CSS - clear 属性

CSS 的**clear**属性决定了元素相对于前面浮动元素的流动方式。它决定了元素应该显示在浮动元素旁边还是下面。


clear: none | left | right | both | initial | inherit;


none 元素不会被推到左侧或右侧浮动元素的下方。默认值
left 元素被推到左侧浮动元素的下方。
right 元素被推到右侧浮动元素的下方。
both 元素被推到左侧和右侧浮动元素的下方。
initial 将属性设置为其默认值。
inherit 从父元素继承属性。

CSS clear 属性示例


带有 none 值的 clear 属性



<!DOCTYPE html>

      .common {
         width: 150px;
         height: 100px;
         text-align: center;

      .float-left {
         float: left;
         background-color: lightblue;
         margin-right: 10px;

      .float-right {
         float: right;
         background-color: lightcoral;

      .element {
         clear: none;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         height: 100px;

      CSS clear property
      Clear: None, it places the element 
      alongside the floating element if 
      space exists.
      <div class=" common float-left">
        Left Float
      <div class="element">
            See this element is placed alongside the left
            floating element due to the using of clear with
            none value.
      <div class="common float-right">
        Right Float
      <div class="element">
            See this element is placed alongside
            the right floating element due to the
            using of clear with none value.


带有 left 值的 clear 属性



<!DOCTYPE html>

      .float-left {
         width: 150px;
         height: 100px;
         text-align: center;
         float: left;
         background-color: lightblue;

      .element {
         clear: left;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         height: 100px;

      CSS clear property
      Clear: Left, it places the element below the
      left floating element.
      <div class="common float-left">
        Left Float
      <div class="element">
            See this element is placed below the
            left floating element due to the using
            of clear with left value.


带有 right 值的 clear 属性



<!DOCTYPE html>

      .float-right {
         width: 150px;
         height: 100px;
         text-align: center;
         float: right;
         background-color: lightcoral;

      .element {
         clear: right;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         height: 100px;

      CSS clear property
      Clear: Right, it places the element below the
      right floating element.
      <div class="common float-right">
        Right Float
      <div class="element">
            See this element is placed below the
            right floating element due to the using
            of clear with right value.


带有 both 值的 clear 属性



<!DOCTYPE html>

      .common {
         width: 150px;
         height: 100px;
         text-align: center;

      .float-left {
         float: left;
         background-color: lightblue;
         margin-right: 10px;

      .float-right {
         float: right;
         background-color: lightcoral;

      .element {
         clear: both;
         background-color: lightgreen;
         height: 100px;

      CSS clear property
      Clear: Both, it places the element below both
      the left and right floating elements.
      <div class=" common float-left">
        Left Float
      <div class="common float-right">
        Right Float
      <div class="element">
            See this element is placed below both
            the left and right floating elements
            due to the using of clear with both value.



属性 Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
clear 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 6.0