CSS - max-width 属性

CSS 的 max-width 属性设置元素的最大宽度。如果元素的宽度超过最大宽度,则元素的高度会增加。如果内容完全适合元素的最大宽度,则不会产生任何效果。


max-width: none | length | percentage | initial | inherit;


none 不设置元素宽度的限制。默认值。
length 使用长度单位(例如 px、em、rem 等)设置元素的最大宽度。
percentage 使用百分比值(例如 10%)相对于容器大小设置元素的最大宽度。
initial 将属性设置为其默认值。
inherit 从父元素继承该属性。

CSS Max Width 属性示例

以下示例说明了使用不同值的 max-width 属性。

使用 None 值的 Max Width 属性

为了不设置元素宽度的任何限制,我们可以使用 none 值。定义的宽度将应用于元素。这在以下示例中显示。


<!DOCTYPE html>
      .container {
         width: 300px;
         height: 120px;
         padding: 5px;
         max-width: none;
         background-color: lightgreen;
      CSS max-width property
      max-width: none (the defined width 
      value will be applied)
   <div class="container">
      TutorialsPoint is an online platform offering free 
      tutorials and resources on various topics including 
      programming, web development, and data science. It 
      provides structured lessons, examples, and quizzes 
      for effective learning.

使用长度值的 Max Width 属性

为了设置元素宽度的最大限制,我们可以使用长度单位(例如 px、em、rem 等)指定最大宽度值。这在以下示例中显示。


<!DOCTYPE html>
      .container {
         width: 300px;
         height: 120px;
         padding: 5px;
         background-color: lightgreen;

      .ex1 {
         max-width: 200px;

      .ex2 {
         max-width: 250px;
      CSS max-width property
      max-width: 200px (the maximum width is 200px, 
      if content is larger, the height will increase.)
   <div class="container ex1">
      TutorialsPoint is an online platform offering free 
      tutorials and resources on various topics including 
      programming, web development, and data science. It 
      provides structured lessons, examples, and quizzes 
      for effective learning.
      max-width: 250px (the maximum width is 250px, 
      in the following example content is not greater 
      than the width, so no height change occurs.)
   <div class="container ex2">
      TutorialsPoint is an online platform offering free 
      tutorials and resources on various topics including 
      programming, web development, and data science. It 
      provides structured lessons, examples, and quizzes 
      for effective learning.

使用百分比值的 Max Width 属性

为了设置元素宽度的最大限制,我们可以使用百分比值(例如 10%)相对于包含元素的大小指定最大宽度值。这在以下示例中显示。


<!DOCTYPE html>
      .outer-container {
         width: 400px;
         height: 180px;
         padding: 5px;

      .inner-container {
         width: 100%;
         width: 100%;
         position: relative;

      .color {
         background-color: lightgreen;

      .ex1 {
         max-width: 40%;

      .ex2 {
         max-width: 90%;
      CSS max-width property
      max-width: 55% (the maximum width is 55% of the 
      inner-container's width, height increases, if 
      content is larger than the max-width as in this case.)
   <div class="outer-container">
      <div class="inner-container">
         <div class="ex1 color">
            TutorialsPoint is an online platform offering free 
            tutorials and resources on various topics including 
            programming, web development, and data science. It 
            provides structured lessons, examples, and quizzes 
            for effective learning.
      max-width: 90% (the maximum width is 90% of the 
      inner-container's width, height does not increase 
      as max-width accomodates all the content)
   <div class="outer-container">
      <div class="inner-container">
         <div class="ex2 color">
            TutorialsPoint is an online platform offering free 
            tutorials and resources on various topics including 
            programming, web development, and data science. It 
            provides structured lessons, examples, and quizzes 
            for effective learning.


属性 Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
max-width 1.0 7.0 1.0 2.0.2 7.0