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Node.js - os.totalmem() 方法

Node.js 的os 模块提供了一组与操作系统相关的实用方法和属性。

os 模块的Node.js os.totalmem() 方法返回系统总内存量,以整数形式表示的字节数。


以下是Node.js os.totalmem() 方法的语法:






以下示例演示了 os 模块中 Node.js os.totalmem() 方法的用法。


在以下示例中,我们导入 os 模块并尝试通过将Node.js os.totalmem() 方法记录到控制台来打印当前系统的总内存。

const os = require('os');



注意 - 为了获得准确的结果,最好在本地执行以上代码。

执行上述程序后,os.totalmem() 方法将返回当前系统总 RAM 内存(以字节为单位)。



在以下示例中,我们将系统总内存量从字节转换为 KB(千字节)、MB(兆字节)和 GB(吉字节)。

const os = require('os');

var tot_mem_in_bytes = os.totalmem();
var tot_mem_in_kb = Math.floor(os.totalmem()/(1024));
var tot_mem_in_mb = Math.floor(os.totalmem()/(1024*1024));
var tot_mem_in_gb = Math.floor(os.totalmem()/(1024*1024*1024));

console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in bytes): " + tot_mem_in_bytes + " Bytes");
console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in KB): " + tot_mem_in_kb + " KB"); 
console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in MB): " + tot_mem_in_mb + " MB"); 
console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in GB): " + tot_mem_in_gb + " GB");


The amount of total current system memory (in bytes): 134948720640 Bytes
The amount of total current system memory (in KB): 131785860 KB
The amount of total current system memory (in MB): 128697 MB
The amount of total current system memory (in GB): 125 GB

注意 - 为了获得准确的结果,最好在本地执行以上代码。

如果我们编译并运行上述程序,我们将打印系统总 RAM 内存(以字节、千字节 (KB)、兆字节 (MB) 和吉字节 (GB) 为单位)。

The amount of total current system memory (in bytes): 16822587392 Bytes
The amount of total current system memory (in KB): 16428308 KB
The amount of total current system memory (in MB): 16043 MB
The amount of total current system memory (in GB): 15 GB


在以下示例中,我们尝试将系统总内存和可用系统内存从字节转换为 KB(千字节)、MB(兆字节)和 GB(吉字节)。

const os = require('os');
var tot_mem_in_bytes = os.totalmem();
var tot_mem_in_kb = Math.floor(os.totalmem()/(1024));
var tot_mem_in_mb = Math.floor(os.totalmem()/(1024*1024));
var tot_mem_in_gb = Math.floor(os.totalmem()/(1024*1024*1024));

var mem_in_bytes = os.freemem();
var mem_in_kb = Math.floor(os.freemem()/(1024));
var mem_in_mb = Math.floor(os.freemem()/(1024*1024));
var mem_in_gb = Math.floor(os.freemem()/(1024*1024*1024));

console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in bytes): " + tot_mem_in_bytes + " Bytes");
console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in KB): " + tot_mem_in_kb + " KB"); 
console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in MB): " + tot_mem_in_mb + " MB"); 
console.log("The amount of total current system memory (in GB): " + tot_mem_in_gb + " GB");

console.log("The amount of free current system memory (in bytes): " + mem_in_bytes + " Bytes");
console.log("The amount of free current system memory (in KB): " + mem_in_kb + " KB"); 
console.log("The amount of free current system memory (in MB): " + mem_in_mb + " MB"); 
console.log("The amount of free current system memory (in GB): " + mem_in_gb + " GB");


The amount of total current system memory (in bytes): 134948720640 Bytes
The amount of total current system memory (in KB): 131785860 KB
The amount of total current system memory (in MB): 128697 MB
The amount of total current system memory (in GB): 125 GB
The amount of free current system memory (in bytes): 130385920000 Bytes
The amount of free current system memory (in KB): 127330000 KB
The amount of free current system memory (in MB): 124345 MB
The amount of free current system memory (in GB): 121 GB

注意 - 为了获得准确的结果,最好在本地执行以上代码。

执行上述程序后,我们将打印系统总 RAM 内存和可用 RAM 内存(以字节、千字节 (KB)、兆字节 (MB) 和吉字节 (GB) 为单位)。

The amount of total current system memory (in bytes): 16822587392 Bytes
The amount of total current system memory (in KB): 16428308 KB
The amount of total current system memory (in MB): 16043 MB
The amount of total current system memory (in GB): 15 GB
The amount of free current system memory (in bytes): 8955355136 Bytes
The amount of free current system memory (in KB): 8745464 KB
The amount of free current system memory (in MB): 8540 MB
The amount of free current system memory (in GB): 8 GB