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kinit - Unix, Linux Command
kinit - kinit is used to obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting tickets. This tool is similar in functionality to the kinit tool that are commonly found in other Kerberos implementations, such as SEAM and MIT Reference implementations.The use must be registered as a principal with the Key Distribution Center (KDC) prior to running kinit.
kinit [ commands ] <principal name>DESCRIPTION
By default, for all Unix platforms a cache file named /tmp/krb5cc_<uid> will be generated. <uid> is the user identification number of the user logged into the system. For all other platforms, a cache file named <USER_HOME>/krb5cc_<USER_NAME> would be generated.<USER_HOME> is obtained from the java.lang.System property user.home. <USER_NAME> is obtained from java.lang.System property user.name. If <USER_HOME> is null, the cache file would be stored in the current directory that the program is running from. <USER_NAME> is the operating systems login username. This username could be different than the users principal name. For example on Solaris, it could be /home/duke/krb5cc_duke, in which duke is the <USER_NAME> and /home/duke is the <USER_HOME>.
By default, the keytab name is retrieved from the Kerberos configuration file. If the keytab name is not specifed in the Kerberos configuration file, the name is assumed to be <USER_HOME>/krb5.keytab
If you do not specify the password using the password option on the command line, kinit will prompt you for the password.
Note: password is provided only for testing purposes. Do not place your password in a script or provide your password on the command line. Doing so will compromise your password.
For more information see the man pages for kinit.
kinit -fp [ -c <cache_name> ] [ -k ] [ -t <keytab_filename> ] [ <principal> ] [ <password> ] [ -help ]Tag | Description |
-f | Issue a forwardable ticket. |
-p | Issue a proxiable ticket. |
-c | <cache_name> The cache name (i.e., FILE:/temp/mykrb5cc). |
-k | Use keytab |
-t | <keytab_filename> The keytab name (i.e., /home/duke/krb5.keytab). |
<principal> | |
The principal name (i.e., [email protected]). | |
<password> | |
The principals Kerberos password. (DO NOT SPECIFY ON COMMAND LINE OR IN A SCRIPT.) | |
-help | Display instructions. |
Requesting credentials valid for authentication from the current client host, for the default services, storing the credentials cache in the default location (/home/duke/krb5cc_duke):
kinit [email protected]
Requesting proxiable credentials for a different principal and storing these credentials in a specified file cache:
kinit -p -c FILE:/home/duke/credentials/krb5cc_cafebeef
[email protected]
Requesting proxiable and forwardable credentials for a different principal and storing these credentials in a specified file cache:
kinit -f -p -c
[email protected]
Displaying the help menu for kinit:
kinit -help
The password flag is for testing purposes only. Do not specify your password on the command line. Doing so is a security hole since an attacker could discover your password while running the Unix ps command, for example.