rgb(39 39 42); |
text-zinc-900 | color: rgb(24 24 27); |
text-zinc-950 | color: rgb(9 9 11); |
text-neutral-50 | color: rgb(250 250 250); |
text-neutral-100 | color: rgb(245 245 245); |
text-neutral-200 | color: rgb(229 229 229); |
text-neutral-300 | color: rgb(212 212 212); |
text-neutral-400 | color: rgb(163 163 163); |
text-neutral-500 | color: rgb(115 115 115); |
text-neutral-600 | color: rgb(82 82 82); |
text-neutral-700 | color: rgb(64 64 64); |
text-neutral-800 | color: rgb(38 38 38); |
text-neutral-900 | color: rgb(23 23 23); |
text-neutral-950 | color: rgb(10 10 10); |
text-stone-50: | rgb(250, 250, 249) |
text-stone-100: | rgb(245, 245, 244) |
text-stone-200: | rgb(231, 229, 228) |
text-stone-300: | rgb(214, 211, 209) |
text-stone-400: | rgb(168, 162, 158) |
text-stone-500: | rgb(120, 113, 108) |
text-stone-600: | rgb(87, 83, 78) |
text-stone-700: | rgb(68, 64, 60) |
text-stone-800: | rgb(41, 37, 36) |
text-stone-900: | rgb(28, 25, 23) |
text-stone-950: | rgb(12, 10, 9) |
text-red-50 | color: rgb(254 242 242); |
text-red-100 | color: rgb(254 226 226); |
text-red-200 | color: rgb(254 202 202); |
text-red-300 | color: rgb(252 165 165); |
text-red-400 | color: rgb(248 113 113); |
text-red-500 | color: rgb(239 68 68); |
text-red-600 | color: rgb(220 38 38); |
text-red-700 | color: rgb(185 28 28); |
text-red-800 | color: rgb(153 27 27); |
text-red-900 | color: rgb(127 29 29); |
text-red-950 | color: rgb(69 10 10); |
text-orange-50 | color: rgb(255 247 237); |
text-orange-100 | color: rgb(255 237 213); |
text-orange-200 | color: rgb(254 215 170); |
text-orange-300 | color: rgb(253 186 116); |
text-orange-400 | color: rgb(251 146 60); |
text-orange-500 | color: rgb(249 115 22); |
text-orange-600 | color: rgb(234 88 12); |
text-orange-700 | color: rgb(194 65 12); |
text-orange-800 | color: rgb(154 52 18); |
text-orange-900 | color: rgb(124 45 18); |
text-orange-950 | color: rgb(67 20 7); |
text-amber-50 | color: rgb(255 251 235); |
text-amber-100 | color: rgb(254 243 199); |
text-amber-200 | color: rgb(253 230 138); |
text-amber-300 | color: rgb(252 211 77); |
text-amber-400 | color: rgb(251 191 36); |
text-amber-500 | color: rgb(245 158 11); |
text-amber-600 | color: rgb(217 119 6); |
text-amber-700 | color: rgb(180 83 9); |
text-amber-800 | color: rgb(146 64 14); |
text-amber-900 | color: rgb(120 53 15); |
text-amber-950 | color: rgb(69 26 3); |
text-yellow-50 | color: rgb(254 252 232); |
text-yellow-100 | color: rgb(254 249 195); |
text-yellow-200 | color: rgb(254 240 138); |
text-yellow-300 | color: rgb(253 224 71); |
text-yellow-400 | color: rgb(250 204 21); |
text-yellow-500 | color: rgb(234 179 8); |
text-yellow-600 | color: rgb(202 138 4); |
text-yellow-700 | color: rgb(161 98 7); |
text-yellow-800 | color: rgb(133 77 14); |
text-yellow-900 | color: rgb(113 63 18); |
text-yellow-950 | color: rgb(66 32 6); |
text-lime-50 | color: rgb(247 254 231); |
text-lime-100 | color: rgb(236 252 203); |
text-lime-200 | color: rgb(217 249 157); |
text-lime-300 | color: rgb(190 242 100); |
text-lime-400 | color: rgb(163 230 53); |
text-lime-500 | color: rgb(132 204 22); |
text-lime-600 | color: rgb(101 163 13); |
text-lime-700 | color: rgb(77 124 15); |
text-lime-800 | color: rgb(63 98 18); |
text-lime-900 | color: rgb(54 83 20); |
text-lime-950 | color: rgb(26 46 5); |
text-green-50 | color: rgb(240 253 244); |
text-green-100 | color: rgb(220 252 231); |
text-green-200 | color: rgb(187 247 208); |
text-green-300 | color: rgb(134 239 172); |
text-green-400 | color: rgb(74 222 128); |
text-green-500 | color: rgb(34 197 94); |
text-green-600 | color: rgb(22 163 74); |
text-green-700 | color: rgb(21 128 61); |
text-green-800 | color: rgb(22 101 52); |
text-green-900 | color: rgb(20 83 45); |
text-green-950 | color: rgb(5 46 22); |
text-emerald-50 | color: rgb(236 253 245); |
text-emerald-100 | color: rgb(209 250 229); |
text-emerald-200 | color: rgb(167 243 208); |
text-emerald-300 | color: rgb(110 231 183); |
text-emerald-400 | color: rgb(52 211 153); |
text-emerald-500 | color: rgb(16 185 129); |
text-emerald-600 | color: rgb(5 150 105); |
text-emerald-700 | color: rgb(4 120 87); |
text-emerald-800 | color: rgb(6 95 70); |
text-emerald-900 | color: rgb(6 78 59); |
text-emerald-950 | color: rgb(2 44 34); |
text-teal-50 | color: rgb(240 253 250); |
text-teal-100 | color: rgb(204 251 241); |
text-teal-200 | color: rgb(153 246 228); |
text-teal-300 | color: rgb(94 234 212); |
text-teal-400 | color: rgb(45 212 191); |
text-teal-500 | color: rgb(20 184 166); |
text-teal-600 | color: rgb(13 148 136); |
text-teal-700 | color: rgb(15 118 110); |
text-teal-800 | color: rgb(17 94 89); |
text-teal-900 | color: rgb(19 78 74); |
text-teal-950 | color: rgb(4 47 46); |
text-cyan-50 | color: rgb(236 254 255); |
text-cyan-100 | color: rgb(207 250 254); |
text-cyan-200 | color: rgb(165 243 252); |
text-cyan-300 | color: rgb(103 232 249); |
text-cyan-400 | color: rgb(34 211 238); |
text-cyan-500 | color: rgb(6 182 212); |
text-cyan-600 | color: rgb(8 145 178); |
text-cyan-700 | color: rgb(14 116 144); |
text-cyan-800 | color: rgb(21 94 117); |
text-cyan-900 | color: rgb(22 78 99); |
text-cyan-950 | color: rgb(8 51 68); |
text-sky-50 | color: rgb(240 249 255); |
text-sky-100 | color: rgb(224 242 254); |
text-sky-200 | color: rgb(186 230 253); |
text-sky-300 | color: rgb(125 211 252); |
text-sky-400 | color: rgb(56 189 248); |
text-sky-500 | color: rgb(14 165 233); |
text-sky-600 | color: rgb(2 132 199); |
text-sky-700 | color: rgb(3 105 161); |
text-sky-800 | color: rgb(7 89 133); |
text-sky-900 | color: rgb(12 74 110); |
text-sky-950 | color: rgb(8 47 73); |
text-indigo-50 | color: rgb(238 242 255); |
text-indigo-100 | color: rgb(224 231 255); |
text-indigo-200 | color: rgb(199 210 254); |
text-indigo-300 | color: rgb(165 180 252); |
text-indigo-400 | color: rgb(129 140 248); |
text-indigo-500 | color: rgb(99 102 241); |
text-indigo-600 | color: rgb(79 70 229); |
text-indigo-700 | color: rgb(67 56 202); |
text-indigo-800 | color: rgb(55 48 163); |
text-indigo-900 | color: rgb(49 46 129); |
text-indigo-950 | color: rgb(30 27 75); |
text-blue-50 | color: rgb(239 246 255); |
text-blue-100 | color: rgb(219 234 254); |
text-blue-200 | color: rgb(191 219 254); |
text-blue-300 | color: rgb(147 197 253); |
text-blue-400 | color: rgb(96 165 250); |
text-blue-500 | color: rgb(59 130 246); |
text-blue-600 | color: rgb(37 99 235); |
text-blue-700 | color: rgb(29 78 216); |
text-blue-800 | color: rgb(30 64 175); |
text-blue-900 | color: rgb(30 58 138); |
text-blue-950 | color: rgb(23 37 84); |
text-indigo-50 | color: rgb(238 242 255); |
text-indigo-100 | color: rgb(224 231 255); |
text-indigo-200 | color: rgb(199 210 254); |
text-indigo-300 | color: rgb(165 180 252); |
text-indigo-400 | color: rgb(129 140 248); |
text-indigo-500 | color: rgb(99 102 241); |
text-indigo-600 | color: rgb(79 70 229); |
text-indigo-700 | color: rgb(67 56 202); |
text-indigo-800 | color: rgb(55 48 163); |
text-indigo-900 | color: rgb(49 46 129); |
text-indigo-950 | color: rgb(30 27 75); |
text-violet-50 | color: rgb(245 243 255); |
text-violet-100 | color: rgb(237 233 254); |
text-violet-200 | color: rgb(221 214 254); |
text-violet-300 | color: rgb(196 181 253); |
text-violet-400 | color: rgb(167 139 250); |
text-violet-500 | color: rgb(139 92 246); |
text-violet-600 | color: rgb(124 58 237); |
text-violet-700 | color: rgb(109 40 217); |
text-violet-800 | color: rgb(91 33 182); |
text-violet-900 | color: rgb(76 29 149); |
text-violet-950 | color: rgb(46 16 101); |
text-purple-50 | color: rgb(250 245 255); |
text-purple-100 | color: rgb(243 232 255); |
text-purple-200 | color: rgb(233 213 255); |
text-purple-300 | color: rgb(216 180 254); |
text-purple-400 | color: rgb(192 132 252); |
text-purple-500 | color: rgb(168 85 247); |
text-purple-600 | color: rgb(147 51 234); |
text-purple-700 | color: rgb(126 34 206); |
text-purple-800 | color: rgb(107 33 168); |
text-purple-900 | color: rgb(88 28 135); |
text-purple-950 | color: rgb(59 7 100); |
text-fuchsia-50 | color: rgb(253 244 255); |
text-fuchsia-100 | color: rgb(250 232 255); |
text-fuchsia-200 | color: rgb(245 208 254); |
text-fuchsia-300 | color: rgb(240 171 252); |
text-fuchsia-400 | color: rgb(232 121 249); |
text-fuchsia-500 | color: rgb(217 70 239); |
text-fuchsia-600 | color: rgb(192 38 211); |
text-fuchsia-700 | color: rgb(162 28 175); |
text-fuchsia-800 | color: rgb(134 25 143); |
text-fuchsia-900 | color: rgb(112 26 117); |
text-fuchsia-950 | color: rgb(74 4 78); |
text-pink-50 | color: rgb(253 242 248); |
text-pink-100 | color: rgb(252 231 243); |
text-pink-200 | color: rgb(251 207 232); |
text-pink-300 | color: rgb(249 168 212); |
text-pink-400 | color: rgb(244 114 182); |
text-pink-500 | color: rgb(236 72 153); |
text-pink-600 | color: rgb(219 39 119); |
text-pink-700 | color: rgb(190 24 93); |
text-pink-800 | color: rgb(157 23 77); |
text-pink-900 | color: rgb(131 24 67); |
text-pink-950 | color: rgb(80 7 36); |
text-rose-50 | color: rgb(255 241 242); |
text-rose-100 | color: rgb(255 228 230); |
text-rose-200 | color: rgb(254 205 211); |
text-rose-300 | color: rgb(253 164 175); |
text-rose-400 | color: rgb(251 113 133); |
text-rose-500 | color: rgb(244 63 94); |
text-rose-600 | color: rgb(225 29 72); |
text-rose-700 | color: rgb(190 18 60); |
text-rose-800 | color: rgb(159 18 57); |
text-rose-900 | color: rgb(136 19 55); |
text-rose-950 | color: rgb(76 5 25); |
Functionality Of Tailwind CSS Text Color Classes
- text-inherit: This class sets the text color to inherit from its parent element.
- text-current: This class sets the text color to the current color of the element.
- text-transparent: This class makes the text color transparent.
- text-black: This class sets the text color to black.
- text-white: This class sets the text color to white.
- text-slate-*:Sets the text color to various shades of slate.
- text-gray-*:Sets the text color to various shades of gray.
- text-zinc-*: Sets the text color to various shades of zinc.
- text-neutral-*: Sets the text color to various shades of neutral tones.
- text-stone-*: Sets the text color to various shades of stone.
- text-red-*: Sets the text color to various shades of red.
- text-orange-*: Sets the text color to various shades of orange.
- text-amber-*: Sets the text color to various shades of amber.
- text-yellow-*: Sets the text color to various shades of yellow.
- text-lime-*: Sets the text color to various shades of lime.
- text-green-*: Sets the text color to various shades of green
- text-emerald-*: Sets the text color to various shades of emerald.
- text-teal-*: Sets the text color to various shades of teal.
- text-cyan-*: Sets the text color to various shades of cyan.
- text-sky-*: Sets the text color to various shades of sky.
- text-blue-*: Sets the text color to various shades of blue.
- text-indigo-*: Sets the text color to various shades of indigo.
- text-violet-*: Sets the text color to various shades of violet.
- text-purple-*: Sets the text color to various shades of purple.
- text-fuchsia-*: Sets the text color to various shades of fuchsia.
- text-pink-*: Sets the text color to various shades of pink.
- text-rose-*: Sets the text color to various shades of rose.
Note: In 'text-color-*', the '*' can be replaced with values from 50 to 950, with 50 representing the lightest shade and 950 the darkest shade.
Tailwind CSS Text Color Class Examples
Below are examples of Tailwind CSS Text Color classes that show how text can be styled with different colors, allowing you to customize the appearance of text elements in web pages.
Applying Text Color Classes with Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS's text-* utility classes enable easy customization of text colors. Each class combines a color identifier ('red', 'blue', etc.) with a numeric value ('300', '400', '500') indicating the shade intensity from lightest to darkest.
This example shows how these classes improve the appearance by applying different colors to the text elements within paragraphs.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-6"> Tailwind CSS Text Color </h2> <p class="text-red-600"> You can change my color using text-* classes. </p> <p class="text-blue-600"> You can change my color using text-* classes. </p> <p class="text-green-600"> You can change my color using text-* classes. </p> <p class="text-yellow-600"> You can change my color using text-* classes. </p> <p class="text-cyan-600"> You can change my color using text-* classes. </p> </body> </html>
Applying Different Shades of Text Color
This example uses Tailwind CSS utility classes to apply text colors and adjust opacity on paragraph elements. It shows how to specify colors and change opacity levels for paragraphs with the same color.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-6"> Tailwind CSS Text Color </h2> <p class="underline font-semibold mb-4"> Applying different Color Shaded of a Single Color </p> <p class = "text-cyan-800"> Adjust opacity and color with text-* classes. </p> <p class = "text-cyan-600"> Adjust opacity and color with text-* classes. </p> <p class = "text-cyan-500"> Adjust opacity and color with text-* classes. </p> <p class = "text-cyan-300"> Adjust opacity and color with text-* classes. </p> <p class = "text-cyan-200"> Adjust opacity and color with text-* classes. </p> </body> </html>
Applying Hover Effect on Text Color
The example shows applying Tailwind CSS text color classes to paragraph elements, allowing users to see text colors on hover.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-6"> Tailwind CSS Text Color </h2> <p class="text-xl hover:text-purple-600 text-red-800"> Hover me to see my color. </p> </body> </html>