CSS - text-underline-offset 属性

text-underline-offset 属性设置下划线文本装饰线与其初始位置的距离。


  • auto:浏览器选择下划线的适当偏移量。

  • <length>:任何具有指定单位的有效长度(包括负值)。

  • <percentage>:指定下划线的偏移量,为元素字体中 1em 的百分比。


所有 HTML 元素,除了表格行组、行、列组和列。

DOM 语法

object.style.UnderlineOffset =  auto ;

CSS text-underline-offset - 基本示例

以下示例演示如何使用text-underline-offset 属性

    p {
        text-decoration: underline red;
    .lineone {
        text-underline-offset: auto;
        text-decoration-color: purple;
        text-decoration-line: underline overline;
        text-underline-offset: 1em;
    .linethree {
        xt-underline-offset: 8px;
    .linefour {
        text-underline-offset: -9px;
    <h2>Text underline-offset</h2>
    <p class="lineone">Here is some text with a red underline!</p>
    <br />
    <p class="linetwo">
    This text has lines both above and below it. Only the bottom one is offset.
    <br />
    <p class="linethree">
    This text has a red underline with offset 8px.
    <br />

    <p class="linefour">
    This text has a red underline with offset -8px.