Boyer-Moore 算法


Boyer-Moore算法用于确定给定模式是否存在于指定文本中。它采用了一种反向的模式搜索/匹配方法。在一个给定字符串中搜索特定模式的任务被称为模式搜索问题。例如,如果文本是“THIS IS A SAMPLE TEXT”,模式是“TEXT”,则输出应为10,这是模式在给定文本中第一次出现的索引。

该算法由Robert BoyerJ Strother Moore1977年开发。它被认为是最有效和最广泛使用的模式匹配算法。




  • 坏字符启发式 - 此启发式方法使用一个表来存储模式中每个字符的最后出现位置。当文本中某个字符(坏字符)发生不匹配时,算法会检查此字符是否出现在模式中。如果出现,则它会移动模式,使模式中该字符的最后出现位置与文本中的坏字符对齐。如果没有,则它会将模式移过坏字符。

  • 好后缀启发式 - 此启发式方法使用另一个表来存储当坏字符启发式方法失败时的移位信息。在这种情况下,我们会在模式内查找,直到坏字符变成文本的好后缀。然后我们继续移动以查找给定的模式。

Boyer Solution




pattern: "ABC"
Pattern found at position: 5
Pattern found at position: 11



// Function for full suffix match
void computeFullShift(int shiftArr[], int longSuffArr[], char patrn[], int n) {
   int i = n;
   int j = n+1;
   longSuffArr[i] = j;
   while(i > 0) {
      // Searching right if (i-1)th and (j-1)th item are not the same
      while(j <= n && patrn[i-1] != patrn[j-1] ) {
          // to shift pattern from i to j
         if(shiftArr[j] == 0) {
            shiftArr[j] = j-i; 
         // Updating long suffix value
         j = longSuffArr[j]; 
      longSuffArr[i] = j;
// Function for good suffix match
void computeGoodSuffix(int shiftArr[], int longSuffArr[], char patrn[], int n) {
   int j;
   j = longSuffArr[0];
   // Looping through the pattern
   for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
      // setting shift to long suffix value
      if(shiftArr[i] == 0) {
         shiftArr[i] = j; 
         if(i == j) {
            // Updating long suffix value
            j = longSuffArr[j]; 
// Function for searching the pattern
void searchPattern(char orgnStr[], char patrn[], int array[], int *index) {
   // length of the pattern
   int patLen = strlen(patrn); 
   // length of main string
   int strLen = strlen(orgnStr);
   int longerSuffArray[patLen+1];
   int shiftArr[patLen + 1];
   // Initializing shift array elements to 0
   for(int i = 0; i<=patLen; i++) {
      shiftArr[i] = 0;
   // Calling computeFullShift function
   computeFullShift(shiftArr, longerSuffArray, patrn, patLen); 
   // Calling computeGoodSuffix function
   computeGoodSuffix(shiftArr, longerSuffArray, patrn, patLen); 
   int shift = 0;
   while(shift <= (strLen - patLen)) {
      int j = patLen - 1;
      // decrement j when pattern and main string character is matching
      while(j >= 0 && patrn[j] == orgnStr[shift+j]) {
      if(j < 0) {
         // to store the position where pattern is found
         array[(*index)] = shift; 
         shift += shiftArr[0];
      }else {
          shift += shiftArr[j+1];
int main() {
   // original string    
   char orgnStr[] = "AABAAABCEDBABCDDEBC"; 
   // Pattern to be searched
   char patrn[] = "ABC"; 
   // Array to store the positions where pattern is found
   int locArray[strlen(orgnStr)]; 
   int index = -1;
   // Calling the searchPattern function
   searchPattern(orgnStr, patrn, locArray, &index); 
   // Printing the positions where pattern is found
   for(int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
      printf("Pattern found at position: %d\n", locArray[i]);
   return 0;
using namespace std; 
// Function for full suffix match
void computeFullShift(int shiftArr[], int longSuffArr[], string patrn) {
   // length of pattern
   int n = patrn.size(); 
   int i = n;
   int j = n+1;
   longSuffArr[i] = j;
   while(i > 0) {
      // Searching right if (i-1)th and (j-1)th item are not the same
      while(j <= n && patrn[i-1] != patrn[j-1] ) {
          // to shift pattern from i to j
         if(shiftArr[j] == 0) {
            shiftArr[j] = j-i; 
         // Updating long suffix value
         j = longSuffArr[j]; 
      longSuffArr[i] = j;
// Function for good suffix match
void computeGoodSuffix(int shiftArr[], int longSuffArr[], string patrn) {
   // length of the pattern
   int n = patrn.size(); 
   int j;
   j = longSuffArr[0];
   // Looping through the pattern
   for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
      // setting shift to long suffix value
      if(shiftArr[i] == 0) {
         shiftArr[i] = j; 
         if(i == j) {
            // Updating long suffix value
            j = longSuffArr[j]; 
// Function for searching the pattern
void searchPattern(string orgnStr, string patrn, int array[], int *index) {
   // length of the pattern
   int patLen = patrn.size(); 
   // length of main string
   int strLen = orgnStr.size();
   int longerSuffArray[patLen+1];
   int shiftArr[patLen + 1];
   // Initializing shift array elements to 0
   for(int i = 0; i<=patLen; i++) {
      shiftArr[i] = 0;
   // Calling computeFullShift function
   computeFullShift(shiftArr, longerSuffArray, patrn); 
   // Calling computeGoodSuffix function
   computeGoodSuffix(shiftArr, longerSuffArray, patrn); 
   int shift = 0;
   while(shift <= (strLen - patLen)) {
      int j = patLen - 1;
      // decrement j when pattern and main string character is matching
      while(j >= 0 && patrn[j] == orgnStr[shift+j]) {
      if(j < 0) {
         // to store the position where pattern is found
         array[(*index)] = shift; 
         shift += shiftArr[0];
      }else {
          shift += shiftArr[j+1];
int main() {
   // original string    
   string orgnStr = "AABAAABCEDBABCDDEBC"; 
   // Pattern to be searched
   string patrn = "ABC"; 
   // Array to store the positions where pattern is found
   int locArray[orgnStr.size()]; 
   int index = -1;
   // Calling the searchPattern function
   searchPattern(orgnStr, patrn, locArray, &index); 
   // Printing the positions where pattern is found
   for(int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
      cout << "Pattern found at position: " << locArray[i]<<endl;
public class BMalgo {
   // method for full suffix match
   static void computeFullShift(int[] shiftArr, int[] longSuffArr, String patrn) {
      // length of pattern
      int n = patrn.length();
      int i = n;
      int j = n+1;
      longSuffArr[i] = j;
      while(i > 0) {
         // Searching right if (i-1)th and (j-1)th item are not the same
         while(j <= n && patrn.charAt(i-1) != patrn.charAt(j-1)) {
            // to shift pattern from i to j
            if(shiftArr[j] == 0) {
               shiftArr[j] = j-i;
            // Updating long suffix value
            j = longSuffArr[j];
         longSuffArr[i] = j;
   // method for good suffix match
   static void computeGoodSuffix(int[] shiftArr, int[] longSuffArr, String patrn) {
      // length of the pattern
      int n = patrn.length();
      int j;
      j = longSuffArr[0];
      // Looping through the pattern
      for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
         // setting shift to long suffix value
         if(shiftArr[i] == 0) {
            shiftArr[i] = j;
            if(i == j) {
               // Updating long suffix value
               j = longSuffArr[j];
   // method for searching the pattern
   static void searchPattern(String orgnStr, String patrn, int[] array, int[] index) {
      // length of the pattern
      int patLen = patrn.length();
      // length of main string
      int strLen = orgnStr.length();
      int[] longerSuffArray = new int[patLen+1];
      int[] shiftArr = new int[patLen + 1];
      // Initializing shift array elements to 0
      for(int i = 0; i<=patLen; i++) {
         shiftArr[i] = 0;
      // Calling computeFullShift method
      computeFullShift(shiftArr, longerSuffArray, patrn);
      // Calling computeGoodSuffix method
      computeGoodSuffix(shiftArr, longerSuffArray, patrn);
      int shift = 0;
      while(shift <= (strLen - patLen)) {
         int j = patLen - 1;
         // decrement j when pattern and main string character is matching
         while(j >= 0 && patrn.charAt(j) == orgnStr.charAt(shift+j)) {
         if(j < 0) {
            // to store the position where pattern is found
            array[index[0]] = shift;
            shift += shiftArr[0];
         }else {
            shift += shiftArr[j+1];
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // original string
      String orgnStr = "AABAAABCEDBABCDDEBC";
      // Pattern to be searched
      String patrn = "ABC";
      // Array to store the positions where pattern is found
      int[] locArray = new int[orgnStr.length()];
      int[] index = {-1};
      // Calling the searchPattern method
      searchPattern(orgnStr, patrn, locArray, index);
      // Printing the positions where pattern is found
      for(int i = 0; i <= index[0]; i++) {
         System.out.println("Pattern found at position: " + locArray[i]);
# Function for full suffix match
def compute_full_shift(shift_arr, long_suff_arr, patrn):
    # length of pattern
    n = len(patrn)
    i = n
    j = n+1
    long_suff_arr[i] = j
    while i > 0:
        # Searching right if (i-1)th and (j-1)th item are not the same
        while j <= n and patrn[i-1] != patrn[j-1]:
            # to shift pattern from i to j
            if shift_arr[j] == 0:
                shift_arr[j] = j-i
            # Updating long suffix value
            j = long_suff_arr[j]
        i -= 1
        j -= 1
        long_suff_arr[i] = j
# Function for good suffix match
def compute_good_suffix(shift_arr, long_suff_arr, patrn):
    # length of the pattern
    n = len(patrn)
    j = long_suff_arr[0]
    # Looping through the pattern
    for i in range(n):
        # setting shift to long suffix value
        if shift_arr[i] == 0:
            shift_arr[i] = j
            if i == j:
                # Updating long suffix value
                j = long_suff_arr[j]

# Function for searching the pattern
def search_pattern(orgn_str, patrn, array, index):
    # length of the pattern
    pat_len = len(patrn)
    # length of main string
    str_len = len(orgn_str)
    longer_suff_array = [0]*(pat_len+1)
    shift_arr = [0]*(pat_len + 1)
    # Initializing shift array elements to 0
    for i in range(pat_len+1):
        shift_arr[i] = 0
    # Calling compute_full_shift function
    compute_full_shift(shift_arr, longer_suff_array, patrn)
    # Calling compute_good_suffix function
    compute_good_suffix(shift_arr, longer_suff_array, patrn)
    shift = 0
    while shift <= (str_len - pat_len):
        j = pat_len - 1
        # decrement j when pattern and main string character is matching
        while j >= 0 and patrn[j] == orgn_str[shift+j]:
            j -= 1
        if j < 0:
            index[0] += 1
            # to store the position where pattern is found
            array[index[0]] = shift
            shift += shift_arr[0]
            shift += shift_arr[j+1]

# original string
# Pattern to be searched
patrn = "ABC"
# Array to store the positions where pattern is found
loc_array = [0]*len(orgn_str)
index = [-1]
# Calling the search_pattern function
search_pattern(orgn_str, patrn, loc_array, index)
# Printing the positions where pattern is found
for i in range(index[0]+1):
    print("Pattern found at position: ", loc_array[i])


Pattern found at position: 5
Pattern found at position: 11