bzcmp Command in Linux

bzcmp is a handy utility that you can use to compare bzip2 compressed files. It uses the cmp command internally to perform the comparison.

Any options you provide to bzcmp are directly passed to the cmp command. This means you can use cmp options with bzcmp. If you specify only one file (e.g., file1.bz2), bzcmp will compare the compressed file (file1.bz2) with its uncompressed version (file1).

If you specify two files (e.g., file1.bz2 and file2.bz2), bzcmp will uncompress both files if necessary and then compare them using cmp.

bzcmp is a convenient way to compare bzip2 compressed files using the cmp utility. You can pass any cmp options to bzcmp as It handles both single and dual file comparisons by uncompressing files as needed.

Table of Contents

Here is a comprehensive guide to the options available with the bzcmp command −

Syntax of bzcmp Command

The following is the general syntax for the bzcmp command −

bzcmp [cmp_options] file1 [file2]

Where −

  • bzcmp − This is the command used to compare bzip2 compressed files.
  • [cmp_options] − These are optional flags or arguments that you can pass to customize the behavior of the cmp command. Examples include -s for silent mode or -l for listing all differences.
  • [file1] − This is the first file you want to compare. It can be a bzip2 compressed file.
  • [file2] − This is the second file you want to compare. It is optional. If provided, it can also be a bzip2 compressed file.

Examples of bzcmp Command in Linux

In this section, we'll look at how you can use the bzcmp command to compare the contents of bzip2 compressed files.

  • Comparing Two Compressed Files
  • Comparing a Compressed File with an Uncompressed Version
  • Silent Comparison
  • Detailed Comparison

Comparing Two Compressed Files

To compare two compressed files, first create the two files with content as follows −

Contents of samplefilex: "Tutorialspoint bzcmp example file1."
Contents of samplefiley: "Tutorialspoint bzcmp example file2."
Comparing Two Files bzcmp Command 1

Compress both files with the following command −

bzip2 samplefilex
bzip2 samplefiley
Comparing Two Files bzcmp Command 2

Now, compare the two compressed files with the following command −

bzcmp samplefilex.bz2 samplefiley.bz2

In this command, bzcmp compares samplefilex.bz2 and samplefiley.bz2 and returns the first byte position where the data differs.

Comparing Two Files bzcmp Command 3

Comparing a Compressed File with an Uncompressed Version

To compare the compressed file with the uncompressed one, you can use the following command −

bzcmp samplefiley.bz2 samplefilex
Compare Compressed File with Uncompressed

Silent Comparison

To perform a silent comparison, you can use the “-s” option with the bzcmp command −

bzcmp -s samplefilex.bz2 samplefiley.bz2

This command does not output any differences to the terminal. Instead, it compares the files without any output, only indicating if they differ through the exit status.

Silent Comparison bzcmp Command

Detailed Comparison

To show the differences between the two files in a detailed manner, you can use the following command −

bzcmp -l samplefilex.bz2 samplefiley.bz2

This command outputs the byte numbers and differing bytes for all differences.

Detailed Comparison bzcmp Command


The bzcmp command is a valuable tool for comparing bzip2 compressed files within Unix and Linux systems. By leveraging the cmp command internally, bzcmp allows you to compare both single and multiple compressed files efficiently.

It facilitates various types of comparisons, whether you're assessing the differences between two compressed files or comparing a compressed file to its uncompressed counterpart.

The command supports a range of options that can be passed directly to cmp, enabling flexible comparison criteria.

Whether you need a silent comparison without output or a detailed analysis of byte-level differences, bzcmp provides the necessary functionality.

By understanding and utilizing its syntax and options, you can effectively manage and compare compressed file data, ensuring accurate and reliable results in your file processing tasks.
