如何在 Material UI 中使用单选按钮组件?
Material UI 提供了预先设计的 Radio 组件,我们可以用它来创建一组单选按钮。
用户可以在终端中使用以下命令在 React 项目中安装 Material UI 库。
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
用户可以按照以下语法使用 Material UI 的 Radio 组件。
<FormControlLabel value = "Delhi" control = {<Radio />} label = "Delhi"/>
在上面的语法中,我们将 Radio 组件作为 FormControlLabel 的 control 属性的 props 值传递。
在下面的示例中,我们导入了 Radio 组件来创建单选按钮,RadioGroup 组件来创建一组单选按钮,以及 FormControlLabel 组件来在表单中使用 Radio 组件。
import React from "react"; import RadioGroup from "@mui/material/RadioGroup"; import FormControlLabel from "@mui/material/FormControlLabel"; import Radio from "@mui/material/Radio"; const App = () => { return ( <div> <h3> {" "} Using the <i> Radio </i> Component of the Material UI to create a radio buttons {" "} </h3> <h4> Choose any city </h4> <RadioGroup defaultValue = "Delhi" name = "radio-buttons-group"> <FormControlLabel value = "Bombay" control = {<Radio />} label="Bombay" /> <FormControlLabel value = "Delhi" control = {<Radio />} label = "Delhi" /> <FormControlLabel value = "Ahmedabad" control = {<Radio />} label = "Ahmedabad" /> <FormControlLabel value = "Surat" control = {<Radio />} label = "Surat" /> </RadioGroup> </div> ); }; export default App;
在下面的示例中,我们将 row 作为 RadioGroup 组件的一个 prop 传递,以便在一行中显示所有单选按钮。此外,我们还将 'onChange' 事件与 RadioGroup 组件一起使用,以便每当用户选择另一个单选按钮时调用 handleChange() 函数。
import React from "react"; import RadioGroup from "@mui/material/RadioGroup"; import FormControlLabel from "@mui/material/FormControlLabel"; import Radio from "@mui/material/Radio"; const App = () => { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState("Delhi"); function handleChange(event) { setSelected(event.target.value); } return ( <div> <h3> {" "} Using the <i> Radio </i> Component of the Material UI to create a radio buttons. {" "} </h3> <h4> Choose any number </h4> <RadioGroup row defaultValue = "30" name = "radio-buttons-group" onChange = {handleChange} > <FormControlLabel value = "10" control = {<Radio />} label = "10" /> <FormControlLabel value = "20" control = {<Radio />} label = "20" /> <FormControlLabel value = "30" control = {<Radio />} label = "30" /> <FormControlLabel value = "40" control = {<Radio />} label = "40" /> </RadioGroup> <p> The value of the selected Radio button is {selected}. </p> </div> ); }; export default App;
在下面的示例中,我们将学习如何自定义 Material UI 的 Radio 组件。值为 10 的单选按钮是标准的。我们使用 'color' 属性更改了第二个单选按钮的颜色。
我们为第三个单选按钮设置了自定义颜色,并增加了第四个单选按钮的大小。通过这种方式,用户可以使用组件 props 自定义单选按钮。
import React from "react"; import RadioGroup from "@mui/material/RadioGroup"; import FormControlLabel from "@mui/material/FormControlLabel"; import Radio from "@mui/material/Radio"; const App = () => { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState("Delhi"); function handleChange(event) { setSelected(event.target.value); } return ( <div> <h3> {" "} Using the <i> Radio </i> Component of the Material UI to create a radio buttons and customize them. {" "} </h3> <h4> Choose any number </h4> <RadioGroup row defaultValue = "30" name = "radio-buttons-group" onChange = {handleChange} > <FormControlLabel value = "10" control = {<Radio />} label = "10" /> <FormControlLabel value = "20" control = {<Radio />} label = "20" color = "secondary" /> <FormControlLabel value = "30" control = {<Radio />} label = "30" sx = {{ color: "blue", }} /> <FormControlLabel value = "40" control = {<Radio />} label = "40" sx = {{ "& .MuiSvgIcon-root": { fontSize: 58, }, }} /> </RadioGroup> <p> The value of the selected Radio button is {selected}. </p> </div> ); }; export default App;
在本教程中,我们学习了如何使用 Material UI 的 Radio 组件。此外,我们还学习了如何使用 props 自定义 Radio 组件。用户可以根据需要传递各种 props 并控制单选按钮组件。