- 数据结构与算法
- DSA - 首页
- DSA - 概述
- DSA - 环境搭建
- DSA - 算法基础
- DSA - 渐进分析
- 数据结构
- DSA - 数据结构基础
- DSA - 数据结构和类型
- DSA - 数组数据结构
- 链表
- DSA - 链表数据结构
- DSA - 双向链表数据结构
- DSA - 循环链表数据结构
- 栈与队列
- DSA - 栈数据结构
- DSA - 表达式解析
- DSA - 队列数据结构
- 搜索算法
- DSA - 搜索算法
- DSA - 线性搜索算法
- DSA - 二分搜索算法
- DSA - 插值搜索
- DSA - 跳跃搜索算法
- DSA - 指数搜索
- DSA - 斐波那契搜索
- DSA - 子列表搜索
- DSA - 哈希表
- 排序算法
- DSA - 排序算法
- DSA - 冒泡排序算法
- DSA - 插入排序算法
- DSA - 选择排序算法
- DSA - 归并排序算法
- DSA - 希尔排序算法
- DSA - 堆排序
- DSA - 桶排序算法
- DSA - 计数排序算法
- DSA - 基数排序算法
- DSA - 快速排序算法
- 图数据结构
- DSA - 图数据结构
- DSA - 深度优先遍历
- DSA - 广度优先遍历
- DSA - 生成树
- 树数据结构
- DSA - 树数据结构
- DSA - 树的遍历
- DSA - 二叉搜索树
- DSA - AVL树
- DSA - 红黑树
- DSA - B树
- DSA - B+树
- DSA - 伸展树
- DSA - 字典树
- DSA - 堆数据结构
- 递归
- DSA - 递归算法
- DSA - 使用递归实现汉诺塔
- DSA - 使用递归实现斐波那契数列
- 分治法
- DSA - 分治法
- DSA - 最大最小问题
- DSA - Strassen矩阵乘法
- DSA - Karatsuba算法
- 贪心算法
- DSA - 贪心算法
- DSA - 旅行商问题(贪心法)
- DSA - Prim最小生成树
- DSA - Kruskal最小生成树
- DSA - Dijkstra最短路径算法
- DSA - 地图着色算法
- DSA - 分数背包问题
- DSA - 带截止日期的作业排序
- DSA - 最优合并模式算法
- 动态规划
- DSA - 动态规划
- DSA - 矩阵链乘法
- DSA - Floyd Warshall算法
- DSA - 0-1背包问题
- DSA - 最长公共子序列算法
- DSA - 旅行商问题(动态规划法)
- 近似算法
- DSA - 近似算法
- DSA - 顶点覆盖算法
- DSA - 集合覆盖问题
- DSA - 旅行商问题(近似算法)
- 随机算法
- DSA - 随机算法
- DSA - 随机快速排序算法
- DSA - Karger最小割算法
- DSA - Fisher-Yates洗牌算法
- DSA有用资源
- DSA - 问答
- DSA - 快速指南
- DSA - 有用资源
- DSA - 讨论
Step 1 − Create a node Step 2 − Check if the tree is empty Step 3 − If the tree is empty, the new node created will become the root node of the AVL Tree. Step 4 − If the tree is not empty, we perform the Binary Search Tree insertion operation and check the balancing factor of the node in the tree. Step 5 − Suppose the balancing factor exceeds ±1, we apply suitable rotations on the said node and resume the insertion from Step 4.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct Node { int data; struct Node *leftChild; struct Node *rightChild; int height; }; int max(int a, int b); int height(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return N->height; } int max(int a, int b){ return (a > b) ? a : b; } struct Node *newNode(int data){ struct Node *node = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); node->data = data; node->leftChild = NULL; node->rightChild = NULL; node->height = 1; return (node); } struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *y){ struct Node *x = y->leftChild; struct Node *T2 = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y; y->leftChild = T2; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; return x; } struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *x){ struct Node *y = x->rightChild; struct Node *T2 = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; x->rightChild = T2; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; return y; } int getBalance(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return height(N->leftChild) - height(N->rightChild); } struct Node *insertNode(struct Node *node, int data){ if (node == NULL) return (newNode(data)); if (data < node->data) node->leftChild = insertNode(node->leftChild, data); else if (data > node->data) node->rightChild = insertNode(node->rightChild, data); else return node; node->height = 1 + max(height(node->leftChild), height(node->rightChild)); int balance = getBalance(node); if (balance > 1 && data < node->leftChild->data) return rightRotate(node); if (balance < -1 && data > node->rightChild->data) return leftRotate(node); if (balance > 1 && data > node->leftChild->data) { node->leftChild = leftRotate(node->leftChild); return rightRotate(node); } if (balance < -1 && data < node->rightChild->data) { node->rightChild = rightRotate(node->rightChild); return leftRotate(node); } return node; } struct Node *minValueNode(struct Node *node){ struct Node *current = node; while (current->leftChild != NULL) current = current->leftChild; return current; } void printTree(struct Node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct Node *root = NULL; root = insertNode(root, 22); root = insertNode(root, 14); root = insertNode(root, 72); root = insertNode(root, 44); root = insertNode(root, 25); root = insertNode(root, 63); root = insertNode(root, 98); printf("AVL Tree: "); printTree(root); return 0; }输出
AVL Tree: 14 22 25 44 63 72 98
#include <iostream> struct Node { int data; struct Node *leftChild; struct Node *rightChild; int height; }; int max(int a, int b); int height(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return N->height; } int max(int a, int b){ return (a > b) ? a : b; } struct Node *newNode(int data){ struct Node *node = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); node->data = data; node->leftChild = NULL; node->rightChild = NULL; node->height = 1; return (node); } struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *y){ struct Node *x = y->leftChild; struct Node *T2 = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y; y->leftChild = T2; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; return x; } struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *x){ struct Node *y = x->rightChild; struct Node *T2 = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; x->rightChild = T2; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; return y; } int getBalance(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return height(N->leftChild) - height(N->rightChild); } struct Node *insertNode(struct Node *node, int data){ if (node == NULL) return (newNode(data)); if (data < node->data) node->leftChild = insertNode(node->leftChild, data); else if (data > node->data) node->rightChild = insertNode(node->rightChild, data); else return node; node->height = 1 + max(height(node->leftChild), height(node->rightChild)); int balance = getBalance(node); if (balance > 1 && data < node->leftChild->data) return rightRotate(node); if (balance < -1 && data > node->rightChild->data) return leftRotate(node); if (balance > 1 && data > node->leftChild->data) { node->leftChild = leftRotate(node->leftChild); return rightRotate(node); } if (balance < -1 && data < node->rightChild->data) { node->rightChild = rightRotate(node->rightChild); return leftRotate(node); } return node; } struct Node *minValueNode(struct Node *node){ struct Node *current = node; while (current->leftChild != NULL) current = current->leftChild; return current; } void printTree(struct Node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->leftChild); } } int main(){ struct Node *root = NULL; root = insertNode(root, 22); root = insertNode(root, 14); root = insertNode(root, 72); root = insertNode(root, 44); root = insertNode(root, 25); root = insertNode(root, 63); root = insertNode(root, 98); printf("AVL Tree: "); printTree(root); return 0; }输出
AVL Tree: 14 22 14 44 14 22 14
import java.util.*; import java.io.*; class Node { int key, height; Node left, right; Node (int d) { key = d; height = 1; } } public class AVLTree { Node root; int height (Node N) { if (N == null) return 0; return N.height; } int max (int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } Node rightRotate (Node y) { Node x = y.left; Node T2 = x.right; x.right = y; y.left = T2; y.height = max (height (y.left), height (y.right)) + 1; x.height = max (height (x.left), height (x.right)) + 1; return x; } Node leftRotate (Node x) { Node y = x.right; Node T2 = y.left; y.left = x; x.right = T2; x.height = max (height (x.left), height (x.right)) + 1; y.height = max (height (y.left), height (y.right)) + 1; return y; } int getBalance (Node N) { if (N == null) return 0; return height (N.left) - height (N.right); } Node insert (Node node, int key) { if (node == null) return (new Node (key)); if (key < node.key) node.left = insert (node.left, key); else if (key > node.key) node.right = insert (node.right, key); else return node; node.height = 1 + max (height (node.left), height (node.right)); int balance = getBalance (node); if (balance > 1 && key < node.left.key) return rightRotate (node); if (balance < -1 && key > node.right.key) return leftRotate (node); if (balance > 1 && key > node.left.key) { node.left = leftRotate (node.left); return rightRotate (node); } if (balance < -1 && key < node.right.key) { node.right = rightRotate (node.right); return leftRotate (node); } return node; } void printTree(Node root){ if (root == null) return; if (root != null) { printTree(root.left); System.out.print(root.key + " "); printTree(root.left); } } public static void main(String args[]) { AVLTree tree = new AVLTree(); tree.root = tree.insert(tree.root, 10); tree.root = tree.insert(tree.root, 11); tree.root = tree.insert(tree.root, 12); tree.root = tree.insert(tree.root, 13); tree.root = tree.insert(tree.root, 14); tree.root = tree.insert(tree.root, 15); System.out.println("AVL Tree: "); tree.printTree(tree.root); } }输出
AVL Tree: 10 11 10 13 10 11 10
class Node(object): def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.left = None self.right = None self.height = 1 class AVLTree(object): def insert(self, root, key): if not root: return Node(key) elif key < root.data: root.left = self.insert(root.left, key) else: root.right = self.insert(root.right, key) root.h = 1 + max(self.getHeight(root.left), self.getHeight(root.right)) b = self.getBalance(root) if b > 1 and key < root.left.data: return self.rightRotate(root) if b < -1 and key > root.right.data: return self.leftRotate(root) if b > 1 and key > root.left.data: root.left = self.lefttRotate(root.left) return self.rightRotate(root) if b < -1 and key < root.right.data: root.right = self.rightRotate(root.right) return self.leftRotate(root) return root def leftRotate(self, z): y = z.right T2 = y.left y.left = z z.right = T2 z.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(z.left), self.getHeight(z.right)) y.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(y.left), self.getHeight(y.right)) return y def rightRotate(self, z): y = z.left T3 = y.right y.right = z z.left = T3 z.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(z.left), self.getHeight(z.right)) y.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(y.left), self.getHeight(y.right)) return y def getHeight(self, root): if not root: return 0 return root.height def getBalance(self, root): if not root: return 0 return self.getHeight(root.left) - self.getHeight(root.right) def Inorder(self, root): if root.left: self.Inorder(root.left) print(root.data) if root.right: self.Inorder(root.right) Tree = AVLTree() root = None root = Tree.insert(root, 10) root = Tree.insert(root, 13) root = Tree.insert(root, 11) root = Tree.insert(root, 14) root = Tree.insert(root, 12) root = Tree.insert(root, 15) # Inorder Traversal print("Inorder traversal of the AVL tree is") Tree.Inorder(root)输出
Inorder traversal of the AVL tree is 10 11 12 13 14 15
**场景1(删除叶子节点)** - 如果要删除的节点是叶子节点,则无需替换即可删除,因为它不会干扰二叉搜索树属性。但是,平衡因子可能会受到干扰,因此应用旋转来恢复它。
**场景2(删除只有一个子节点的节点)** - 如果要删除的节点只有一个子节点,则用其子节点中的值替换该节点中的值。然后删除子节点。如果平衡因子受到干扰,则应用旋转。
**场景3(删除有两个子节点的节点)** - 如果要删除的节点有两个子节点,则找到该节点的中序后继并将其值替换为中序后继值。然后尝试删除中序后继节点。如果删除后平衡因子超过1,则应用平衡算法。
树的平衡因子变为 1,并且由于它不超过 1,因此树保持不变。如果我们进一步删除元素 5,则需要应用左旋转;由于不平衡发生在 1-2-4 和 3-2-4 处,因此可能是 LL 或 LR 旋转。
删除元素 5 后,平衡因子被扰乱,因此我们应用 LL 旋转(这里也可以应用 LR 旋转)。
在路径 1-2-4 上应用 LL 旋转后,节点 3 保持不变,因为它应该成为节点 2 的右孩子(现在被节点 4 占据)。因此,该节点被添加到节点 2 的右子树中,并作为节点 4 的左孩子。
从剩余树中删除元素 2 -
如场景 3 中所述,此节点有两个子节点。因此,我们找到它的中序后继节点(例如,3),该节点是叶子节点,并用中序后继节点的值替换它的值。
树的平衡因子仍然为 1,因此我们保持树不变,不执行任何旋转。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct Node { int data; struct Node *leftChild; struct Node *rightChild; int height; }; int max(int a, int b); int height(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return N->height; } int max(int a, int b){ return (a > b) ? a : b; } struct Node *newNode(int data){ struct Node *node = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); node->data = data; node->leftChild = NULL; node->rightChild = NULL; node->height = 1; return (node); } struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *y){ struct Node *x = y->leftChild; struct Node *T2 = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y; y->leftChild = T2; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; return x; } struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *x){ struct Node *y = x->rightChild; struct Node *T2 = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; x->rightChild = T2; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; return y; } int getBalance(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return height(N->leftChild) - height(N->rightChild); } struct Node *insertNode(struct Node *node, int data){ if (node == NULL) return (newNode(data)); if (data < node->data) node->leftChild = insertNode(node->leftChild, data); else if (data > node->data) node->rightChild = insertNode(node->rightChild, data); else return node; node->height = 1 + max(height(node->leftChild), height(node->rightChild)); int balance = getBalance(node); if (balance > 1 && data < node->leftChild->data) return rightRotate(node); if (balance < -1 && data > node->rightChild->data) return leftRotate(node); if (balance > 1 && data > node->leftChild->data) { node->leftChild = leftRotate(node->leftChild); return rightRotate(node); } if (balance < -1 && data < node->rightChild->data) { node->rightChild = rightRotate(node->rightChild); return leftRotate(node); } return node; } struct Node *minValueNode(struct Node *node){ struct Node *current = node; while (current->leftChild != NULL) current = current->leftChild; return current; } struct Node *deleteNode(struct Node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL) return root; if (data < root->data) root->leftChild = deleteNode(root->leftChild, data); else if (data > root->data) root->rightChild = deleteNode(root->rightChild, data); else { if ((root->leftChild == NULL) || (root->rightChild == NULL)) { struct Node *temp = root->leftChild ? root->leftChild : root->rightChild; if (temp == NULL) { temp = root; root = NULL; } else *root = *temp; free(temp); } else { struct Node *temp = minValueNode(root->rightChild); root->data = temp->data; root->rightChild = deleteNode(root->rightChild, temp->data); } } if (root == NULL) return root; root->height = 1 + max(height(root->leftChild), height(root->rightChild)); int balance = getBalance(root); if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->leftChild) >= 0) return rightRotate(root); if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->leftChild) < 0) { root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); return rightRotate(root); } if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->rightChild) <= 0) return leftRotate(root); if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->rightChild) > 0) { root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); return leftRotate(root); } return root; } // Print the tree void printTree(struct Node *root){ if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct Node *root = NULL; root = insertNode(root, 22); root = insertNode(root, 14); root = insertNode(root, 72); root = insertNode(root, 44); root = insertNode(root, 25); root = insertNode(root, 63); root = insertNode(root, 98); printf("AVL Tree: "); printTree(root); root = deleteNode(root, 25); printf("\nAfter deletion: "); printTree(root); return 0; }输出
AVL Tree: 14 22 25 44 63 72 98 After deletion: 14 22 44 63 72 98
#include <iostream> struct Node { int data; struct Node *leftChild; struct Node *rightChild; int height; }; int max(int a, int b); int height(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return N->height; } int max(int a, int b){ return (a > b) ? a : b; } struct Node *newNode(int data){ struct Node *node = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); node->data = data; node->leftChild = NULL; node->rightChild = NULL; node->height = 1; return (node); } struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *y){ struct Node *x = y->leftChild; struct Node *T2 = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y; y->leftChild = T2; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; return x; } struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *x){ struct Node *y = x->rightChild; struct Node *T2 = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; x->rightChild = T2; x->height = max(height(x->leftChild), height(x->rightChild)) + 1; y->height = max(height(y->leftChild), height(y->rightChild)) + 1; return y; } int getBalance(struct Node *N){ if (N == NULL) return 0; return height(N->leftChild) - height(N->rightChild); } struct Node *insertNode(struct Node *node, int data){ if (node == NULL) return (newNode(data)); if (data < node->data) node->leftChild = insertNode(node->leftChild, data); else if (data > node->data) node->rightChild = insertNode(node->rightChild, data); else return node; node->height = 1 + max(height(node->leftChild), height(node->rightChild)); int balance = getBalance(node); if (balance > 1 && data < node->leftChild->data) return rightRotate(node); if (balance < -1 && data > node->rightChild->data) return leftRotate(node); if (balance > 1 && data > node->leftChild->data) { node->leftChild = leftRotate(node->leftChild); return rightRotate(node); } if (balance < -1 && data < node->rightChild->data) { node->rightChild = rightRotate(node->rightChild); return leftRotate(node); } return node; } struct Node *minValueNode(struct Node *node){ struct Node *current = node; while (current->leftChild != NULL) current = current->leftChild; return current; } struct Node *deleteNode(struct Node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL) return root; if (data < root->data) root->leftChild = deleteNode(root->leftChild, data); else if (data > root->data) root->rightChild = deleteNode(root->rightChild, data); else { if ((root->leftChild == NULL) || (root->rightChild == NULL)) { struct Node *temp = root->leftChild ? root->leftChild : root->rightChild; if (temp == NULL) { temp = root; root = NULL; } else *root = *temp; free(temp); } else { struct Node *temp = minValueNode(root->rightChild); root->data = temp->data; root->rightChild = deleteNode(root->rightChild, temp->data); } } if (root == NULL) return root; root->height = 1 + max(height(root->leftChild), height(root->rightChild)); int balance = getBalance(root); if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->leftChild) >= 0) return rightRotate(root); if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root->leftChild) < 0) { root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); return rightRotate(root); } if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->rightChild) <= 0) return leftRotate(root); if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root->rightChild) > 0) { root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); return leftRotate(root); } return root; } // Print the tree void printTree(struct Node *root){ if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct Node *root = NULL; root = insertNode(root, 22); root = insertNode(root, 14); root = insertNode(root, 72); root = insertNode(root, 44); root = insertNode(root, 25); root = insertNode(root, 63); root = insertNode(root, 98); printf("AVL Tree: "); printTree(root); root = deleteNode(root, 25); printf("\nAfter deletion: "); printTree(root); return 0; }输出
AVL Tree: 14 22 25 44 63 72 98 After deletion: 14 22 44 63 72 98
import java.util.*; import java.io.*; class Node { int key, height; Node left, right; Node (int d) { key = d; height = 1; } } public class AVLTree { Node root; int height (Node N) { if (N == null) return 0; return N.height; } int max (int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } Node rightRotate (Node y) { Node x = y.left; Node T2 = x.right; x.right = y; y.left = T2; y.height = max (height (y.left), height (y.right)) + 1; x.height = max (height (x.left), height (x.right)) + 1; return x; } Node leftRotate (Node x) { Node y = x.right; Node T2 = y.left; y.left = x; x.right = T2; x.height = max (height (x.left), height (x.right)) + 1; y.height = max (height (y.left), height (y.right)) + 1; return y; } int getBalance (Node N) { if (N == null) return 0; return height (N.left) - height (N.right); } Node minValueNode (Node node) { Node current = node; while (current.left != null) current = current.left; return current; } Node deleteNode (Node root, int key) { if (root == null) return root; if (key < root.key) root.left = deleteNode (root.left, key); else if (key > root.key) root.right = deleteNode (root.right, key); else { if ((root.left == null) || (root.right == null)) { Node temp = null; if (temp == root.left) temp = root.right; else temp = root.left; if (temp == null) { temp = root; root = null; } else root = temp; } else { Node temp = minValueNode (root.right); root.key = temp.key; root.right = deleteNode (root.right, temp.key); } } if (root == null) return root; root.height = max (height (root.left), height (root.right)) + 1; int balance = getBalance (root); if (balance > 1 && getBalance (root.left) >= 0) return rightRotate (root); if (balance > 1 && getBalance (root.left) < 0) { root.left = leftRotate (root.left); return rightRotate (root); } if (balance < -1 && getBalance (root.right) <= 0) return leftRotate (root); if (balance < -1 && getBalance (root.right) > 0) { root.right = rightRotate (root.right); return leftRotate (root); } return root; } public void printTree(Node root) { if (root == null) return; printTree(root.left); System.out.print(root.key + " "); printTree(root.right); } public static void main (String[]args) { AVLTree tree = new AVLTree(); tree.root = new Node(13); tree.root.left = new Node(12); tree.root.left.left = new Node(11); tree.root.left.left.left = new Node(10); tree.root.right = new Node(14); tree.root.right.right = new Node(15); System.out.print("AVL Tree: "); tree.printTree(tree.root); tree.root = tree.deleteNode (tree.root, 10); System.out.print("\nAfter deletion: "); tree.printTree(tree.root); System.out.println (""); } }输出
AVL Tree: 10 11 12 13 14 15 After deletion: 11 12 13 14 15
class Node(object): def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.left = None self.right = None self.height = 1 class AVLTree(object): def insert(self, root, key): if not root: return Node(key) elif key < root.data: root.left = self.insert(root.left, key) else: root.right = self.insert(root.right, key) root.h = 1 + max(self.getHeight(root.left), self.getHeight(root.right)) b = self.getBalance(root) if b > 1 and key < root.left.data: return self.rightRotate(root) if b < -1 and key > root.right.data: return self.leftRotate(root) if b > 1 and key > root.left.data: root.left = self.lefttRotate(root.left) return self.rightRotate(root) if b < -1 and key < root.right.data: root.right = self.rightRotate(root.right) return self.leftRotate(root) return root def delete(self, root, key): if not root: return root elif key < root.data: root.left = self.delete(root.left, key) elif key > root.data: root.right = self.delete(root.right, key) else: if root.left is None: temp = root.right root = None return temp elif root.right is None: temp = root.left root = None return temp temp = self.getMindataueNode(root.right) root.data = temp.data root.right = self.delete(root.right, temp.data) if root is None: return root root.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(root.left), self.getHeight(root.right)) balance = self.getBalance(root) if balance > 1 and self.getBalance(root.left) >= 0: return self.rightRotate(root) if balance < -1 and self.getBalance(root.right) <= 0: return self.leftRotate(root) if balance > 1 and self.getBalance(root.left) < 0: root.left = self.leftRotate(root.left) return self.rightRotate(root) if balance < -1 and self.getBalance(root.right) > 0: root.right = self.rightRotate(root.right) return self.leftRotate(root) return root def leftRotate(self, z): y = z.right T2 = y.left y.left = z z.right = T2 z.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(z.left), self.getHeight(z.right)) y.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(y.left), self.getHeight(y.right)) return y def rightRotate(self, z): y = z.left T3 = y.right y.right = z z.left = T3 z.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(z.left), self.getHeight(z.right)) y.height = 1 + max(self.getHeight(y.left), self.getHeight(y.right)) return y def getHeight(self, root): if not root: return 0 return root.height def getBalance(self, root): if not root: return 0 return self.getHeight(root.left) - self.getHeight(root.right) def Inorder(self, root): if root.left: self.Inorder(root.left) print(root.data, end = " ") if root.right: self.Inorder(root.right) Tree = AVLTree() root = None root = Tree.insert(root, 10) root = Tree.insert(root, 13) root = Tree.insert(root, 11) root = Tree.insert(root, 14) root = Tree.insert(root, 12) root = Tree.insert(root, 15) # Inorder Traversal print("AVL Tree: ") Tree.Inorder(root) root = Tree.delete(root, 14) print("\nAfter deletion: ") Tree.Inorder(root)输出
AVL Tree: 10 11 12 13 14 15 After deletion: 10 11 12 13 15