CSS - clip 属性

CSS 的 clip 属性用于为元素创建剪裁区域,该区域定义元素的可见区域。只有指定的区域可见,其他区域将被隐藏。clip 属性仅适用于具有绝对或固定定位的元素。


clip: auto | shape | initial | inherit;


auto 不会对元素应用剪裁。默认值。
shape 它剪裁元素。唯一可能的值是 rect(top, right, bottom, left)
initial 它将属性设置为其默认值。
inherit 它从父元素继承属性。

CSS clip 属性示例

以下示例说明了具有不同值的 clip 属性。

带有 auto 值的 clip 属性

为了不对绝对或固定定位的元素进行剪裁,以便整个元素可见,我们使用 clip 属性的 auto 值。这在以下示例中显示。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      .sample {
         width: 200px;
         background-color: lightblue;
         padding: 10px;

      .clip-rect {
         position: absolute;
         width: 200px;
         background-color: lightblue;
         padding: 10px;
         clip: auto;

   CSS clip property
      Original text:
   <div class="sample">
      TutorialsPoint is an educational platform offering 
      a vast array of tutorials and resources across various
      subjects, including programming, web development, and
      technology. It aims to provide accessible and 
      comprehensive learning materials for learners 
      of all levels globally.
      Clip: auto value
   <div class="clip-rect">
      TutorialsPoint is an educational platform offering
      a vast array of tutorials and resources across various
      subjects, including programming, web development,
      and technology. It aims to provide accessible and
      comprehensive learning materials for learners of
      all levels globally.


带有 rect() 值的 clip 属性

为了剪裁绝对或固定定位元素的一部分,以便只有指定的区域可见,而其余区域不可见,我们使用 clip 属性的 rect(top, right, bottom, left) 值。指定的值将从顶部和左侧边缘剪裁元素。这在以下示例中显示。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      .sample {
         width: 200px;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         padding: 10px;

      .clip-rect {
         position: absolute;
         width: 200px;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         padding: 10px;
         clip: rect(0px 170px 140px 0px);

      CSS clip property
      Original text:
   <div class="sample">
      TutorialsPoint is an educational platform offering
      a vast array of tutorials and resources across various
      subjects, including programming, web development, 
      and technology. It aims to provide accessible and
      comprehensive learning materials for learners
      of all levels globally.
      Clip: rect(0px 170px 140px 0px) value
   <div class="clip-rect">
      TutorialsPoint is an educational platform
      offering a vast array of tutorials and resources
      across various subjects, including programming,
      web development, and technology. It aims to provide
      accessible and comprehensive learning materials
      for learners of all levels globally.


带有图片的 clip 属性

clip 属性也可以与绝对或固定定位的图片一起使用。在以下示例中,autorect(top, right, bottom, left) 值已与图片一起使用。


<!DOCTYPE html>

      img {
         width: 300px;
         height: 200px;

      .clip-auto {
         position: absolute;
         clip: auto;

      .clip-rect {
         position: absolute;
         clip: rect(0px 140px 170px 0px);

      CSS clip property</h2>
   <p>Original image:</p>
   <img src="/css/images/white-flower.jpg" 
      clip: auto value
   <img src="/css/images/white-flower.jpg" 
      clip: rect(0px 140px 170px 0px) value
   <img src="/css/images/white-flower.jpg" class="clip-rect" 




  • clip 属性已被弃用,并由 clip-path 属性替换
  • 如果 'overflow: visible',clip 属性将不起作用。


属性 Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
clip 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 7.0