CSS - bottom 属性

CSS bottom 属性用于设置已定位元素的底部位置。它指定元素底部边缘与其容器元素底部边缘之间的距离。position属性的值决定了bottom属性的效果。


bottom: auto | length | percentage | initial | inherit;


auto 让浏览器计算元素的底部边缘位置。默认值。
长度 以长度单位设置元素的底部边缘位置(例如 10px、20px 等)。负值有效。
百分比 以容器元素的百分比设置元素的底部边缘位置(例如 10%、20% 等)。负值有效。
initial 将属性设置为其默认值。
inherit 从父元素继承该属性。

CSS 边框属性示例


使用绝对定位的 Bottom 属性

要将bottom属性与absolute(绝对)位置一起使用,元素必须包含在一个本身已定位的父元素中。然后,元素将相对于父元素进行定位。可以以长度或百分比值(例如 10px、20% 等)或 auto 值指定距父容器边缘底部的距离。如下例所示。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      .container {
         position: relative;
         background-color: lightgray;
         height: 400px;
         position: absolute;
         border: 3px solid black;
         padding: 10px;
         width: 20%;
      .box {
         bottom: 150px;
         background-color: lightcoral;
         bottom: 10%;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         bottom: auto;
         background-color: lightblue;

      CSS bottom property
      Position: Absolute, the absolute position
      places the element relative to its positioned
      parent element.
      For all the boxes, the parent is the grey
      container with 'relative' position, so it
      they have been placed at 10%, 150px and
      auto from the bottom edge of their parent.
   <div class="container">
      <div class=" boxes box">
         Position: Absolute, bottom: 150px
      <div class=" boxes box2">
         Position: Absolute, bottom: 10%
      <div class="boxes box3">
         Position: Absolute, bottom: auto


使用相对定位的 Bottom 属性

bottom属性与relative(相对)位置一起使用时,元素将相对于其正常位置进行定位。可以以长度或百分比值(例如 10px、20% 等)或 auto 值指定距其正常位置底部的距离。如下例所示。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      .container {
         position: relative;
         background-color: lightgray;
         height: 300px;

      .boxes {
         position: relative;
         border: 3px solid black;
         padding: 10px;
         width: 20%;

      .box {
         bottom: auto;
         background-color: lightcoral;

      .box2 {
         bottom: 55%;
         background-color: lightgreen;

      .box3 {
         bottom: 25px;
         background-color: lightblue;

      CSS bottom property
      Position: Relative, the relative position
      places the element relative to its normal
      For all the boxes, the parent is the grey
      container with 'relative' position, so they
      have been placed at 25px, auto and 55% from
      their normal positions.
   <div class="container">
      <div class=" boxes box">
         Position: Relative, bottom: auto
      <div class=" boxes box2">
         Position: Relative, bottom: 55%
      <div class="boxes box3">
         Position: Relative, bottom: 25px


使用固定定位的 Bottom 属性

fixed(固定)位置将元素放置在特定位置,即使滚动页面,元素也会保持在该位置。可以以长度或百分比(例如 10px、20% 等)或 auto 值指定元素距底部的距离。如下例所示。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      .container {
         position: relative;
         background-color: lightgray;
         height: 700px;

      .boxes {
         position: fixed;
         border: 3px solid black;
         padding: 10px;
         width: 20%;

      .box {
         bottom: auto;
         background-color: lightcoral;

      .box2 {
         bottom: 75px;
         background-color: lightgreen;

      .box3 {
         bottom: 2%;
         background-color: lightblue;

      CSS bottom property
      Position: Fixed, the fixed position places
      the element at a fixed position even during
      a scroll.
      For all the boxes, the parent is the grey
      container with 'relative' position, so they
      have been placed at auto, 75px and 2% from
      the parent's bottom edge.
   <div class="container">
      <div class=" boxes box">
      Position: Fixed, bottom: auto
      <div class=" boxes box2">
      Position: Fixed, bottom: 75px
      <div class="boxes box3">
      Position: Fixed, bottom: 2%


使用粘性定位的 Bottom 属性

粘性定位使元素在滚动经过指定点时相对于其容器保持固定。使用bottom属性,我们可以控制距容器底部边缘的距离。auto、10px 或 10% 等值会相应地调整其粘性行为。如下例所示。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      .container {
         position: relative;
         background-color: lightgray;
         height: 100vh;

      .boxes {
         position: sticky;
         border: 3px solid black;
         padding: 10px;
         width: 20%;

      .box {
         bottom: auto;
         background-color: lightcoral;

      .box2 {
         bottom: 10px;
         background-color: lightgreen;

      .box3 {
         bottom: 10%;
         background-color: lightblue;

      CSS Bottom Property with Sticky Position
      Position: Sticky, the bottom property affects
      how the element sticks to its container's bottom
      The parent container has a height of 700px,
      so the sticky elements are positioned at auto,
      10px, and 10% from the container's bottom edge.
   <div class="container">
      <div class="boxes box">
         Position: Sticky, bottom: auto
      <div class="boxes box2">
         Position: Sticky, bottom: 10px
      <div class="boxes box3">
         Position: Sticky, bottom: 10%


注意:'static'(静态)位置不受 top、right、bottom 或 left 属性的影响。它按元素出现的顺序显示元素。这是元素的默认位置。


属性 Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
bottom 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 6.0