





Hybrid Cryptography


  • 生成公钥和私钥 - 接收者首先创建一对密钥:公钥和私钥。
  • 将公钥发送给发送者 - 接收者将其公钥发送给发送者。公钥可以公开分发,因为它仅用于加密。
  • 使用接收到的公钥通过对称加密加密文件 - 发送者希望安全地将文件发送给接收者。发送者在使用对称加密加密文件的同时,也使用了接收者的公钥。这意味着只有拥有相应私钥的接收者才能解密文件。
  • 使用非对称密码发送私钥 - 发送者现在将把接收者的私钥发送给他,但它是使用非对称加密加密的。此加密的私钥确保只有拥有相应私钥的预期接收者才能解密它。


我们将借助不同的编程语言(如 Python、Java 和 C++)来实现混合密码学。因此,请参考以下部分的代码:

使用 Python

此实现中的自定义加密基于移动连接密钥中每个字符的 ASCII 值。对于偶数索引的字符,每个字符都按公钥的长度移动,对于奇数索引的字符,每个字符都按对称密钥的长度移动。这是一种简单的加密类型,它仍然使用组合密钥和应用自定义转换的方法。因此,请参见下面的 Python 实现:

def hybrid_encrypt(message, public_key, symmetric_key):
   # Reverse the message
   reversed_message = message[::-1]
   # Combine reversed message with symmetric key
   combined_key = reversed_message + symmetric_key

   # change combined key to list of characters
   key_characters = list(combined_key)

   # Apply custom encryption
   encrypted_characters = []
   for i, char in enumerate(key_characters):
      if i % 2 == 0:
         encrypted_char = chr(ord(char) + len(public_key))  # Shift ASCII value by length of public key
         encrypted_char = chr(ord(char) - len(symmetric_key))  # Shift ASCII value by length of symmetric key

   # Combine encrypted characters 
   encrypted_message = ''.join(encrypted_characters)

   return encrypted_message

# our message, public key and symmetric key
message = "hellotutorialspoint"
public_key = "qwer"
symmetric_key = "private"

# function execution

encrypted_message = hybrid_encrypt(message, public_key, symmetric_key)
print("Our Encrypted Message:", encrypted_message)


Our Encrypted Message: xgmhtlpZmksmymsep^livbzZx^

使用 Java

此 Java 程序演示了使用给定密钥对明文消息应用的混合加密技术。main 方法初始化明文消息和密钥,然后调用 encryptMessage 函数来加密明文。

import java.util.*;

class HybridEncryption {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String plaintext = "hellotutorialspoint";
      String key = "qwer";
      System.out.println("Our Encrypted Message is: " + encryptMessage(plaintext, key));

   public static String encryptMessage(String message, String key) {
      int a = 0, b = 1, c = 0, m = 0, k = 0, j = 0;
      String encryptedText = "", temp = "";

      // Reverse the message
      StringBuilder reversedMessage = new StringBuilder(message).reverse();
      // Combine the reversed message with the key
      StringBuilder combinedString = reversedMessage.append(key);

      // change the combined string to a character array
      char[] charArray = combinedString.toString().toCharArray();
      String evenChars = "", oddChars = "";

      // Separate characters into even and odd positions
      for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) {
         if (i % 2 == 0) {
            oddChars += charArray[i];
         }else {
            evenChars += charArray[i];

      char[] evenArray = new char[evenChars.length()];
      char[] oddArray = new char[oddChars.length()];

      // create a Fibonacci series and apply Caesar cipher
      while (m <= key.length()) {
         if (m == 0)
            m = 1;
         else {
            a = b;
            b = c;
            c = a + b;
            for (int i = 0; i < evenChars.length(); i++) {
               int p = evenChars.charAt(i);
               int cipher = 0;
               if (Character.isDigit(p)) {
                  cipher = p - c;
                  if (cipher < '0')
                     cipher = cipher + 9;
               }else {
                  cipher = p - c;
                  if (cipher < 'a') {
                     cipher = cipher + 26;
               evenArray[i] = (char)cipher;
            for (int i = 0; i < oddChars.length(); i++) {
               int p = oddChars.charAt(i);
               int cipher = 0;
               if (Character.isDigit(p)) {
                  cipher = p + c;
                  if (cipher > '9')
                     cipher = cipher - 9;
               }else {
                  cipher = p + c;
                  if (cipher > 'z') {
                     cipher = cipher - 26;
               oddArray[i] = (char)cipher;

      // Combine even and odd characters based on their positions
      for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) {
         if (i % 2 == 0) {
            charArray[i] = oddArray[k];
         }else {
            charArray[i] = evenArray[j];
      // Generate the encrypted text
      for (char d : charArray) {
         encryptedText = encryptedText + d;

      // Return the encrypted text
      return encryptedText;


Our Encrypted Message is: wkllspoxlorqxqriobknzbu

使用 C++

此 C++ 代码显示了一种自定义加密算法,该算法结合了反向字符串操作和凯撒密码来加密消息。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm> // Include the algorithm header for the reverse function

using namespace std;

string hybridEncryption(string password, string key) {
   int a = 0, b = 1, c = 0,
      m = 0, k = 0, j = 0;
   string cipherText = "", temp = "";

   // Declare a password string
   string reversedPassword = password;

   // Reverse the String
   reverse(reversedPassword.begin(), reversedPassword.end()); // Use the reverse function
   reversedPassword = reversedPassword + key;

   // For future Purpose
   temp = reversedPassword;
   string charArray = temp;
   string evenChars = "", oddChars = "";

   // Declare EvenArray for storing
   // even index of charArray
   char *evenArray;

   // Declare OddArray for storing
   // odd index of charArray
   char *oddArray;

   // Storing the positions in their
   // respective arrays
   for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length(); i++) {
      if (i % 2 == 0) {
         oddChars = oddChars + charArray[i];
      }else {
         evenChars = evenChars + charArray[i];

   evenArray = new char[evenChars.length()];
   oddArray = new char[oddChars.length()];

   // Generate a Fibonacci Series
   // Upto the Key Length
   while (m <= key.length()) {

      // As it always starts with 1
      if (m == 0)
         m = 1;

      else {

         // Logic For Fibonacci Series
         a = b;
         b = c;
         c = a + b;

         for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length(); i++) {

            // Caesar Cipher Algorithm Start
            // for even positions
            int p = charArray[i];
            int cipher = 0;

            if (p == '0' || p == '1' ||
               p == '2' || p == '3' ||
               p == '4' || p == '5' ||
               p == '6' || p == '7' ||
               p == '8' || p == '9') {
               cipher = p - c;

               if (cipher < '0')
                  cipher = cipher + 9;
            }else {
               cipher = p - c;
               if (cipher < 'a') {
                  cipher = cipher + 26;
            evenArray[i] = (char)cipher;

            // Caesar Cipher Algorithm End
         for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length(); i++) {

            // Caesar Cipher Algorithm
            // Start for odd positions
            int p = charArray[i];
            int cipher = 0;

            if (p == '0' || p == '1' ||
               p == '2' || p == '3' ||
               p == '4' || p == '5' ||
               p == '6' || p == '7' ||
               p == '8' || p == '9') {
                  cipher = p + c;
                  if (cipher > '9')
                     cipher = cipher - 9;
            }else {
               cipher = p + c;
               if (cipher > 'z') {
                  cipher = cipher - 26;
            oddArray[i] = (char)cipher;

            // Caesar Cipher Algorithm End

   // Storing content of even and
   // odd array to the string array
   for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length(); i++) {
      if (i % 2 == 0) {
         charArray[i] = oddArray[k];
      }else {
         charArray[i] = evenArray[j];

   // Generating a Cipher Text
   // by charArray (Caesar Cipher)
   for (char d : charArray) {
      cipherText = cipherText + d;

   // Return the Cipher Text
   return cipherText;

// Driver code
int main() {
   string pass = "hellotutorialspoint";
   string key = "qwer";

   cout <<"Our Encrypted Message is: "<< hybridEncryption(pass, key);

   return 0;


Our Encrypted Message is: wqqklfrlsmvpoidxlfuorlw


