- 数据结构与算法
- DSA - 首页
- DSA - 概述
- DSA - 环境搭建
- DSA - 算法基础
- DSA - 渐进分析
- 数据结构
- DSA - 数据结构基础
- DSA - 数据结构和类型
- DSA - 数组数据结构
- 链表
- DSA - 链表数据结构
- DSA - 双向链表数据结构
- DSA - 循环链表数据结构
- 栈与队列
- DSA - 栈数据结构
- DSA - 表达式解析
- DSA - 队列数据结构
- 搜索算法
- DSA - 搜索算法
- DSA - 线性搜索算法
- DSA - 二分搜索算法
- DSA - 插值搜索
- DSA - 跳跃搜索算法
- DSA - 指数搜索
- DSA - 斐波那契搜索
- DSA - 子列表搜索
- DSA - 哈希表
- 排序算法
- DSA - 排序算法
- DSA - 冒泡排序算法
- DSA - 插入排序算法
- DSA - 选择排序算法
- DSA - 归并排序算法
- DSA - 希尔排序算法
- DSA - 堆排序
- DSA - 桶排序算法
- DSA - 计数排序算法
- DSA - 基数排序算法
- DSA - 快速排序算法
- 图数据结构
- DSA - 图数据结构
- DSA - 深度优先遍历
- DSA - 广度优先遍历
- DSA - 生成树
- 树数据结构
- DSA - 树数据结构
- DSA - 树的遍历
- DSA - 二叉搜索树
- DSA - AVL 树
- DSA - 红黑树
- DSA - B 树
- DSA - B+ 树
- DSA - 伸展树
- DSA - 字典树
- DSA - 堆数据结构
- 递归
- DSA - 递归算法
- DSA - 使用递归实现汉诺塔
- DSA - 使用递归实现斐波那契数列
- 分治法
- DSA - 分治法
- DSA - 最大-最小问题
- DSA - Strassen 矩阵乘法
- DSA - Karatsuba 算法
- 贪心算法
- DSA - 贪心算法
- DSA - 旅行商问题(贪心算法)
- DSA - Prim 最小生成树
- DSA - Kruskal 最小生成树
- DSA - Dijkstra 最短路径算法
- DSA - 地图着色算法
- DSA - 分数背包问题
- DSA - 带截止日期的作业排序
- DSA - 最佳合并模式算法
- 动态规划
- DSA - 动态规划
- DSA - 矩阵链乘法
- DSA - Floyd-Warshall 算法
- DSA - 0-1 背包问题
- DSA - 最长公共子序列算法
- DSA - 旅行商问题(动态规划)
- 近似算法
- DSA - 近似算法
- DSA - 顶点覆盖算法
- DSA - 集合覆盖问题
- DSA - 旅行商问题(近似算法)
- 随机化算法
- DSA - 随机化算法
- DSA - 随机化快速排序算法
- DSA - Karger 最小割算法
- DSA - Fisher-Yates 洗牌算法
- DSA 有用资源
- DSA - 问答
- DSA - 快速指南
- DSA - 有用资源
- DSA - 讨论
伸展树是二叉搜索树的修改版本,因为它包含了所有 BST 的操作,如插入、删除和搜索,以及另一个扩展操作,称为伸展。
Zig 旋转
Zag 旋转
Zig-Zig 旋转
Zag-Zag 旋转
Zig-Zag 旋转
Zag-Zig 旋转
Zig 旋转
当操作节点是根节点或根节点的左子节点时,执行 Zig 旋转。节点向右旋转。
Zag 旋转
当操作节点是根节点或根节点的右子节点时,也执行 Zag 旋转。节点向左旋转。
Zig-Zig 旋转
当操作节点同时具有父节点和祖父母节点时,执行 Zig-Zig 旋转。节点向右旋转两次。
Zag-Zag 旋转
当操作节点同时具有父节点和祖父母节点时,也执行 Zag-Zag 旋转。节点向左旋转两次。
Zig-Zag 旋转
Zig-Zag 旋转在操作节点同时具有父节点和祖父母节点时执行。但不同之处在于祖父母节点、父节点和子节点的格式为 LRL。节点先向右旋转,然后向左旋转。
Zag-Zig 旋转
Zag-Zig 旋转也在操作节点同时具有父节点和祖父母节点时执行。但不同之处在于祖父母节点、父节点和子节点的格式为 RLR。节点先向左旋转,然后向右旋转。
对新节点应用 Zag(左)旋转
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild, *rightChild; }; struct node* newNode(int data){ struct node* Node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Node->data = data; Node->leftChild = Node->rightChild = NULL; return (Node); } struct node* rightRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->leftChild; x->leftChild = y->rightChild; y->rightChild = x; return y; } struct node* leftRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; return y; } struct node* splay(struct node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL || root->data == data) return root; if (root->data > data) { if (root->leftChild == NULL) return root; if (root->leftChild->data > data) { root->leftChild->leftChild = splay(root->leftChild->leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root->leftChild->data < data) { root->leftChild->rightChild = splay(root->leftChild->rightChild, data); if (root->leftChild->rightChild != NULL) root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); } return (root->leftChild == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root->rightChild == NULL) return root; if (root->rightChild->data > data) { root->rightChild->leftChild = splay(root->rightChild->leftChild, data); if (root->rightChild->leftChild != NULL) root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); } else if (root->rightChild->data < data) { root->rightChild->rightChild = splay(root->rightChild->rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root->rightChild == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root); } } struct node* insert(struct node *root, int k){ if (root == NULL) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root->data == k) return root; struct node *newnode = newNode(k); if (root->data > k) { newnode->rightChild = root; newnode->leftChild = root->leftChild; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { newnode->leftChild = root; newnode->rightChild = root->rightChild; root->rightChild = NULL; } return newnode; } void printTree(struct node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct node* root = newNode(34); root->leftChild = newNode(15); root->rightChild = newNode(40); root->leftChild->leftChild = newNode(12); root->leftChild->leftChild->rightChild = newNode(14); root->rightChild->rightChild = newNode(59); printf("The Splay tree is: \n"); printTree(root); return 0; }
The Splay tree is: 12 14 15 34 40 59
#include <iostream> struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild, *rightChild; }; struct node* newNode(int data){ struct node* Node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Node->data = data; Node->leftChild = Node->rightChild = NULL; return (Node); } struct node* rightRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->leftChild; x->leftChild = y->rightChild; y->rightChild = x; return y; } struct node* leftRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; return y; } struct node* splay(struct node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL || root->data == data) return root; if (root->data > data) { if (root->leftChild == NULL) return root; if (root->leftChild->data > data) { root->leftChild->leftChild = splay(root->leftChild->leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root->leftChild->data < data) { root->leftChild->rightChild = splay(root->leftChild->rightChild, data); if (root->leftChild->rightChild != NULL) root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); } return (root->leftChild == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root->rightChild == NULL) return root; if (root->rightChild->data > data) { root->rightChild->leftChild = splay(root->rightChild->leftChild, data); if (root->rightChild->leftChild != NULL) root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); } else if (root->rightChild->data < data) { root->rightChild->rightChild = splay(root->rightChild->rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root->rightChild == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root); } } struct node* insert(struct node *root, int k){ if (root == NULL) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root->data == k) return root; struct node *newnode = newNode(k); if (root->data > k) { newnode->rightChild = root; newnode->leftChild = root->leftChild; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { newnode->leftChild = root; newnode->rightChild = root->rightChild; root->rightChild = NULL; } return newnode; } void printTree(struct node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct node* root = newNode(34); root->leftChild = newNode(15); root->rightChild = newNode(40); root->leftChild->leftChild = newNode(12); root->leftChild->leftChild->rightChild = newNode(14); root->rightChild->rightChild = newNode(59); printf("The Splay tree is: \n"); printTree(root); return 0; }
The Splay tree is: 12 14 15 34 40 59
import java.io.*; public class SplayTree { static class node { int data; node leftChild, rightChild; }; static node newNode(int data) { node Node = new node(); Node.data = data; Node.leftChild = Node.rightChild = null; return (Node); } static node rightRotate(node x) { node y = x.leftChild; x.leftChild = y.rightChild; y.rightChild = x; return y; } static node leftRotate(node x) { node y = x.rightChild; x.rightChild = y.leftChild; y.leftChild = x; return y; } static node splay(node root, int data) { if (root == null || root.data == data) return root; if (root.data > data) { if (root.leftChild == null) return root; if (root.leftChild.data > data) { root.leftChild.leftChild = splay(root.leftChild.leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root.leftChild.data < data) { root.leftChild.rightChild = splay(root.leftChild.rightChild, data); if (root.leftChild.rightChild != null) root.leftChild = leftRotate(root.leftChild); } return (root.leftChild == null)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root.rightChild == null) return root; if (root.rightChild.data > data) { root.rightChild.leftChild = splay(root.rightChild.leftChild, data); if (root.rightChild.leftChild != null) root.rightChild = rightRotate(root.rightChild); } else if (root.rightChild.data < data) { root.rightChild.rightChild = splay(root.rightChild.rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root.rightChild == null)? root: leftRotate(root); } } static node insert(node root, int k) { if (root == null) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root.data == k) return root; node newnode = newNode(k); if (root.data > k) { newnode.rightChild = root; newnode.leftChild = root.leftChild; root.leftChild = null; } else { newnode.leftChild = root; newnode.rightChild = root.rightChild; root.rightChild = null; } return newnode; } static void printTree(node root) { if (root == null) return; if (root != null) { printTree(root.leftChild); System.out.print(root.data + " "); printTree(root.rightChild); } } public static void main(String args[]) { node root = newNode(34); root.leftChild = newNode(15); root.rightChild = newNode(40); root.leftChild.leftChild = newNode(12); root.leftChild.leftChild.rightChild = newNode(14); root.rightChild.rightChild = newNode(59); System.out.println("The Splay tree is: "); printTree(root); } }
The Splay tree is: 12 14 15 34 40 59
#Python Code for Insertion Operation of Splay Trees class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.leftChild = None self.rightChild = None def newNode(data): return Node(data) def rightRotate(x): y = x.leftChild x.leftChild = y.rightChild y.rightChild = x return y def leftRotate(x): y = x.rightChild x.rightChild = y.leftChild y.leftChild = x return y def splay(root, data): if root is None or root.data == data: return root if root.data > data: if root.leftChild is None: return root if root.leftChild.data > data: root.leftChild.leftChild = splay(root.leftChild.leftChild, data) root = rightRotate(root) elif root.leftChild.data < data: root.leftChild.rightChild = splay(root.leftChild.rightChild, data) if root.leftChild.rightChild is not None: root.leftChild = leftRotate(root.leftChild) return root if root.leftChild is None else rightRotate(root) else: if root.rightChild is None: return root if root.rightChild.data > data: root.rightChild.leftChild = splay(root.rightChild.leftChild, data) if root.rightChild.leftChild is not None: root.rightChild = rightRotate(root.rightChild) elif root.rightChild.data < data: root.rightChild.rightChild = splay(root.rightChild.rightChild, data) root = leftRotate(root) return root if root.rightChild is None else leftRotate(root) def insert(root, k): if root is None: return newNode(k) root = splay(root, k) if root.data == k: return root newnode = newNode(k) if root.data > k: newnode.rightChild = root newnode.leftChild = root.leftChild root.leftChild = None else: newnode.leftChild = root newnode.rightChild = root.rightChild root.rightChild = None return newnode def printTree(root): if root is None: return if root is not None: printTree(root.leftChild) print(root.data, end=" ") printTree(root.rightChild) if __name__ == "__main__": root = newNode(34) root.leftChild = newNode(15) root.rightChild = newNode(40) root.leftChild.leftChild = newNode(12) root.leftChild.leftChild.rightChild = newNode(14) root.rightChild.rightChild = newNode(59) print("The Splay tree is: ") printTree(root)
The Splay tree is: 12 14 15 34 40 59
现在,树被分成两棵树,左子树和右子树;它们的第一个节点分别是根节点:例如 root_left 和 root_right。
如果 root_left 为 NULL 值,则 root_right 将成为树的根节点。反之亦然。
但是,如果 root_left 和 root_right 均不为 NULL 值,则从左子树中选择最大值,并将其作为新根节点,连接子树。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild, *rightChild; }; struct node* newNode(int data){ struct node* Node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Node->data = data; Node->leftChild = Node->rightChild = NULL; return (Node); } struct node* rightRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->leftChild; x->leftChild = y->rightChild; y->rightChild = x; return y; } struct node* leftRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; return y; } struct node* splay(struct node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL || root->data == data) return root; if (root->data > data) { if (root->leftChild == NULL) return root; if (root->leftChild->data > data) { root->leftChild->leftChild = splay(root->leftChild->leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root->leftChild->data < data) { root->leftChild->rightChild = splay(root->leftChild->rightChild, data); if (root->leftChild->rightChild != NULL) root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); } return (root->leftChild == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root->rightChild == NULL) return root; if (root->rightChild->data > data) { root->rightChild->leftChild = splay(root->rightChild->leftChild, data); if (root->rightChild->leftChild != NULL) root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); } else if (root->rightChild->data < data) { root->rightChild->rightChild = splay(root->rightChild->rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root->rightChild == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root); } } struct node* insert(struct node *root, int k){ if (root == NULL) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root->data == k) return root; struct node *newnode = newNode(k); if (root->data > k) { newnode->rightChild = root; newnode->leftChild = root->leftChild; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { newnode->leftChild = root; newnode->rightChild = root->rightChild; root->rightChild = NULL; } return newnode; } struct node* deletenode(struct node* root, int data){ struct node* temp; if (root == NULL) return NULL; root = splay(root, data); if (data != root->data) return root; if (!root->leftChild) { temp = root; root = root->rightChild; } else { temp = root; root = splay(root->leftChild, data); root->rightChild = temp->rightChild; } free(temp); return root; } void printTree(struct node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct node* root = newNode(34); root->leftChild = newNode(15); root->rightChild = newNode(40); printf("The Splay tree is \n"); printTree(root); root = deletenode(root, 40); printf("\nThe Splay tree after deletion is \n"); printTree(root); return 0; }
The Splay tree is 15 34 40 The Splay tree after deletion is 15 34
#include <iostream> struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild, *rightChild; }; struct node* newNode(int data){ struct node* Node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Node->data = data; Node->leftChild = Node->rightChild = NULL; return (Node); } struct node* rightRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->leftChild; x->leftChild = y->rightChild; y->rightChild = x; return y; } struct node* leftRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; return y; } struct node* splay(struct node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL || root->data == data) return root; if (root->data > data) { if (root->leftChild == NULL) return root; if (root->leftChild->data > data) { root->leftChild->leftChild = splay(root->leftChild->leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root->leftChild->data < data) { root->leftChild->rightChild = splay(root->leftChild->rightChild, data); if (root->leftChild->rightChild != NULL) root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); } return (root->leftChild == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root->rightChild == NULL) return root; if (root->rightChild->data > data) { root->rightChild->leftChild = splay(root->rightChild->leftChild, data); if (root->rightChild->leftChild != NULL) root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); } else if (root->rightChild->data < data) { root->rightChild->rightChild = splay(root->rightChild->rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root->rightChild == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root); } } struct node* insert(struct node *root, int k){ if (root == NULL) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root->data == k) return root; struct node *newnode = newNode(k); if (root->data > k) { newnode->rightChild = root; newnode->leftChild = root->leftChild; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { newnode->leftChild = root; newnode->rightChild = root->rightChild; root->rightChild = NULL; } return newnode; } struct node* deletenode(struct node* root, int data){ struct node* temp; if (root == NULL) return NULL; root = splay(root, data); if (data != root->data) return root; if (!root->leftChild) { temp = root; root = root->rightChild; } else { temp = root; root = splay(root->leftChild, data); root->rightChild = temp->rightChild; } free(temp); return root; } void printTree(struct node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct node* root = newNode(34); root->leftChild = newNode(15); root->rightChild = newNode(40); printf("The Splay tree is \n"); printTree(root); root = deletenode(root, 40); printf("\nThe Splay tree after deletion is \n"); printTree(root); return 0; }
The Splay tree is 15 34 40 The Splay tree after deletion is 15 34
import java.io.*; public class SplayTree { static class node { int data; node leftChild, rightChild; }; static node newNode(int data) { node Node = new node(); Node.data = data; Node.leftChild = Node.rightChild = null; return (Node); } static node rightRotate(node x) { node y = x.leftChild; x.leftChild = y.rightChild; y.rightChild = x; return y; } static node leftRotate(node x) { node y = x.rightChild; x.rightChild = y.leftChild; y.leftChild = x; return y; } static node splay(node root, int data) { if (root == null || root.data == data) return root; if (root.data > data) { if (root.leftChild == null) return root; if (root.leftChild.data > data) { root.leftChild.leftChild = splay(root.leftChild.leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root.leftChild.data < data) { root.leftChild.rightChild = splay(root.leftChild.rightChild, data); if (root.leftChild.rightChild != null) root.leftChild = leftRotate(root.leftChild); } return (root.leftChild == null)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root.rightChild == null) return root; if (root.rightChild.data > data) { root.rightChild.leftChild = splay(root.rightChild.leftChild, data); if (root.rightChild.leftChild != null) root.rightChild = rightRotate(root.rightChild); } else if (root.rightChild.data < data) { root.rightChild.rightChild = splay(root.rightChild.rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root.rightChild == null)? root: leftRotate(root); } } static node insert(node root, int k) { if (root == null) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root.data == k) return root; node newnode = newNode(k); if (root.data > k) { newnode.rightChild = root; newnode.leftChild = root.leftChild; root.leftChild = null; } else { newnode.leftChild = root; newnode.rightChild = root.rightChild; root.rightChild = null; } return newnode; } static node deletenode(node root, int data) { node temp; if (root == null) return null; root = splay(root, data); if (data != root.data) return root; if (root.leftChild == null) { temp = root; root = root.rightChild; } else { temp = root; root = splay(root.leftChild, data); root.rightChild = temp.rightChild; } return root; } static void printTree(node root) { if (root == null) return; if (root != null) { printTree(root.leftChild); System.out.print(root.data + " "); printTree(root.rightChild); } } public static void main(String args[]) { node root = newNode(34); root.leftChild = newNode(15); root.rightChild = newNode(40); System.out.println("The Splay tree is: "); printTree(root); root = deletenode(root, 40); System.out.println("\nThe Splay tree after deletion is: "); printTree(root); } }
The Splay tree is: 15 34 40 The Splay tree after deletion is: 15 34
#Python Code for Deletion operation of Splay Trees class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.leftChild = None self.rightChild = None def newNode(data): node = Node(data) return node def rightRotate(x): y = x.leftChild x.leftChild = y.rightChild y.rightChild = x return y def leftRotate(x): y = x.rightChild x.rightChild = y.leftChild y.leftChild = x return y def splay(root, data): if root is None or root.data == data: return root if root.data > data: if root.leftChild is None: return root if root.leftChild.data > data: root.leftChild.leftChild = splay(root.leftChild.leftChild, data) root = rightRotate(root) elif root.leftChild.data < data: root.leftChild.rightChild = splay(root.leftChild.rightChild, data) if root.leftChild.rightChild is not None: root.leftChild = leftRotate(root.leftChild) return root if root.leftChild is None else rightRotate(root) else: if root.rightChild is None: return root if root.rightChild.data > data: root.rightChild.leftChild = splay(root.rightChild.leftChild, data) if root.rightChild.leftChild is not None: root.rightChild = rightRotate(root.rightChild) elif root.rightChild.data < data: root.rightChild.rightChild = splay(root.rightChild.rightChild, data) root = leftRotate(root) return root if root.rightChild is None else leftRotate(root) def insert(root, k): if root is None: return newNode(k) root = splay(root, k) if root.data == k: return root newnode = newNode(k) if root.data > k: newnode.rightChild = root newnode.leftChild = root.leftChild root.leftChild = None else: newnode.leftChild = root newnode.rightChild = root.rightChild root.rightChild = None return newnode def deletenode(root, data): temp = None if root is None: return None root = splay(root, data) if data != root.data: return root if root.leftChild is None: temp = root root = root.rightChild else: temp = root root = splay(root.leftChild, data) root.rightChild = temp.rightChild del temp return root def printTree(root): if root is None: return if root is not None: printTree(root.leftChild) print(root.data, end=" ") printTree(root.rightChild) root = newNode(34) root.leftChild = newNode(15) root.rightChild = newNode(40) print("The Splay tree is:") printTree(root) root = deletenode(root, 40) print("\nThe Splay tree after deletion is:") printTree(root)
The Splay tree is: 15 34 40 The Splay tree after deletion is: 15 34
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild, *rightChild; }; struct node* newNode(int data){ struct node* Node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Node->data = data; Node->leftChild = Node->rightChild = NULL; return (Node); } struct node* rightRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->leftChild; x->leftChild = y->rightChild; y->rightChild = x; return y; } struct node* leftRotate(struct node *x){ struct node *y = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; return y; } struct node* splay(struct node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL || root->data == data) return root; if (root->data > data) { if (root->leftChild == NULL) return root; if (root->leftChild->data > data) { root->leftChild->leftChild = splay(root->leftChild->leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root->leftChild->data < data) { root->leftChild->rightChild = splay(root->leftChild->rightChild, data); if (root->leftChild->rightChild != NULL) root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); } return (root->leftChild == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root->rightChild == NULL) return root; if (root->rightChild->data > data) { root->rightChild->leftChild = splay(root->rightChild->leftChild, data); if (root->rightChild->leftChild != NULL) root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); } else if (root->rightChild->data < data) { root->rightChild->rightChild = splay(root->rightChild->rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root->rightChild == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root); } } struct node* insert(struct node *root, int k){ if (root == NULL) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root->data == k) return root; struct node *newnode = newNode(k); if (root->data > k) { newnode->rightChild = root; newnode->leftChild = root->leftChild; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { newnode->leftChild = root; newnode->rightChild = root->rightChild; root->rightChild = NULL; } return newnode; } struct node* search(struct node* root, int data){ return splay(root, data); } void printTree(struct node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); printf("%d ", root->data); printTree(root->rightChild); } } void preOrder(struct node *root) { if (root != NULL) { printf("%d ", root->data); preOrder(root->leftChild); preOrder(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ struct node* root = newNode(34); root->leftChild = newNode(15); root->rightChild = newNode(40); root->leftChild->leftChild = newNode(12); root->leftChild->leftChild->rightChild = newNode(14); root->rightChild->rightChild = newNode(59); printf("The Splay tree is \n"); printTree(root); int ele = 14; printf("\nElement to be searched: %d", ele); root = search(root, ele); printf("\nModified preorder traversal if element is found: "); preOrder(root); }
The Splay tree is 12 14 15 34 40 59 Element to be searched: 14 Modified preorder traversal if element is found: 14 12 15 34 40 59
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class node{ public: int data; node *leftChild, *rightChild; }; node* newNode(int data){ node* Node = new node(); Node->data = data; Node->leftChild = Node->rightChild = NULL; return (Node); } node *rightRotate(node *x){ node *y = x->leftChild; x->leftChild = y->rightChild; y->rightChild = x; return y; } node *leftRotate(node *x){ node *y = x->rightChild; x->rightChild = y->leftChild; y->leftChild = x; return y; } node *splay(node *root, int data){ if (root == NULL || root->data == data) return root; if (root->data > data) { if (root->leftChild == NULL) return root; if (root->leftChild->data > data) { root->leftChild->leftChild = splay(root->leftChild->leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root->leftChild->data < data) { root->leftChild->rightChild = splay(root->leftChild->rightChild, data); if (root->leftChild->rightChild != NULL) root->leftChild = leftRotate(root->leftChild); } return (root->leftChild == NULL)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root->rightChild == NULL) return root; if (root->rightChild->data > data) { root->rightChild->leftChild = splay(root->rightChild->leftChild, data); if (root->rightChild->leftChild != NULL) root->rightChild = rightRotate(root->rightChild); } else if (root->rightChild->data < data) { root->rightChild->rightChild = splay(root->rightChild->rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root->rightChild == NULL)? root: leftRotate(root); } } node* insert(node *root, int k) { if (root == NULL) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root->data == k) return root; node *newnode = newNode(k); if (root->data > k) { newnode->rightChild = root; newnode->leftChild = root->leftChild; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { newnode->leftChild = root; newnode->rightChild = root->rightChild; root->rightChild = NULL; } return newnode; } node* search(struct node* root, int data){ return splay(root, data); } void printTree(node *root){ if (root == NULL) return; if (root != NULL) { printTree(root->leftChild); cout << root->data << " "; printTree(root->rightChild); } } void preOrder(struct node *root) { if (root != NULL) { cout << root->data << " "; preOrder(root->leftChild); preOrder(root->rightChild); } } int main(){ node* root = newNode(34); root->leftChild = newNode(15); root->rightChild = newNode(40); root->leftChild->leftChild = newNode(12); root->leftChild->leftChild->rightChild = newNode(14); root->rightChild->rightChild = newNode(59); cout << "The Splay tree is \n"; printTree(root); int ele = 40; cout << "\nThe element to be searched: " << ele; root = search(root, ele); cout << "\nModified preorder traversal if element is found: "; preOrder(root); }
The Splay tree is 12 14 15 34 40 59 The element to be searched: 40 Modified preorder traversal if element is found: 40 34 15 12 14 59
import java.io.*; public class SplayTree { static class node { int data; node leftChild, rightChild; }; static node newNode(int data) { node Node = new node(); Node.data = data; Node.leftChild = Node.rightChild = null; return (Node); } static node rightRotate(node x) { node y = x.leftChild; x.leftChild = y.rightChild; y.rightChild = x; return y; } static node leftRotate(node x) { node y = x.rightChild; x.rightChild = y.leftChild; y.leftChild = x; return y; } static node splay(node root, int data) { if (root == null || root.data == data) return root; if (root.data > data) { if (root.leftChild == null) return root; if (root.leftChild.data > data) { root.leftChild.leftChild = splay(root.leftChild.leftChild, data); root = rightRotate(root); } else if (root.leftChild.data < data) { root.leftChild.rightChild = splay(root.leftChild.rightChild, data); if (root.leftChild.rightChild != null) root.leftChild = leftRotate(root.leftChild); } return (root.leftChild == null)? root: rightRotate(root); } else { if (root.rightChild == null) return root; if (root.rightChild.data > data) { root.rightChild.leftChild = splay(root.rightChild.leftChild, data); if (root.rightChild.leftChild != null) root.rightChild = rightRotate(root.rightChild); } else if (root.rightChild.data < data) { root.rightChild.rightChild = splay(root.rightChild.rightChild, data); root = leftRotate(root); } return (root.rightChild == null)? root: leftRotate(root); } } static node insert(node root, int k) { if (root == null) return newNode(k); root = splay(root, k); if (root.data == k) return root; node newnode = newNode(k); if (root.data > k) { newnode.rightChild = root; newnode.leftChild = root.leftChild; root.leftChild = null; } else { newnode.leftChild = root; newnode.rightChild = root.rightChild; root.rightChild = null; } return newnode; } static node search(node root, int key){ return splay(root, key); } static void printTree(node root) { if (root == null) return; if (root != null) { printTree(root.leftChild); System.out.print(root.data + " "); printTree(root.rightChild); } } static void preOrder(node root) { if (root != null) { System.out.print(root.data + " "); preOrder(root.leftChild); preOrder(root.rightChild); } } public static void main(String args[]) { node root = newNode(34); root.leftChild = newNode(15); root.rightChild = newNode(40); root.leftChild.leftChild = newNode(12); root.leftChild.leftChild.rightChild = newNode(14); root.rightChild.rightChild = newNode(59); System.out.println("The Splay tree is: "); printTree(root); int ele = 34; System.out.print("\nElement to be searched: " + ele); root = search(root, ele); System.out.print("\nModified preorder traversal if element is found: "); preOrder(root); } }
The Splay tree is: 12 14 15 34 40 59 Element to be searched: 34 Modified preorder traversal if element is found: 34 15 12 14 40 59
#Python Code for Search Operation of splay Trees class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.leftChild = None self.rightChild = None def newNode(data): newNode = Node(data) newNode.leftChild = newNode.rightChild = None return newNode def rightRotate(x): y = x.leftChild x.leftChild = y.rightChild y.rightChild = x return y def leftRotate(x): y = x.rightChild x.rightChild = y.leftChild y.leftChild = x return y def splay(root, data): if root is None or root.data == data: return root if root.data > data: if root.leftChild is None: return root if root.leftChild.data > data: root.leftChild.leftChild = splay(root.leftChild.leftChild, data) root = rightRotate(root) elif root.leftChild.data < data: root.leftChild.rightChild = splay(root.leftChild.rightChild, data) if root.leftChild.rightChild is not None: root.leftChild = leftRotate(root.leftChild) return root if root.leftChild is None else rightRotate(root) else: if root.rightChild is None: return root if root.rightChild.data > data: root.rightChild.leftChild = splay(root.rightChild.leftChild, data) if root.rightChild.leftChild is not None: root.rightChild = rightRotate(root.rightChild) elif root.rightChild.data < data: root.rightChild.rightChild = splay(root.rightChild.rightChild, data) root = leftRotate(root) return root if root.rightChild is None else leftRotate(root) def insert(root, k): if root is None: return newNode(k) root = splay(root, k) if root.data == k: return root newnode = newNode(k) if root.data > k: newnode.rightChild = root newnode.leftChild = root.leftChild root.leftChild = None else: newnode.leftChild = root newnode.rightChild = root.rightChild root.rightChild = None return newnode def search(root, data): return splay(root, data) def printTree(root): if root is None: return if root is not None: printTree(root.leftChild) print(root.data, end=" ") printTree(root.rightChild) def preOrder(root): if root != None: print(root.data, end = " ") preOrder(root.leftChild) preOrder(root.rightChild) root = newNode(34) root.leftChild = newNode(15) root.rightChild = newNode(40) root.leftChild.leftChild = newNode(12) root.leftChild.leftChild.rightChild = newNode(14) root.rightChild.rightChild = newNode(59) print("The Splay tree is") printTree(root) ele = 59 print("\nElement to be searched ",ele) root = search(root, ele) print("Modified preorder traversal if element is found: ") preOrder(root)
The Splay tree is 12 14 15 34 40 59 Element to be searched 59 Modified preorder traversal if element is found: 59 40 34 15 12 14