- Tailwind CSS Tutorial
- Tailwind CSS - Home
- Tailwind CSS - Roadmap
- Tailwind CSS - Introduction
- Tailwind CSS - Installation
- Tailwind CSS - Editor Setup
- Tailwind CSS - Core Concepts
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-First Fundamentals
- Tailwind CSS - Hover, Focus, and Other States
- Tailwind CSS - Responsive Design
- Tailwind CSS - Dark Mode
- Tailwind CSS - Reusing Styles
- Tailwind CSS - Adding Custom Styles
- Tailwind CSS - Functions & Directives
- Tailwind CSS - Customization
- Tailwind CSS - Configuration
- Tailwind CSS - Content Configuration
- Tailwind CSS - Theme Configuration
- Tailwind CSS - Customizing Screens
- Tailwind CSS - Customizing Colors
- Tailwind CSS - Customizing Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Plugins
- Tailwind CSS - Presets
- Tailwind CSS - Base Styles
- Tailwind CSS - Preflight
- Tailwind CSS - Layout
- Tailwind CSS - Aspect Ratio
- Tailwind CSS - Container
- Tailwind CSS - Columns
- Tailwind CSS - Break After
- Tailwind CSS - Break Before
- Tailwind CSS - Break Inside
- Tailwind CSS - Box Decoration Break
- Tailwind CSS - Box Sizing
- Tailwind CSS - Display
- Tailwind CSS - Floats
- Tailwind CSS - Clear
- Tailwind CSS - Isolation
- Tailwind CSS - Object Fit
- Tailwind CSS - Object Position
- Tailwind CSS - Overflow
- Tailwind CSS - Overscroll Behavior
- Tailwind CSS - Position
- Tailwind CSS - Top / Right / Bottom / Left
- Tailwind CSS - Visibility
- Tailwind CSS - Z-Index
- Tailwind CSS - Flexbox & Grid
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Basis
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Direction
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Wrap
- Tailwind CSS - Flex
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Grow
- Tailwind CSS - Flex Shrink
- Tailwind CSS - Order
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Template Columns
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Column Start / End
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Template Rows
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Row Start / End
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Flow
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Columns
- Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Rows
- Tailwind CSS - Gap
- Tailwind CSS - Justify Content
- Tailwind CSS - Justify Items
- Tailwind CSS - Justify Self
- Tailwind CSS - Align Content
- Tailwind CSS - Align Items
- Tailwind CSS - Align Self
- Tailwind CSS - Place Content
- Tailwind CSS - Place Items
- Tailwind CSS - Place Self
- Tailwind CSS - Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Padding
- Tailwind CSS - Margin
- Tailwind CSS - Space Between
- Tailwind CSS - Sizing
- Tailwind CSS - Width
- Tailwind CSS - Min-Width
- Tailwind CSS - Max-Width
- Tailwind CSS - Height
- Tailwind CSS - Min-Height
- Tailwind CSS - Max-Height
- Tailwind CSS - Size
- Tailwind CSS - Typography
- Tailwind CSS - Font Family
- Tailwind CSS - Font Size
- Tailwind CSS - Font Smoothing
- Tailwind CSS - Font Style
- Tailwind CSS - Font Weight
- Tailwind CSS - Font Variant Numeric
- Tailwind CSS - Letter Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Line Clamp
- Tailwind CSS - Line Height
- Tailwind CSS - List Style Image
- Tailwind CSS - List Style Position
- Tailwind CSS - List Style Type
- Tailwind CSS - Text Align
- Tailwind CSS - Text Color
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Color
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Style
- Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Thickness
- Tailwind CSS - Text Underline Offset
- Tailwind CSS - Text Transform
- Tailwind CSS - Text Overflow
- Tailwind CSS - Text Wrap
- Tailwind CSS - Text Indent
- Tailwind CSS - Vertical Align
- Tailwind CSS - Whitespace
- Tailwind CSS - Word Break
- Tailwind CSS - Hyphens
- Tailwind CSS - Content
- Tailwind CSS - Backgrounds
- Tailwind CSS - Background Attachment
- Tailwind CSS - Background Clip
- Tailwind CSS - Background Color
- Tailwind CSS - Background Origin
- Tailwind CSS - Background Position
- Tailwind CSS - Background Repeat
- Tailwind CSS - Background Size
- Tailwind CSS - Background Image
- Tailwind CSS - Gradient Color Stops
- Tailwind CSS - Borders
- Tailwind CSS - Border Radius
- Tailwind CSS - Border Width
- Tailwind CSS - Border Color
- Tailwind CSS - Border Style
- Tailwind CSS - Divide Width
- Tailwind CSS - Divide Color
- Tailwind CSS - Divide Style
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Width
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Color
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Style
- Tailwind CSS - Outline Offset
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Width
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Color
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Offset Width
- Tailwind CSS - Ring Offset Color
- Tailwind CSS - Effects
- Tailwind CSS - Box Shadow
- Tailwind CSS - Box Shadow Color
- Tailwind CSS - Opacity
- Tailwind CSS - Mix Blend Mode
- Tailwind CSS - Background Blend Mode
- Tailwind CSS - Filters
- Tailwind CSS - Blur
- Tailwind CSS - Brightness
- Tailwind CSS - Contrast
- Tailwind CSS - Drop Shadow
- Tailwind CSS - Grayscale
- Tailwind CSS - Hue Rotate
- Tailwind CSS - Invert
- Tailwind CSS - Saturate
- Tailwind CSS - Sepia
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Blur
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Brightness
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Contrast
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Grayscale
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Hue Rotate
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Invert
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Opacity
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Saturate
- Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Sepia
- Tailwind CSS - Tables
- Tailwind CSS - Border Collapse
- Tailwind CSS - Border Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Table Layout
- Tailwind CSS - Caption Side
- Tailwind CSS - Transitions & Animation
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Property
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Duration
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Timing Function
- Tailwind CSS - Transition Delay
- Tailwind CSS - Animation
- Tailwind CSS - Transform
- Tailwind CSS - Scale
- Tailwind CSS - Rotate
- Tailwind CSS - Translate
- Tailwind CSS - Skew
- Tailwind CSS - Transform Origin
- Tailwind CSS - Interactivity
- Tailwind CSS - Accent Color
- Tailwind CSS - Appearance
- Tailwind CSS - Cursor
- Tailwind CSS - Caret Color
- Tailwind CSS - Pointer Events
- Tailwind CSS - Resize
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Behavior
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Margin
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Padding
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Snap Align
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Snap Stop
- Tailwind CSS - Scroll Snap Type
- Tailwind CSS - Touch Action
- Tailwind CSS - User Select
- Tailwind CSS - Will Change
- Tailwind CSS - SVG
- Tailwind CSS - Fill
- Tailwind CSS - Stroke
- Tailwind CSS - Stroke Width
- Tailwind CSS - Accessibility
- Tailwind CSS - Screen Readers
- Tailwind CSS - Forced Color Adjust
- Tailwind CSS - Bonus
- Tailwind CSS - Using with Preprocessors
- Tailwind CSS - Optimizing for Production
- Tailwind CSS - References
- Tailwind CSS - Core Concepts
- Tailwind CSS - Customization
- Tailwind CSS - Layout
- Tailwind CSS - Flexbox & Grid
- Tailwind CSS - Spacing
- Tailwind CSS - Sizing
- Tailwind CSS - Typography
- Tailwind CSS - Backgrounds
- Tailwind CSS - Borders
- Tailwind CSS - Effects
- Tailwind CSS - Filters
- Tailwind CSS - Tables
- Tailwind CSS - Transitions & Animation
- Tailwind CSS - Transforms
- Tailwind CSS - Interactivity
- Tailwind CSS - Resources
- Tailwind CSS - Discussion
- Tailwind CSS - Useful Resources
Tailwind CSS - Top/Right/Bottom/Left
Tailwind CSS Top/Right/Bottom/Left is a utility class that helps us align the positioned elements. These properties will work only on positioned elements.
Tailwind CSS Top/Right/Bottom/Left Classes
The following is the list of Tailwind CSS Top/Right/Bottom/Left Classes that provides an effective way of placing positioned elements.
Class | CSS Properties |
inset-0 | inset: 0px; |
inset-x-0 | left: 0px; right: 0px; |
inset-y-0 | top: 0px; bottom: 0px; |
start-0 | inset-inline-start: 0px; |
end-0 | inset-inline-end: 0px; |
top-0 | top: 0px; |
right-0 | right: 0px; |
bottom-0 | bottom: 0px; |
left-0 | left: 0px; |
inset-px | inset: 1px; |
inset-x-px | left: 1px; right: 1px; |
inset-y-px | top: 1px; bottom: 1px; |
start-px | inset-inline-start: 1px; |
end-px | inset-inline-end: 1px; |
top-px | top: 1px; |
right-px | right: 1px; |
bottom-px | bottom: 1px; |
left-px | left: 1px; |
inset-0.5 | inset: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
inset-x-0.5 | left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
inset-y-0.5 | top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
start-0.5 | inset-inline-start: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
end-0.5 | inset-inline-end: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
top-0.5 | top: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
right-0.5 | right: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
bottom-0.5 | bottom: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
left-0.5 | left: 0.125rem; /* 2px */ |
inset-1 | inset: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
inset-x-1 | left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ right: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
inset-y-1 | top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ bottom: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
start-1 | inset-inline-start: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
end-1 | inset-inline-end: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
top-1 | top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
right-1 | right: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
bottom-1 | bottom: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
left-1 | left: 0.25rem; /* 4px */ |
inset-1.5 | inset: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
inset-x-1.5 | left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ right: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
inset-y-1.5 | top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ bottom: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
start-1.5 | inset-inline-start: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
end-1.5 | inset-inline-end: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
top-1.5 | top: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
right-1.5 | right: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
bottom-1.5 | bottom: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
left-1.5 | left: 0.375rem; /* 6px */ |
inset-2 | inset: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
inset-x-2 | left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ right: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
inset-y-2 | top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ bottom: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
start-2 | inset-inline-start: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
end-2 | inset-inline-end: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
top-2 | top: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
right-2 | right: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
bottom-2 | bottom: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
left-2 | left: 0.5rem; /* 8px */ |
inset-2.5 | inset: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
inset-x-2.5 | left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ right: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
inset-y-2.5 | top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ bottom: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
start-2.5 | inset-inline-start: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
end-2.5 | inset-inline-end: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
top-2.5 | top: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
right-2.5 | right: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
bottom-2.5 | bottom: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
left-2.5 | left: 0.625rem; /* 10px */ |
inset-3 | inset: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
inset-x-3 | left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ right: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
inset-y-3 | top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ bottom: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
start-3 | inset-inline-start: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
end-3 | inset-inline-end: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
top-3 | top: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
right-3 | right: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
bottom-3 | bottom: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
left-3 | left: 0.75rem; /* 12px */ |
inset-3.5 | inset: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
inset-x-3.5 | left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ right: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
inset-y-3.5 | top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ bottom: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
start-3.5 | inset-inline-start: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
end-3.5 | inset-inline-end: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
top-3.5 | top: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
right-3.5 | right: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
bottom-3.5 | bottom: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
left-3.5 | left: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ |
inset-4 | inset: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
inset-x-4 | left: 1rem; /* 16px */ right: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
inset-y-4 | top: 1rem; /* 16px */ bottom: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
start-4 | inset-inline-start: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
end-4 | inset-inline-end: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
top-4 | top: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
right-4 | right: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
bottom-4 | bottom: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
left-4 | left: 1rem; /* 16px */ |
inset-5 | inset: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
inset-x-5 | left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ right: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
inset-y-5 | top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ bottom: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
start-5 | inset-inline-start: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
end-5 | inset-inline-end: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
top-5 | top: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
right-5 | right: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
bottom-5 | bottom: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
left-5 | left: 1.25rem; /* 20px */ |
inset-6 | inset: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
inset-x-6 | left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ right: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
inset-y-6 | top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ bottom: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
start-6 | inset-inline-start: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
end-6 | inset-inline-end: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
top-6 | top: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
right-6 | right: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
bottom-6 | bottom: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
left-6 | left: 1.5rem; /* 24px */ |
inset-7 | inset: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
inset-x-7 | left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ right: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
inset-y-7 | top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ bottom: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
start-7 | inset-inline-start: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
end-7 | inset-inline-end: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
top-7 | top: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
right-7 | right: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
bottom-7 | bottom: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
left-7 | left: 1.75rem; /* 28px */ |
inset-8 | inset: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
inset-x-8 | left: 2rem; /* 32px */ right: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
inset-y-8 | top: 2rem; /* 32px */ bottom: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
start-8 | inset-inline-start: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
end-8 | inset-inline-end: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
top-8 | top: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
right-8 | right: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
bottom-8 | bottom: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
left-8 | left: 2rem; /* 32px */ |
inset-9 | inset: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
inset-x-9 | left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ right: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
inset-y-9 | top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ bottom: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
start-9 | inset-inline-start: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
end-9 | inset-inline-end: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
top-9 | top: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
right-9 | right: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
bottom-9 | bottom: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
left-9 | left: 2.25rem; /* 36px */ |
inset-10 | inset: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
inset-x-10 | left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ right: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
inset-y-10 | top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ bottom: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
start-10 | inset-inline-start: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
end-10 | inset-inline-end: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
top-10 | top: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
right-10 | right: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
bottom-10 | bottom: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
left-10 | left: 2.5rem; /* 40px */ |
inset-11 | inset: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
inset-x-11 | left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ right: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
inset-y-11 | top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ bottom: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
start-11 | inset-inline-start: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
end-11 | inset-inline-end: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
top-11 | top: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
right-11 | right: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
bottom-11 | bottom: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
left-11 | left: 2.75rem; /* 44px */ |
inset-12 | inset: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
inset-x-12 | left: 3rem; /* 48px */ right: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
inset-y-12 | top: 3rem; /* 48px */ bottom: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
start-12 | inset-inline-start: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
end-12 | inset-inline-end: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
top-12 | top: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
right-12 | right: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
bottom-12 | bottom: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
left-12 | left: 3rem; /* 48px */ |
inset-14 | inset: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
inset-x-14 | left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ right: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
inset-y-14 | top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ bottom: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
start-14 | inset-inline-start: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
end-14 | inset-inline-end: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
top-14 | top: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
right-14 | right: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
bottom-14 | bottom: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
left-14 | left: 3.5rem; /* 56px */ |
inset-16 | inset: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
inset-x-16 | left: 4rem; /* 64px */ right: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
inset-y-16 | top: 4rem; /* 64px */ bottom: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
start-16 | inset-inline-start: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
end-16 | inset-inline-end: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
top-16 | top: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
right-16 | right: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
bottom-16 | bottom: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
left-16 | left: 4rem; /* 64px */ |
inset-20 | inset: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
inset-x-20 | left: 5rem; /* 80px */ right: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
inset-y-20 | top: 5rem; /* 80px */ bottom: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
start-20 | inset-inline-start: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
end-20 | inset-inline-end: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
top-20 | top: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
right-20 | right: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
bottom-20 | bottom: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
left-20 | left: 5rem; /* 80px */ |
inset-24 | inset: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
inset-x-24 | left: 6rem; /* 96px */ right: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
inset-y-24 | top: 6rem; /* 96px */ bottom: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
start-24 | inset-inline-start: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
end-24 | inset-inline-end: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
top-24 | top: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
right-24 | right: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
bottom-24 | bottom: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
left-24 | left: 6rem; /* 96px */ |
inset-28 | inset: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
inset-x-28 | left: 7rem; /* 112px */ right: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
inset-y-28 | top: 7rem; /* 112px */ bottom: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
start-28 | inset-inline-start: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
end-28 | inset-inline-end: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
top-28 | top: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
right-28 | right: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
bottom-28 | bottom: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
left-28 | left: 7rem; /* 112px */ |
inset-32 | inset: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
inset-x-32 | left: 8rem; /* 128px */ right: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
inset-y-32 | top: 8rem; /* 128px */ bottom: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
start-32 | inset-inline-start: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
end-32 | inset-inline-end: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
top-32 | top: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
right-32 | right: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
bottom-32 | bottom: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
left-32 | left: 8rem; /* 128px */ |
inset-36 | inset: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
inset-x-36 | left: 9rem; /* 144px */ right: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
inset-y-36 | top: 9rem; /* 144px */ bottom: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
start-36 | inset-inline-start: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
end-36 | inset-inline-end: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
top-36 | top: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
right-36 | right: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
bottom-36 | bottom: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
left-36 | left: 9rem; /* 144px */ |
inset-40 | inset: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
inset-x-40 | left: 10rem; /* 160px */ right: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
inset-y-40 | top: 10rem; /* 160px */ bottom: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
start-40 | inset-inline-start: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
end-40 | inset-inline-end: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
top-40 | top: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
right-40 | right: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
bottom-40 | bottom: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
left-40 | left: 10rem; /* 160px */ |
inset-44 | inset: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
inset-x-44 | left: 11rem; /* 176px */ right: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
inset-y-44 | top: 11rem; /* 176px */ bottom: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
start-44 | inset-inline-start: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
end-44 | inset-inline-end: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
top-44 | top: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
right-44 | right: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
bottom-44 | bottom: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
left-44 | left: 11rem; /* 176px */ |
inset-48 | inset: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
inset-x-48 | left: 12rem; /* 192px */ right: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
inset-y-48 | top: 12rem; /* 192px */ bottom: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
start-48 | inset-inline-start: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
end-48 | inset-inline-end: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
top-48 | top: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
right-48 | right: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
bottom-48 | bottom: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
left-48 | left: 12rem; /* 192px */ |
inset-52 | inset: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
inset-x-52 | left: 13rem; /* 208px */ right: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
inset-y-52 | top: 13rem; /* 208px */ bottom: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
start-52 | inset-inline-start: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
end-52 | inset-inline-end: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
top-52 | top: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
right-52 | right: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
bottom-52 | bottom: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
left-52 | left: 13rem; /* 208px */ |
inset-56 | inset: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
inset-x-56 | left: 14rem; /* 224px */ right: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
inset-y-56 | top: 14rem; /* 224px */ bottom: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
start-56 | inset-inline-start: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
end-56 | inset-inline-end: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
top-56 | top: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
right-56 | right: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
bottom-56 | bottom: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
left-56 | left: 14rem; /* 224px */ |
inset-60 | inset: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
inset-x-60 | left: 15rem; /* 240px */ right: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
inset-y-60 | top: 15rem; /* 240px */ bottom: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
start-60 | inset-inline-start: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
end-60 | inset-inline-end: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
top-60 | top: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
right-60 | right: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
bottom-60 | bottom: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
left-60 | left: 15rem; /* 240px */ |
inset-64 | inset: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
inset-x-64 | left: 16rem; /* 256px */ right: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
inset-y-64 | top: 16rem; /* 256px */ bottom: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
start-64 | inset-inline-start: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
end-64 | inset-inline-end: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
top-64 | top: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
right-64 | right: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
bottom-64 | bottom: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
left-64 | left: 16rem; /* 256px */ |
inset-72 | inset: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
inset-x-72 | left: 18rem; /* 288px */ right: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
inset-y-72 | top: 18rem; /* 288px */ bottom: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
start-72 | inset-inline-start: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
end-72 | inset-inline-end: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
top-72 | top: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
right-72 | right: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
bottom-72 | bottom: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
left-72 | left: 18rem; /* 288px */ |
inset-80 | inset: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
inset-x-80 | left: 20rem; /* 320px */ right: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
inset-y-80 | top: 20rem; /* 320px */ bottom: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
start-80 | inset-inline-start: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
end-80 | inset-inline-end: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
top-80 | top: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
right-80 | right: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
bottom-80 | bottom: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
left-80 | left: 20rem; /* 320px */ |
inset-96 | inset: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
inset-x-96 | left: 24rem; /* 384px */ right: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
inset-y-96 | top: 24rem; /* 384px */ bottom: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
start-96 | inset-inline-start: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
end-96 | inset-inline-end: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
top-96 | top: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
right-96 | right: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
bottom-96 | bottom: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
left-96 | left: 24rem; /* 384px */ |
inset-auto | inset: auto; |
inset-1/2 | inset: 50%; |
inset-1/3 | inset: 33.333333%; |
inset-2/3 | inset: 66.666667%; |
inset-1/4 | inset: 25%; |
inset-2/4 | inset: 50%; |
inset-3/4 | inset: 75%; |
inset-full | inset: 100%; |
inset-x-auto | left: auto; right: auto; |
inset-x-1/2 | left: 50%; right: 50%; |
inset-x-1/3 | left: 33.333333%; right: 33.333333%; |
inset-x-2/3 | left: 66.666667%; right: 66.666667%; |
inset-x-1/4 | left: 25%; right: 25%; |
inset-x-2/4 | left: 50%; right: 50%; |
inset-x-3/4 | left: 75%; right: 75%; |
inset-x-full | left: 100%; right: 100%; |
inset-y-auto | top: auto; bottom: auto; |
inset-y-1/2 | top: 50%; bottom: 50%; |
inset-y-1/3 | top: 33.333333%; bottom: 33.333333%; |
inset-y-2/3 | top: 66.666667%; bottom: 66.666667%; |
inset-y-1/4 | top: 25%; bottom: 25%; |
inset-y-2/4 | top: 50%; bottom: 50%; |
inset-y-3/4 | top: 75%; bottom: 75%; |
inset-y-full | top: 100%; bottom: 100%; |
start-auto | inset-inline-start: auto; |
start-1/2 | inset-inline-start: 50%; |
start-1/3 | inset-inline-start: 33.333333%; |
start-2/3 | inset-inline-start: 66.666667%; |
start-1/4 | inset-inline-start: 25%; |
start-2/4 | inset-inline-start: 50%; |
start-3/4 | inset-inline-start: 75%; |
start-full | inset-inline-start: 100%; |
end-auto | inset-inline-end: auto; |
end-1/2 | inset-inline-end: 50%; |
end-1/3 | inset-inline-end: 33.333333%; |
end-2/3 | inset-inline-end: 66.666667%; |
end-1/4 | inset-inline-end: 25%; |
end-2/4 | inset-inline-end: 50%; |
end-3/4 | inset-inline-end: 75%; |
end-full | inset-inline-end: 100%; |
top-auto | top: auto; |
top-1/2 | top: 50%; |
top-1/3 | top: 33.333333%; |
top-2/3 | top: 66.666667%; |
top-1/4 | top: 25%; |
top-2/4 | top: 50%; |
top-3/4 | top: 75%; |
top-full | top: 100%; |
right-auto | right: auto; |
right-1/2 | right: 50%; |
right-1/3 | right: 33.333333%; |
right-2/3 | right: 66.666667%; |
right-1/4 | right: 25%; |
right-2/4 | right: 50%; |
right-3/4 | right: 75%; |
right-full | right: 100%; |
bottom-auto | bottom: auto; |
bottom-1/2 | bottom: 50%; |
bottom-1/3 | bottom: 33.333333%; |
bottom-2/3 | bottom: 66.666667%; |
bottom-1/4 | bottom: 25%; |
bottom-2/4 | bottom: 50%; |
bottom-3/4 | bottom: 75%; |
bottom-full | bottom: 100%; |
left-auto | left: auto; |
left-1/2 | left: 50%; |
left-1/3 | left: 33.333333%; |
left-2/3 | left: 66.666667%; |
left-1/4 | left: 25%; |
left-2/4 | left: 50%; |
left-3/4 | left: 75%; |
left-full | left: 100%; |
Functionality of Tailwind CSS Individual Sides Classes
- inset-0: This class replaces CSS inset: 0px; property. This class applies all four properties(top,right,bottom,left) simultaneously and setting them to 0.
- inset-x-*: This class applies left and right properties together placing the positioned element horizontally.
- inset-y-*: This class applies top and bottom properties together placing the positioned element vertically.
- start-*: This class replaces CSS inset-inline-start: *px; property. This class positions elements at the starting edge of its container depending on the direction of the text or writing mode.
- end-*: This class replaces CSS inset-inline-end: *px; property. This class positions elements at the ending edge of its container depending on the direction of the text or writing mode.
- top-*: This class replaces CSS top: *px; property. This class is used to position elements at the top edge of its container.
- right-*: This class replaces CSS right: *px; property. This class is used to position elements at the right edge of its container .
- bottom-*: This class replaces CSS bottom: *px; property. This class is used to position elements at the bottom edge of its container.
- left-*: This class replaces the CSS left: *px; property. This class is used to position elements at the left edge of its container.
Tailwind CSS Individual Sides Class Examples
The following examples will illustrate the Tailwind CSS Top/Right/Bottom/Left class utility.
Tailwind CSS Inset-0 Class
The below example is illustrating the use of Tailwind CSS inset-0 Class.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-8"> <h1 class="text-3xl"> Tailwind CSS Inset-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative h-28 w-28 bg-lime-300 m-4"> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Inset-x-0 Class
The below example is illustrating the use of Tailwind CSS inset-x-0 Class.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-8"> <h1 class="text-3xl"> Tailwind CSS Inset-x-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative h-28 w-28 bg-lime-300 m-4"> <div class="absolute inset-x-0 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Inset-x-* class applies left and right properties together placing the positioned element horizontally. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Inset-y-0 Class
The below example is illustrating the use of Tailwind CSS inset-y-0 Class.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-8"> <h1 class="text-3xl"> Tailwind CSS Inset-y-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative h-28 w-28 bg-lime-300 m-4"> <div class="absolute inset-y-0 w-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Inset-y-* class applies top and bottom properties together placing the positioned element vertically. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Start-0 & End-0 Class
The below example is illustrating the use of Tailwind CSS Start-0 & End-0 Classes.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-8"> <h1 class="text-3xl"> Tailwind CSS Start-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative h-28 w-28 bg-lime-300 m-4"> <div class="absolute start-0 w-9 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Start-* class positions elements at the starting edge of its container depending on the direction of the text or writing mode. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> <h1 class="text-3xl mt-2"> Tailwind CSS End-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative bg-lime-300 h-28 w-28 m-4"> <div class="absolute end-0 w-9 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> End-* class positions elements at the ending edge of its container depending on the direction of the text or writing mode. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Top-0 & Bottom-0 Class
The below example is illustrating the use of Tailwind CSS Top-0 & Bottom-0 Classes.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-8"> <h1 class="text-3xl"> Tailwind CSS Top-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative h-28 w-28 bg-lime-300 m-4"> <div class="absolute top-0 w-9 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Top-* class is used to position elements at the top edge of its container. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> <h1 class="text-3xl mt-2"> Tailwind CSS Bottom-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative bg-lime-300 h-28 w-28 m-4"> <div class="absolute bottom-0 w-9 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Bottom-* class is used to position elements at the bottom edge of its container. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> </body> </html>
Tailwind CSS Right-0 & Left-0 Class
The below example is illustrating the use of Tailwind CSS Right-0 & Left-0 Classes.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-8"> <h1 class="text-3xl"> Tailwind CSS Right-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative h-28 w-28 bg-lime-300 m-4"> <div class="absolute right-0 w-9 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Right-* class is used to position elements at the right edge of its container. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> <h1 class="text-3xl mt-2"> Tailwind CSS Left-0 Class </h1> <div class="relative bg-lime-300 h-28 w-28 m-4"> <div class="absolute left-0 w-9 h-9 bg-lime-700"></div> </div> <p> Bottom-* class is used to position elements at the left edge of its container. (*) symbol indicating the size value as per your need. </p> </body> </html>