- 数据结构与算法
- DSA - 首页
- DSA - 概述
- DSA - 环境设置
- DSA - 算法基础
- DSA - 渐进分析
- 数据结构
- DSA - 数据结构基础
- DSA - 数据结构和类型
- DSA - 数组数据结构
- 链表
- DSA - 链表数据结构
- DSA - 双向链表数据结构
- DSA - 循环链表数据结构
- 栈与队列
- DSA - 栈数据结构
- DSA - 表达式解析
- DSA - 队列数据结构
- 搜索算法
- DSA - 搜索算法
- DSA - 线性搜索算法
- DSA - 二分搜索算法
- DSA - 插值搜索
- DSA - 跳跃搜索算法
- DSA - 指数搜索
- DSA - 斐波那契搜索
- DSA - 子列表搜索
- DSA - 哈希表
- 排序算法
- DSA - 排序算法
- DSA - 冒泡排序算法
- DSA - 插入排序算法
- DSA - 选择排序算法
- DSA - 归并排序算法
- DSA - 希尔排序算法
- DSA - 堆排序
- DSA - 桶排序算法
- DSA - 计数排序算法
- DSA - 基数排序算法
- DSA - 快速排序算法
- 图数据结构
- DSA - 图数据结构
- DSA - 深度优先遍历
- DSA - 广度优先遍历
- DSA - 生成树
- 树数据结构
- DSA - 树数据结构
- DSA - 树的遍历
- DSA - 二叉搜索树
- DSA - AVL树
- DSA - 红黑树
- DSA - B树
- DSA - B+树
- DSA - 伸展树
- DSA - Trie
- DSA - 堆数据结构
- 递归
- DSA - 递归算法
- DSA - 使用递归实现汉诺塔
- DSA - 使用递归实现斐波那契数列
- 分治法
- DSA - 分治法
- DSA - 最大最小问题
- DSA - Strassen矩阵乘法
- DSA - Karatsuba算法
- 贪心算法
- DSA - 贪心算法
- DSA - 旅行商问题(贪心法)
- DSA - Prim最小生成树
- DSA - Kruskal最小生成树
- DSA - Dijkstra最短路径算法
- DSA - 地图着色算法
- DSA - 分数背包问题
- DSA - 带截止日期的作业排序
- DSA - 最优合并模式算法
- 动态规划
- DSA - 动态规划
- DSA - 矩阵链乘法
- DSA - Floyd-Warshall算法
- DSA - 0-1背包问题
- DSA - 最长公共子序列算法
- DSA - 旅行商问题(动态规划法)
- 近似算法
- DSA - 近似算法
- DSA - 顶点覆盖算法
- DSA - 集合覆盖问题
- DSA - 旅行商问题(近似算法)
- 随机化算法
- DSA - 随机化算法
- DSA - 随机化快速排序算法
- DSA - Karger最小割算法
- DSA - Fisher-Yates洗牌算法
- DSA有用资源
- DSA - 问答
- DSA - 快速指南
- DSA - 有用资源
- DSA - 讨论
Trie 数据结构
Trie 是一种多路搜索树,主要用于从字符串或字符串集中检索特定键。由于它使用指向字母表中每个字母的指针,因此它以有序高效的方式存储数据。
Trie 数据结构基于字符串的公共前缀工作。根节点可以有任意数量的节点,具体取决于集合中存在的字符串数量。Trie 的根节点不包含任何值,只包含指向其子节点的指针。
有三种类型的 Trie 数据结构:
标准 Trie
压缩 Trie
后缀 Trie
Trie 的实际应用包括:自动更正、文本预测、情感分析和数据科学。
Trie 的基本操作
Trie 数据结构也执行与树数据结构相同的操作,它们是:
Trie 中的插入操作是一种简单的方法。Trie 中的根节点不保存任何值,插入操作从根节点的直接子节点开始,这些子节点充当其子节点的键。但是,我们观察到 Trie 中的每个节点都表示输入字符串中的单个字符。因此,字符一个接一个地添加到 Trie 中,而 Trie 中的链接充当指向下一级节点的指针。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define ALPHABET_SIZE 26 struct TrieNode { struct TrieNode* children[ALPHABET_SIZE]; int isEndOfWord; }; struct Trie { struct TrieNode* root; }; struct TrieNode* createNode() { struct TrieNode* node = (struct TrieNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct TrieNode)); node->isEndOfWord = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) { node->children[i] = NULL; } return node; } void insert(struct Trie* trie, const char* key) { struct TrieNode* curr = trie->root; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(key); i++) { int index = key[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { curr->children[index] = createNode(); } curr = curr->children[index]; } curr->isEndOfWord = 1; } void printWords(struct TrieNode* node, char* prefix) { if (node->isEndOfWord) { printf("%s\n", prefix); } for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) { if (node->children[i] != NULL) { char* newPrefix = (char*)malloc(strlen(prefix) + 2); strcpy(newPrefix, prefix); newPrefix[strlen(prefix)] = 'A' + i; newPrefix[strlen(prefix) + 1] = '\0'; printWords(node->children[i], newPrefix); free(newPrefix); } } } int main() { struct Trie car; car.root = createNode(); insert(&car, "lamborghini"); insert(&car, "mercedes-Benz"); insert(&car, "land Rover"); insert(&car, "maruti Suzuki"); printf("Trie elements are:\n"); printWords(car.root, ""); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> #include <string> class TrieNode { public: std::unordered_map<char, TrieNode*> children; bool isEndOfWord; TrieNode() { isEndOfWord = false; } }; class Trie { private: TrieNode* root; public: Trie() { root = new TrieNode(); } void insert(std::string word) { TrieNode* curr = root; for (char ch : word) { if (curr->children.find(ch) == curr->children.end()) { curr->children[ch] = new TrieNode(); } curr = curr->children[ch]; } curr->isEndOfWord = true; } TrieNode* getRoot() { return root; } }; void printWords(TrieNode* node, std::string prefix) { if (node->isEndOfWord) { std::cout << prefix << std::endl; } for (auto entry : node->children) { printWords(entry.second, prefix + entry.first); } } int main() { Trie car; car.insert("Lamborghini"); car.insert("Mercedes-Benz"); car.insert("Land Rover"); car.insert("Maruti Suzuki"); std::cout << "Tries elements are: " << std::endl; printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); return 0; }
Tries elements are: Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz Land Rover Lamborghini
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; class TrieNode { Map<Character, TrieNode> children; boolean isEndOfWord; TrieNode() { children = new HashMap<>(); isEndOfWord = false; } } class Trie { private TrieNode root; Trie() { root = new TrieNode(); } void insert(String word) { TrieNode curr = root; for (char ch : word.toCharArray()) { curr.children.putIfAbsent(ch, new TrieNode()); curr = curr.children.get(ch); } curr.isEndOfWord = true; } TrieNode getRoot() { return root; } } public class Main { public static void printWords(TrieNode node, String prefix) { if (node.isEndOfWord) { System.out.println(prefix); } for (Map.Entry<Character, TrieNode> entry : node.children.entrySet()) { printWords(entry.getValue(), prefix + entry.getKey()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Trie car = new Trie(); // Inserting the elements car.insert("Lamborghini"); car.insert("Mercedes-Benz"); car.insert("Land Rover"); car.insert("Maruti Suzuki"); // Print the inserted objects System.out.print("Tries elements are: \n"); printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); // Access root using the public method } }
Tries elements are: Lamborghini Land Rover Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz
class TrieNode: def __init__(self): self.children = {} self.isEndOfWord = False class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = TrieNode() def insert(self, word): curr = self.root for ch in word: curr.children.setdefault(ch, TrieNode()) curr = curr.children[ch] curr.isEndOfWord = True def getRoot(self): return self.root def printWords(node, prefix): if node.isEndOfWord: print(prefix) for ch, child in node.children.items(): printWords(child, prefix + ch) if __name__ == '__main__': car = Trie() # Inserting the elements car.insert("Lamborghini") car.insert("Mercedes-Benz") car.insert("Land Rover") car.insert("Maruti Suzuki") # Print the inserted objects print("Tries elements are: ") printWords(car.getRoot(), "")
Tries elements are: Lamborghini Land Rover Mercedes-Benz Maruti Suzuki
Trie 中的删除操作使用自下而上的方法执行。如果找到要删除的元素,则在 Trie 中搜索并删除它。但是,在执行删除操作时,需要记住一些特殊情况。
情况 1 - 键是唯一的 - 在这种情况下,整个键路径将从节点中删除。(唯一键表示没有其他路径从一条路径分支出来)。
情况 2 - 键不是唯一的 - 叶节点将被更新。例如,如果要删除的键是 see,但它是另一个键 seethe 的前缀;我们将删除 see 并将 t、h 和 e 的布尔值更改为 false。
情况 3 - 要删除的键已经有一个前缀 - 直到前缀的值都将被删除,而前缀将保留在树中。例如,如果要删除的键是 heart,但还有一个键 he;所以我们删除 a、r 和 t,直到只剩下 he。
//C code for Deletion Operation of tries Algorithm #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> //Define size 26 #define ALPHABET_SIZE 26 struct TrieNode { struct TrieNode* children[ALPHABET_SIZE]; bool isEndOfWord; }; struct Trie { struct TrieNode* root; }; struct TrieNode* createNode() { struct TrieNode* node = (struct TrieNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct TrieNode)); node->isEndOfWord = false; for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) { node->children[i] = NULL; } return node; } void insert(struct Trie* trie, const char* key) { struct TrieNode* curr = trie->root; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(key); i++) { int index = key[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { curr->children[index] = createNode(); } curr = curr->children[index]; } curr->isEndOfWord = 1; } bool search(struct TrieNode* root, char* word) { struct TrieNode* curr = root; for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { int index = word[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { return false; } curr = curr->children[index]; } return (curr != NULL && curr->isEndOfWord); } bool startsWith(struct TrieNode* root, char* prefix) { struct TrieNode* curr = root; for (int i = 0; prefix[i] != '\0'; i++) { int index = prefix[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { return false; } curr = curr->children[index]; } return true; } bool deleteWord(struct TrieNode* root, char* word) { struct TrieNode* curr = root; struct TrieNode* parent = NULL; int index; for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { index = word[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { return false; // Word does not exist in the Trie } parent = curr; curr = curr->children[index]; } if (!curr->isEndOfWord) { return false; // Word does not exist in the Trie } curr->isEndOfWord = false; // Mark as deleted if (parent != NULL) { parent->children[index] = NULL; // Remove the child node } return true; } void printWords(struct TrieNode* node, char* prefix) { if (node->isEndOfWord) { printf("%s\n", prefix); } for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) { if (node->children[i] != NULL) { char* newPrefix = (char*)malloc(strlen(prefix) + 2); strcpy(newPrefix, prefix); newPrefix[strlen(prefix)] = 'a' + i; newPrefix[strlen(prefix) + 1] = '\0'; printWords(node->children[i], newPrefix); free(newPrefix); } } } int main() { struct Trie car; car.root = createNode(); insert(&car, "lamborghini"); insert(&car, "mercedes-Benz"); insert(&car, "landrover"); insert(&car, "maruti Suzuki"); //Before Deletion printf("Tries elements before deletion: \n"); printWords(car.root, ""); //Deleting the elements char* s1 = "lamborghini"; char* s2 = "landrover"; printf("Elements to be deleted are: %s and %s", s1, s2); deleteWord(car.root, s1); deleteWord(car.root, s2); //After Deletion printf("\nTries elements before deletion: \n"); printWords(car.root, ""); }
Tries elements before deletion: lamborghini landrover marutiouzuki mercezenz Elements to be deleted are: lamborghini and landrover Tries elements before deletion: marutiouzuki mercezenz
//C++ code for Deletion operation of tries algorithm #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; class TrieNode { public: unordered_map<char, TrieNode*> children; bool isEndOfWord; TrieNode() { isEndOfWord = false; } }; class Trie { private: TrieNode* root; public: Trie() { root = new TrieNode(); } void insert(string word) { TrieNode* curr = root; for (char ch : word) { if (curr->children.find(ch) == curr->children.end()) { curr->children[ch] = new TrieNode(); } curr = curr->children[ch]; } curr->isEndOfWord = true; } TrieNode* getRoot() { return root; } bool deleteWord(string word) { return deleteHelper(root, word, 0); } private: bool deleteHelper(TrieNode* curr, string word, int index) { if (index == word.length()) { if (!curr->isEndOfWord) { return false; // Word does not exist in the Trie } curr->isEndOfWord = false; // Mark as deleted return curr->children.empty(); // Return true if no more children } char ch = word[index]; if (curr->children.find(ch) == curr->children.end()) { return false; // Word does not exist in the Trie } TrieNode* child = curr->children[ch]; bool shouldDeleteChild = deleteHelper(child, word, index + 1); if (shouldDeleteChild) { curr->children.erase(ch); // Remove the child node if necessary return curr->children.empty(); // Return true if no more children } return false; } }; void printWords(TrieNode* node, std::string prefix) { if (node->isEndOfWord) { std::cout << prefix << std::endl; } for (auto entry : node->children) { printWords(entry.second, prefix + entry.first); } } int main() { Trie car; //inserting the elemnets car.insert("Lamborghini"); car.insert("Mercedes-Benz"); car.insert("Land Rover"); car.insert("Maruti Suzuki"); //Before Deletion cout <<"Tries elements before deletion: \n"; printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); //Deleting elements using deletion operation string s1 = "Lamborghini"; string s2 = "Land Rover"; cout<<"Elements to be deleted are: \n"<<s1<<" and "<<s2; car.deleteWord("Lamborghini"); car.deleteWord("Land Rover"); //After Deletion cout << "\nTries elements after deletion: \n"; printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); }
Tries elements before deletion: Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz Land Rover Lamborghini Elements to be deleted are: Lamborghini and Land Rover Tries elements after deletion: Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz
//Java code for Deletion operator of tries algotrithm import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; class TrieNode { Map<Character, TrieNode> children; boolean isEndOfWord; TrieNode() { children = new HashMap<>(); isEndOfWord = false; } } class Trie { private TrieNode root; Trie() { root = new TrieNode(); } void insert(String word) { TrieNode curr = root; for (char ch : word.toCharArray()) { curr.children.putIfAbsent(ch, new TrieNode()); curr = curr.children.get(ch); } curr.isEndOfWord = true; } TrieNode getRoot() { return root; } boolean delete(String word) { return deleteHelper(root, word, 0); } private boolean deleteHelper(TrieNode curr, String word, int index) { if (index == word.length()) { if (!curr.isEndOfWord) { return false; // Word does not exist in the Trie } curr.isEndOfWord = false; // Mark as deleted return curr.children.isEmpty(); // Return true if no more children } char ch = word.charAt(index); if (!curr.children.containsKey(ch)) { return false; // Word does not exist in the Trie } TrieNode child = curr.children.get(ch); boolean shouldDeleteChild = deleteHelper(child, word, index + 1); if (shouldDeleteChild) { curr.children.remove(ch); // Remove the child node if necessary return curr.children.isEmpty(); // Return true if no more children } return false; } } public class Main { public static void printWords(TrieNode node, String prefix) { if (node.isEndOfWord) { System.out.println(prefix); } for (Map.Entry<Character, TrieNode> entry : node.children.entrySet()) { printWords(entry.getValue(), prefix + entry.getKey()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Trie car = new Trie(); //Inserting the elements car.insert("Lamborghini"); car.insert("Mercedes-Benz"); car.insert("Land Rover"); car.insert("Maruti Suzuki"); //Before Deletion System.out.println("Tries elements before deletion: "); printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); String s1 = "Lamborghini"; String s2 = "Land Rover"; System.out.print("Element to be deleted are: \n" + s1 + " and " + s2); car.delete(s1); car.delete(s2); System.out.println("\nTries elements after deletion: "); printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); } }
Tries elements before deletion: Lamborghini Land Rover Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz Element to be deleted are: Lamborghini and Land Rover Tries elements after deletion: Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz
#python Code for Deletion operation of tries algorithm class TrieNode: def __init__(self): self.children = {} self.isEndOfWord = False class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = TrieNode() def insert(self, word): curr = self.root for ch in word: if ch not in curr.children: curr.children[ch] = TrieNode() curr = curr.children[ch] curr.isEndOfWord = True def search(self, word): curr = self.root for ch in word: if ch not in curr.children: return False curr = curr.children[ch] return curr.isEndOfWord def startsWith(self, prefix): curr = self.root for ch in prefix: if ch not in curr.children: return False curr = curr.children[ch] return True def delete(self, word): return self.deleteHelper(self.root, word, 0) def deleteHelper(self, curr, word, index): if index == len(word): if not curr.isEndOfWord: return False # Word does not exist in the Trie curr.isEndOfWord = False # Mark as deleted return len(curr.children) == 0 # Return True if no more children ch = word[index] if ch not in curr.children: return False # Word does not exist in the Trie child = curr.children[ch] shouldDeleteChild = self.deleteHelper(child, word, index + 1) if shouldDeleteChild: del curr.children[ch] # Remove the child node if necessary return len(curr.children) == 0 # Return True if no more children return False def getRoot(self): return self.root def printWords(node, prefix): if node.isEndOfWord: print(prefix) for ch, child in node.children.items(): printWords(child, prefix + ch) trie = Trie() #inserting the elements trie.insert("Lamborghini") trie.insert("Mercedes-Benz") trie.insert("Land Rover") trie.insert("Maruti Suzuki") #Before Deletion print("Tries elements before deletion: ") printWords(trie.getRoot(), "") #deleting the elements using Deletion operation s1 = "Lamborghini" s2 = "Land Rover" print("Elements to be deleted are:\n",s1 ,"and",s2) trie.delete(s1) trie.delete(s2) print("Tries elements after deletion: ") printWords(trie.getRoot(), "")
Tries elements before deletion: Lamborghini Land Rover Mercedes-Benz Maruti Suzuki Elements to be deleted are: Lamborghini and Land Rover Tries elements after deletion: Mercedes-Benz Maruti Suzuki
在 Trie 中搜索是一种相当直接的方法。我们只能根据键节点(插入操作开始的节点)向下移动 Trie 的级别。搜索直到到达路径的末尾。如果找到元素,则搜索成功;否则,搜索提示失败。
//C program for search operation of tries algorithm #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define ALPHABET_SIZE 26 struct TrieNode { struct TrieNode* children[ALPHABET_SIZE]; bool isEndOfWord; }; struct TrieNode* createNode() { struct TrieNode* node = (struct TrieNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct TrieNode)); node->isEndOfWord = false; for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) { node->children[i] = NULL; } return node; } void insert(struct TrieNode* root, char* word) { struct TrieNode* curr = root; for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { int index = word[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { curr->children[index] = createNode(); } curr = curr->children[index]; } curr->isEndOfWord = true; } bool search(struct TrieNode* root, char* word) { struct TrieNode* curr = root; for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { int index = word[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { return false; } curr = curr->children[index]; } return (curr != NULL && curr->isEndOfWord); } bool startsWith(struct TrieNode* root, char* prefix) { struct TrieNode* curr = root; for (int i = 0; prefix[i] != '\0'; i++) { int index = prefix[i] - 'a'; if (curr->children[index] == NULL) { return false; } curr = curr->children[index]; } return true; } int main() { struct TrieNode* root = createNode(); //inserting the elements insert(root, "Lamborghini"); insert(root, "Mercedes-Benz"); insert(root, "Land Rover"); insert(root, "Maruti Suzuki"); //Searching elements printf("Searching Cars\n"); //Printing searched elements printf("Found? %d\n", search(root, "Lamborghini")); // Output: 1 (true) printf("Found? %d\n", search(root, "Mercedes-Benz")); // Output: 1 (true) printf("Found? %d\n", search(root, "Honda")); // Output: 0 (false) printf("Found? %d\n", search(root, "Land Rover")); // Output: 1 (true) printf("Found? %d\n", search(root, "BMW")); // Output: 0 (false) //Searching the elements the name starts with? printf("Cars name starts with\n"); //Printing the elements printf("Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? %d\n", startsWith(root, "Lambo")); // Output: 1 (true) printf("Does car name starts with 'Hon'? %d\n", startsWith(root, "Hon")); // Output: 0 (false) printf("Does car name starts with 'Hy'? %d\n", startsWith(root, "Hy")); // Output: 0 (false) printf("Does car name starts with 'Mar'? %d\n", startsWith(root, "Mar")); // Output: 1 (true) printf("Does car name starts with 'Land'? %d\n", startsWith(root, "Land")); // Output: 1 (true) return 0; }
Searching Cars Found? 1 Found? 1 Found? 0 Found? 1 Found? 0 Cars name starts with Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? 1 Does car name starts with 'Hon'? 0 Does car name starts with 'Hy'? 0 Does car name starts with 'Mar'? 1 Does car name starts with 'Land'? 1
//C++ code for Search operation of tries algorithm #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; class TrieNode { public: unordered_map<char, TrieNode*> children; bool isEndOfWord; TrieNode() { isEndOfWord = false; } }; class Trie { private: TrieNode* root; public: Trie() { root = new TrieNode(); } void insert(string word) { TrieNode* curr = root; for (char ch : word) { if (curr->children.find(ch) == curr->children.end()) { curr->children[ch] = new TrieNode(); } curr = curr->children[ch]; } curr->isEndOfWord = true; } TrieNode* getRoot() { return root; } bool search(string word) { TrieNode* curr = root; for (char ch : word) { if (curr->children.find(ch) == curr->children.end()) { return false; } curr = curr->children[ch]; } return curr->isEndOfWord; } bool startsWith(string prefix) { TrieNode* curr = root; for (char ch : prefix) { if (curr->children.find(ch) == curr->children.end()) { return false; } curr = curr->children[ch]; } return true; } }; void printWords(TrieNode* node, std::string prefix) { if (node->isEndOfWord) { std::cout << prefix << std::endl; } for (auto entry : node->children) { printWords(entry.second, prefix + entry.first); } } int main() { Trie car; //inserting the elements car.insert("Lamborghini"); car.insert("Mercedes-Benz"); car.insert("Land Rover"); car.insert("Maruti Suzuki"); cout<<"Tries elements are: "<<endl; printWords(car.getRoot(), ""); //searching elements cout<<"Searching Cars"<< endl; // Printing searched elements in Boolean expression cout << "Found? "<<car.search("Lamborghini") << endl; // Output: 1 (true) cout << "Found? "<<car.search("Mercedes-Benz") << endl; // Output: 1 (true) cout << "Found? "<<car.search("Honda") << endl; // Output: 0 (false) cout << "Found? "<<car.search("Land Rover") << endl; // Output: 1 (true) cout << "Found? "<<car.search("BMW") << endl; // Output: 0 (false) //searching names starts with? cout<<"Cars name starts with" << endl; //Printing the elements cout << "Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? "<<car.startsWith("Lambo") << endl; // Output: 1 (true) cout << "Does car name starts with 'Hon'? "<< car.startsWith("Hon") << endl; // Output: 0 (false) cout << "Does car name starts with 'Hy'? "<< car.startsWith("Hy") << endl; // Output: 0 (false) cout << "Does car name starts with 'Mer'? "<< car.startsWith("Mar") << endl; // Output: 1 (true) cout << "Does car name starts with 'Land'? "<< car.startsWith("Land")<< endl; // Output: 1 (true) return 0; }
Tries elements are: Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz Land Rover Lamborghini Searching Cars Found? 1 Found? 1 Found? 0 Found? 1 Found? 0 Cars name starts with Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? 1 Does car name starts with 'Hon'? 0 Does car name starts with 'Hy'? 0 Does car name starts with 'Mer'? 1 Does car name starts with 'Land'? 1
//Java program for tries Algorithm import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; class TrieNode { Map<Character, TrieNode> children; boolean isEndOfWord; TrieNode() { children = new HashMap<>(); isEndOfWord = false; } } class Trie { private TrieNode root; Trie() { root = new TrieNode(); } void insert(String word) { TrieNode curr = root; for (char ch : word.toCharArray()) { curr.children.putIfAbsent(ch, new TrieNode()); curr = curr.children.get(ch); } curr.isEndOfWord = true; } TrieNode getRoot() { return root; } boolean search(String word) { TrieNode curr = root; for (char ch : word.toCharArray()) { if (!curr.children.containsKey(ch)) { return false; } curr = curr.children.get(ch); } return curr.isEndOfWord; } boolean startsWith(String prefix) { TrieNode curr = root; for (char ch : prefix.toCharArray()) { if (!curr.children.containsKey(ch)) { return false; } curr = curr.children.get(ch); } return true; } } public class Main { public static void printWords(TrieNode node, String prefix) { if (node.isEndOfWord) { System.out.println(prefix); } for (Map.Entry<Character, TrieNode> entry : node.children.entrySet()) { printWords(entry.getValue(), prefix + entry.getKey()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Trie car = new Trie(); //Inserting the elements car.insert("Lamborghini"); car.insert("Mercedes-Benz"); car.insert("Land Rover"); car.insert("Maruti Suzuki"); System.out.print("Tries elements are: \n"); printWords(car.getRoot(), " "); //searching the elements System.out.println("Searching Cars"); //Printing the searched elements System.out.println("Found? " + car.search("Lamborghini")); // Output: true System.out.println("Found? " + car.search("Mercedes-Benz")); // Output: true System.out.println("Found? " + car.search("Honda")); // Output: false System.out.println("Found? " + car.search("Land Rover")); // Output: true System.out.println("Found? " + car.search("BMW")); // Output: false //searching the elements name start with? System.out.println("Cars name starts with"); //Printing the elements System.out.println("Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? " + car.startsWith("Lambo")); // Output: true System.out.println("Does car name starts with 'Hon'? " + car.startsWith("Hon")); // Output: false System.out.println("Does car name starts with 'Hy'? " + car.startsWith("Hy")); // Output: false System.out.println("Does car name starts with 'Mer'? " +car.startsWith("Mar")); // Output: true System.out.println("Does car name starts with 'Land'? " + car.startsWith("Land")); // Output: true } }
Tries elements are: Lamborghini Land Rover Maruti Suzuki Mercedes-Benz Searching Cars Found? true Found? true Found? false Found? true Found? false Cars name starts with Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? true Does car name starts with 'Hon'? false Does car name starts with 'Hy'? false Does car name starts with 'Mer'? true Does car name starts with 'Land'? true
#Python code for Search operation of tries algorithm class TrieNode: def __init__(self): self.children = {} self.isEndOfWord = False class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = TrieNode() def insert(self, word): curr = self.root for ch in word: if ch not in curr.children: curr.children[ch] = TrieNode() curr = curr.children[ch] curr.isEndOfWord = True def search(self, word): curr = self.root for ch in word: if ch not in curr.children: return False curr = curr.children[ch] return curr.isEndOfWord def startsWith(self, prefix): curr = self.root for ch in prefix: if ch not in curr.children: return False curr = curr.children[ch] return True def getRoot(self): return self.root def printWords(node, prefix): if node.isEndOfWord: print(prefix) for ch, child in node.children.items(): printWords(child, prefix + ch) if __name__ == '__main__': car = Trie() #Inserting the elements car.insert("Lamborghini") car.insert("Mercedes-Benz") car.insert("Land Rover") car.insert("Maruti Suzuki") print("Tries elements are: ") printWords(car.root, " ") #Searching elements print("Searching Cars") #Printing the searched elements print("Found?",car.search("Lamborghini")) # Output: True print("Found?",car.search("Mercedes-Benz")) # Output: True print("Found?",car.search("Honda")) # Output: False print("Found?",car.search("Land Rover")) # Output: True print("Found?",car.search("BMW")) # Output: False #printing elements name starts with? print("Cars name starts with") print("Does car name starts with 'Lambo'?", car.startsWith("Lambo")) # Output: True print("Does car name starts with 'Hon'?",car.startsWith("Hon")) # Output: False print("Does car name starts with 'Hy'?",car.startsWith("Hy")) # Output: False print("Does car name starts with 'Mer'?",car.startsWith("Mer")) # Output: True print("Does car name starts with 'Land'?",car.startsWith("Land")) # Output: True
Tries elements are: Lamborghini Land Rover Mercedes-Benz Maruti Suzuki Searching Cars Found? True Found? True Found? False Found? True Found? False Cars name starts with Does car name starts with 'Lambo'? True Does car name starts with 'Hon'? False Does car name starts with 'Hy'? False Does car name starts with 'Mer'? True Does car name starts with 'Land'? True